
1470 Words
Being almost 30, just like my best friend and King, I have to say I cannot believe that he rejected his fated mate. She was obviously not a willing participant in anything that happened to her. Hell, we don't even know exactly what happened to her. He didn't even ask her or the Alpha he killed. Sitting in this stupid flower-themed hotel waiting for Frank to let me know when sleeping beauty was awake. He asked to stay with her. Well, rather he refused to leave her side. He said something about his wolf refusing to leave, said that he wanted to protect her. I let him stay with her and told him to link me once she was awake. It's been almost two hours and all I had done was sit in this bright pink azalea-themed room. What was this hotel thinking? I guess if it was all girls it would be a blast to hang out in a room like this. Me a big burly and when I say big I mean big! I'm about 6'8" and 350 of pure muscle. I keep my hair high and tight just like if I was in the military. Can't have an enemy grab hold of my hair and use it to advantage. I have dark black hair and bright green eyes with a full beard. I'm sure the receptionist was wondering what in the world brought me here. The Sun Pack is located in southern Ohio very out of the way. The roads we took to get there I doubt were even on a map. It had to be the most miserable pack I had ever visited. It was like the trailer park of packs. I decided upon myself to not bring Olive back to the pack house. Something happened to her, and it was awful, and he wasn't going to force her to stay somewhere that contained her trauma. He hadn't even told Trevor that Frank had found her yet. He wanted to see what all happened to her and see what she wanted. If he told his pig-headed king she was here, well he would have been here already. He didn't shut up for a total of five minutes. Constantly mind-linking me to ask if we had found her. Well, I guess he shouldn't have rejected her, and he wouldn't have to worry now, would he? "Beta the Luna Queen is awake. Please be kind and show her respect when you come to speak with her. This child is so precious. I don't know what was done to her, but I know it wasn't good. I won't let anyone hurt her again. I've decided to adopt her. I will show this child all the love and protection she has missed out on." "Frank, not sure if I am okay with you giving me orders, but I assure you I will show her respect and kindness. I will be there in a few." Well, shall we go and see our Luna Queen? My wolf Cas was in agreement. He was ready to see his Queen and make sure she was OK. Whether Trevor wanted to admit it or claim it she was the queen, and we were responsible for making sure she was well cared for. No one would hurt our queen, not even our Alpha King. I knocked on the door once I reached her room. I reserved her a sunflower room thinking it would remind her of the sun and being outside. Frank must have been waiting because I barely connected to the door before it opened, revealing Frank. "Hi Frank, WOW, this room is really bright isn't it?" "Yep! But the queen seems to love it so that makes me happy. She is lying down but awake and ready to talk. So if you will just follow me, Beta." "Frank call me Gio. You know I don't like to be addressed as Beta. Let's get this over with. Not exactly looking forward to having to talk to her about such sensitive topics." "Hello Olive, my name is Giovanni Lopez, and I am the Royal Beta. I know that you have been through quite a bit and was wondering if you wouldn't mind sharing with me just what you went through these past 8 years. I was the one required to figure out what to do with this pack. It is going to be disbanded, but we need to know who was all involved with what happened to you and exactly what did happen." "Giovanni, it is a pleasure to meet you. I guess well, at least you are nice to me. And I will do my best to tell you everything you need to know, but it isn't much. The alpha killed my parents and told everyone in the pack I was dead too. He told the pack that it was a rogue, but it was him. He killed them. He killed him in cold blood and stabbed my father with a silver knife, with his back turned. He then killed my mother while she was suffering from the pain of her mate dying. He killed her by ripping her head off in front of me. I passed out shortly after he killed her and I woke up where you found me. We went out that day to practice my tracking skills. I was supposed to take over as Beta someday and my father wanted me to be the best. All I ever wanted to do was make them proud, and just look at what had become of me." Her body started racking with sobs. The poor girl had to watch her parents be murdered by her Alpha. An Alpha that by all accounts should have been like an uncle to her. "Why did he kill them and take you? What happened to you all these years? Do you know if anyone else is involved?" "I don't know why he killed them. Before their death I always remember him and Luna. We were like a happy family. He was best friends with my dad. I have absolutely no idea what he wanted with me or why he didn't kill me. I don't even know what happened to the Luna. The only information I ever received was what was force-fed to me by Master." Her sobs somehow managed to get harder, how he wished he didn't have to continue with his questioning. His poor queen had suffered enough with what she had told him, and he knew there was more. "I know this is hard, Olive. Could you tell me what he did to you? What have you suffered through? I have to know everything even if you don't want to talk about it. I will record your statements on the matter, so it only ever has to be said once. I know that you don't want to relive it but please, I need to know." "Well then, Beta, if you need to know, then I will tell you. After the death of my parents, I woke up where you found me. It was my hell. Every day, I would awaken and wait for the vile Alpha to show. He was the only person I ever saw. Well, I saw plenty of spiders and mice, but human wise just him. He would come and very rarely he would give me a piece of bread or a bottle of water but that is all I was ever given to eat or drink. Most days, with or without food, he would give me an injection of either silver or wolfsbane. Then he would start getting into the bag he brought with him every day. He would get a...all..." She just stopped talking and started to hyperventilate. What am I supposed to do to help her now? "Frank try and get her to calm down and breathe. I am going to have to mind-link the Alpha and a doctor. " Frank went towards Olive in order to calm her down and get her to try and breathe. Hey Trev, can you come to the Flower hotel? It's like 20 minutes in the car up the road from the pack, 10 if you and Rex want to shift. Heck, maybe 5 for Rex. Did you find my mate, Beta? If not, I will not be going anywhere. I have been as patient as I can be. Where is she? She is here Alpha. Just get here quickly, she needs you well, she might get better with you. Not really sure if you can comfort an ex-mate. I'm on my way Beta and I have taken back my rejection, so she IS MY MATE! Well, now they just had to wait for the very angry and unstable Alpha to get here.
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