She's Gone

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(mind-linking will be in Italics) Are you out of your mind, Trev? She is your mate and you may never get another! I don't know. She is a wolfless w****. I CAN'T TAKE SOMEONES PET TO BE MY QUEEN! What if she isn't in this situation willingly? It really doesn't look like she is She was kept it a windowless dungeon for goddess’ sake. She is a victim, and you are just hurting her worse. I remember her father. His name was Benjamin. He was an excellent Beta. If he was so excellent, where the hell is he? He died Trev and so did her momma a long time ago. I don't know how old she is, but she had to be a little girl when it happened. Trevor was feeling like a complete fool. Giovanni was right. Rex was right. She was a victim. He was just hurting her more. She was his mate he at least had to let her live. What am I even thinking? I want more than just for her to live. S*** I need to take my rejection back. I want my little purple princess. He was so lost in his thoughts he hadn't realized Olive had started responding, and before he could stop her she accepted the rejection. A pain unlike any Trevor had ever experienced before spread from his heart throughout his entire body. He truly felt he was going to die! "I let her and her ladies go! I never rejected or accepted any sort of rejection. They are still attached to us Trev. Get your head out of your a** and realize they belong to us!" Rex screamed at Trevor, who was still suffering. Trevor lay in anguish for ages. Finally, he was able to stand and gather his wits. She was gone. His purple princess had left and he thought he hated her. He had said such wretched things about her. If he had never seen her again, he would understand, but he would have no other. "Gio where did my mate go? Why didn't you stop her? What have I done?" "She ran away shortly after u hit the floor. I have been watching after you since you fell. I didn't stop her because I didn't want her to die. She deserved her freedom. She was a victim and, if I had to guess, she has been a victim since her parents died. In fact, without specifics, pretty much know it to be true." Giovanni looked at Trevor with anger and what looked like resentment. "What do you mean? You know it to be true? Tell me what it is you know." Did Trevor just make the biggest mistake of his life? What was he thinking? A mate is a gift and he just shattered his already broken mate. Wait, Rex said. Did she have a wolf? How did I miss that? " She is three." Rex decided to tell me out of nowhere. What the hell does that even mean? "You are my human but you are truly a fool. She is three. Olive is human, Moon is her wolf and Jasmine is her tiger. They are magnificent. I don't even know if I will ever see them again. I hate you right now, Trev." After Rex said his bit he seemed to disappear, making Trevor hurt even more. He chased away his gift from the goddess. His wolf hated him! His Beta seemed to agree with his wolf. Why did he treat her like that? It was obvious with the gag she couldn't respond, but he kept pushing it. He truly was a monster. He had to get her back and try and at least help her get healthy again. Anything, he had to find her and quickly. "Gio I want our warriors out there searching for her. I need her back. What a fool I was. Why did you let me treat her that way?" Trevor was in hysterics. He was an i***t and, instead of being able to be the knight in shining armor, he destroyed the little bit of life his mate had left. How long was she stuck in this room, and what had that monster done to his mate? She was so willing to die you could see it in her eyes. I was jealous and thought she was mourning that i***t. Maybe she was so agreeable to death because of what she had been through. I didn't even try and talk to her. I thought she was wolfless, and it turns out she is a hybrid shifter. Not sure if there has ever been such a thing. Also beginning to wonder how she handles all of that going on in her head. Gio ripped the king from his thoughts as he decided to speak. "My king, the warriors are all sent out and are looking for any signs from your mate. Well, if you can even call her that anymore, you rejected her after all. And she in turn accepted it if you didn't notice. So do you think she really is a hybrid? She stated three names in her acceptance? What do you think she is mixed with if she is a hybrid? I myself thought she looked marvelous. Very original a one of a kind kinda gal!" "I don't know Gio. According to Rex, he didn't reject her, so we are still connected. He made me suffer all the pains solo that took me so long to recover. He did it, so they could escape, says he loves her already and did so as soon as he saw her. Even before he knew, she was a hybrid and had not only a wolf but a tiger as well. I really screwed all this up. What did you mean by knowing that she suffered just not to what extent?" "I talked to a few of the pack members. Turns out that the Alpha told the whole pack that Olive died the same day as her parents. They had a funeral and everything. She was supposedly ripped apart by rogues! The story is the same for both her parents. Kind of wondering if the Alpha didn't kill her parents just so he could take her. Looking into her age to man she isn't even 18 will be in two days. She has been supposedly dead though for almost 8 years, at least that is what the royal registry states." Gio looked like he was almost in tears at thinking what could have happened to his queen. Whether Trevor accepted her or not was his wolf and he agreed she was their queen. "So what has he been doing to my mate for the last 8 years? Why the hell was I so stupid? I really hope that she is okay and that she can survive until we can find her. She was so okay with dying. That's why I thought she loved that pervert Alpha. I thought she was mourning her lover's death." "Did you even look at all of her? She was nothing but a bag of bones. Who knows when the last time he is let her eat? She had scars on top of scars all over her body and her skin was so pale she looked like a ghost. Tell me Trevor, how does any of that make her look like she was a voluntary participant?" Trevor didn't answer Gio. He didn't want to because the truth was he had no come back and nothing to say. He just noticed how beautiful she was. He hadn't thought she looked like she had suffered at all, he must have looked over her mal-treatment just happy to gaze upon her beauty. He was also in a rage about seeing her in a s****l manner, he truly thought the worst of her and without ever having said anything to her. He was a true monster and deserved to be alone forever. He just hoped she was okay and would get her happiness in the end. Finally, he knew what to say. "Gio we have to find her. If she is really in that bad shape, she won't survive out there on her own. Even if she never accepts me or forgives me, I want her found and safe. If she doesn't want to come home to the Royal pack, we will find somewhere she can be safe and have a happy life! Get it done quickly! We need to find her before something else bad happens to her!"
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