Frank's Help

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I ran as fast as my malnourished and bruised legs could carry me. I was so ready to leave this place and never look back. The air suddenly whipped right into Olive's face and her smile went all the way to her eyes. When was the last time she smiled? The wind, the power of the moon felt wonderful, all of it. She was free, she stopped long enough to scrunch her toes in the cold grass below and look up to the moon and stars with a giant smile on her face. "Moon, Jasmine, we are finally free. It is so beautiful. I forget the beauty nature held. The color, the life, the smell is everything! I wish I could just lay down and enjoy this moment better. It is just surreal not even an hour ago I thought today would be the day I would die, and now I'm sitting beneath the moon." "Sweetie, we have to keep going if you don't want them to catch you. Not sure how long the king would have suffered or been out of it for. He is probably already searching for us." Moon, being the nicer of the two ladies, tried to get Olive ready to move, so they could keep their freedom. Olive didn't want to, she wasn't even sure how far they would be able to go, if any. Her entire body hurt and she felt like she had absolutely no strength left. She can't even remember the last time she had a meal or drank water. Heck she was surprised with herself with getting as far as she did and that was only so she could enjoy the moon and stars one more time. "Girls, if they find us and still wish for us to be dead, we will let them kill us. I got what I wanted and that is all that I asked from the king. It is so beautiful. I truly did forget how wonderful it was. I am already nothing but broken pieces ladies, no mate, no pack, just us three. If they end our lives, we can go home to the goddess and reunite with the only people to ever truly love us." Both of Olive's other halves whimpered at the thought of them all dying. And the hurt from all the years their human had to suffer. Her body would be scarred forever because they couldn't heal her and now her mind would be scarred. How could she get over the rejection and all that was done to her? She wouldn't think about any of that now. She glanced back towards the moon and stars. Taking a deep breath, she just lay there and enjoyed the wonders of nature. If they found her, they found her. She wasn't going anywhere. She lay there for who knows how long until a strange voice addressed her "Olive Anderson, is that you? I have orders to bring you to my Beta. So please, if you could just follow me, I really don't want to have to be forceful with you. It looks like a strong wind might just split you in half." "What is your name, and who is your Beta? What could your Beta possibly want with me? I am dead, why bother me can't you see that I am enjoying the moon and stars? "My name is Frank mam and my Beta is Beta Giovanni of the Royal pack. I don't know exactly what he wants from you but we were told that no harm was to come to you. We can help you anyway. We could even if you refuse to come with me. I don't think that would come from someone who wants you dead. So please just come with me. If you are having problems getting up and walking, I will gladly carry you, my lady." What should she do? Frank seemed like a gentleman, and she really couldn't go anywhere but where she was. Her body was completely spent. I guess she would have to go and see what the Beta boy wanted with her. Was he going to kill her for his i***t king? Both her ladies said nothing but seemed to huff in agreement. We had no choice but to follow good ol' Frank even if it was going into our own death. "I guess I really have no choice but to go with you. I will, however, need to hitch that ride, since I'm not even sure if I can stand. Thank you for at least being friendly and not making me go through anything else. So if you could just help me, we can be on our way to see what this Beta wants." Frank made his way to Olive slowly to try and prove he wasn't a threat. He bent down to pick her up. She flinched! He pulled away, looking at her with pity. "I won't hurt you, I promise, I'm sorry for whatever it is you went through. I can tell it was a lot, but I won't hurt you. My wolf and I feel we need to protect you. Heck, if the Beta wants to kill you, we will probably just help you escape. He is that adamant that you need protection and are very important." "Frank, what is your wolf name? And I'm sorry it was horrendous, and I don't want to talk about it. I'm sorry for flinching. I tried to control my reaction because I know you were just trying to help but was unable to!" Frank lifted Olive bridal style and started walking with her, so she could meet with her ex-mate's Beta. She was so light he almost tossed her in the air, having expected her to at least weigh something. She frowned up at Frank and wondered what her opinion was of her. Did he know that his king rejected her? Would he still be this kind to her if he knew that she was a reject? They started walking and Olive could no longer keep her eyes open. She was possibly being carried to her death and she was just too exhausted to care. Sometime later: Olive woke up but was lying on a bed, a big, wonderful and comfortable bed. Heck, that might not be true but it had been ages since she had even seen a bed, let alone was able to sleep in one. It could be the most uncomfortable thing in the world, but to her, it was perfect. She didn't in the slightest know where she was at and wondered if she should be worried? Nope, she was going to enjoy every last little thing she could until it was time to die. And this bed right here was perfection, so until someone said otherwise she would just enjoy the cloud-like softness that lay beneath her. Olive started to look around the room. It was bright and painted yellow with sunflower accents to decorate the room. It was marvelous and welcoming. Wherever she was she wished she could stay. Still circling around the room admiring all the cherry-finished antique furniture adorning the room, she noticed that Frank was there. He must have stayed with her while she was asleep. Seems he truly was a gentleman. Guess not all men are like my late Alpha. "Did you sleep well, Olive? I just told one of the omega's to bring you something to eat. The pack doctor said you needed to be on a liquid diet for a bit, so they are gonna bring some broth and jello. Hope that is OK?" Frank said to her in almost a whisper, as though afraid if he raised his voice it would scare her. "Yes! Thank you Frank. I did sleep quite well. In fact, I can't remember the last time I slept that well. Seems like I was asleep for days. How long was I asleep for? And broth is fine. I guess not that it matters. I'm not sure when the last time I even ate. Not that it matters, I am still pretty sure that I am up for execution. Hopefully, they will let me at least attempt a steak or something before they decide to kill me." "Olive, they don't plan to kill you! I already mind-linked the Beta. He will be here soon to talk. That is all that he wants to do is talk, I even asked him. I won't allow anyone to hurt you again. My wolf and I will die in order to protect you. And Olive sweetie, you have only been asleep for maybe two hours." Would Frank really protect her with his life? Why? He was the nicest person she ever met, other than her parents. He was making her feel safe, something she hadn't felt in so long. Frank was like a very over-protective uncle. God was Olive, so thankful that he cared about her. The feeling of being safe is absolutely wonderful.
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