The Second Mate

1485 Words
"Ah look Olive, right there is King Razule. Wonder how long he had been here before we arrived? Brax told Olive, who was shaking in the backseat. "What is wrong, Olive? You seem super anxious and stressed, sweetheart. If this is too much, we can turn around right now and get a hotel room and stay away from the pack until you feel more comfortable. They will love you, though I promise you that." Trevor told Olive while grabbing her hand for comfort. Olive started bawling to the point of hyperventilating. "It'!" "You aren't making any sense. I promise I won't hate you. I think that is what it was you were trying to say. I am your mate. I understand that we didn't exactly start off on the right foot, but I told you I really want this to work. I think I'm falling in love with you already and Rex, well he is absolutely in love already." Trevor squeezed her hand tighter in reassurance and he could tell that she was starting to calm down and relax. Olive was taking deep breaths, she knew she needed to tell Trevor what was going on. She was a blubbering i***t and knew he had no idea what was actually going on. "My ladies have just informed me that King Razule is also my mate. We are three, so I guess the moon goddess thought the ladies each deserved their own counterpart. I'm so sorry Trevor, I don't know what to say, and I am absolutely terrified that you will hate me again and also terrified of that other King as well." "I don't even know how to respond to that one sweetheart. Rex is at a loss as well, but for some reason I am not raging with jealousy. Which is weird, that is what happened when I first saw you the way that I did. Rex and I went into a jealous fit of rage. Rex seems to be accepting, so I guess we will figure this one out together too. You are my mate and I refuse to lose you, so we will just have to do what is needed not to lose you! Can we, that is, Rex and I ask a small favor before we meet your new mate?" Trevor looked at her with his biggest puppy dog eyes he could manage. "Thank you for understanding, I think? I'm afraid of getting out of the vehicle. Do we have to? And, of course, you can ask me a favor!" Olive rambled really quickly, overly excited he wasn't angry with her. "Can we please get a kiss like I really really want to kiss you! He could be second, but please let us be first. I can't stop thinking about those plump lips." Trevor was still putting forward the puppy dog eyes. "Can we at least wait until Pappy and Frank have exited?" Olive was bright red with embarrassment, the two were laughing in the background at her comment. "Could you two please give us a moment? Brax if you could go to King Razule and try to calm him? He will smell Olive as soon as the doors open. I want a civil confrontation between us all! I will not allow Olive to suffer anything else she has been through enough already!" Trevor asked the two and both nodded to him in acknowledgment and exited the vehicle. Olive was bright red and super anxious, so much, so she rushed into his face and quickly gave him a peck on his lips. Trevor, however, wasn't having it and grabbed her by the chin just as she was about to rip her face away. He gently started to kiss her, next biting her lip as he swept his tongue in her mouth. He tasted wonderful, like cotton candy and sparks. She was starting to get weird feelings and new he was getting her turned on by a simple kiss. Her first kiss, though it was an amazing first kiss, she thought! Olive placed her hand on her now swollen lips and just stared into Trevors eyes, wondering what he thought of her now. She hoped he was feeling like she did. She felt like she was full of butterflies, her skin rippling with energy, and his wonderful scent was drool worthy! "That was my first kiss!" Olive told him breathlessly. "Perfection, you are just simply perfection sweetheart! That was the most amazing kiss I have ever had." Trevor stared at her with lust in his eyes. "It was pretty good for me too. I'm glad that I wasn't too bad at it." Olive blushed a deep red while talking to Trevor. "Shall we go and meet this mate of yours? I would rather like it if we could all retire and get to know each other better. Well I want to know you better and realize he has to tag along!" Trevor, chuckling lightly, told Olive. Olive nodded her head because now that she had to meet him she wasn't able to speak. She was so agitated, she really hoped that he wasn't mean to her. She wasn't sure she would be able to handle it. Trevor got out and ran to Olive's side of the vehicle and helped her out. The pair started to walk to the front doors of the pack house, where her mate was standing. Olive couldn't help but notice how impatient Razule looked. She wanted to gauge his expression before they reached him. Please don't let him yell at me she thought. She wasn't even sure if she wanted his first mate and here she was strapped down for a second. She didn't even know if he liked her or wanted to reject her. This was ridiculous, she thought. Grow a backbone even if he rejects me, I still have Trevor right? He was handsome, just as tall as Trevor but with white blonde hair and crystal blue eyes. He could have any female he wanted. Olive knew she was walking towards rejection. He was far too good-looking to want her, it was a miracle that Trevor changed her mind. "Ladies, please give me strength. If he rejects me, I want to be able to stand tall as I walk away from him!" Olive wanted to be prepared for the inevitable. She wouldn't look weak in front of anyone ever again. She would be ready. "Cuppy this is King Razule, and if I am not mistaken by recent observations, he is also your mate?" Brax finally snapped Olive out of her spiraling thoughts of self hate. "Yes pappy." That was all that Olive could answer. She had tried to talk herself up into being strong and head high and all that! Who was she kidding? She was a coward, weak and pathetic. Nobody would ever want her, they would all leave her eventually. She was nothing after all. Alpha told her that! She was on the verge of tears, doing her best to stay strong. She lifted her eyes enough to get caught in Razules beautiful baby blues. "I will accept your rejection without a fuss, I am sorry that you were unlucky enough to be mated. To me!" Olive said barely above a whisper, but everyone present during this introduction heard and everyone gave a collective gasp. "Why in goddess' name did you say that sweetheart?" Trevor was mortified at the way Olive perceived herself. How long would it take for his broken mate to heal? Would she ever heal? "Trevor, he will reject me. He might as well be upfront instead of beating around the bush. I am under no illusions about what my life was in the past. You will reject me eventually. I am just being realistic. Nobody wants the broken crazy lady!" Olive didn't want to argue, she wanted to get it over with, so she could go and hide. Hide away and let all her bottled feelings loose. She was so sick of living, and she had no way of getting out of it. Her thoughts were turning very dark, she started to think of all the way she could try and kill herself. A guillotine, perhaps. She couldn't live with her head detached. Her luck would just be a head that has to live forever stuck in one place. Her thoughts were spiraling so out of control she wasn't paying attention to what was happening around her. She was losing her mind! "Why would I ever reject such beauty? Please stop talking or thinking about yourself in such horrid ways!" King Razule looked towards Olive, the liquid filling his eyes. His mate must have been through a lot, but he would always love her and care for her. She would never be hurt again. He would help put together the broken pieces. "So you don't want to reject me then?"
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