2 Mates?

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"Why in the world would I ever reject you? I remember you as a little girl. We used to play together all the time and, if I am being honest, I think I had a crush on you even back then. There is no way now or in the future where I will be rejecting you." Razule looked her right in the eye while he told her his thoughts. "Don't be so sure, you don't know what I have been through, and also I already have one mate. Will that be acceptable to you? He doesn't know if he will be accepting me yet, and he was my rescuer." Olive, almost in tears, told him. Razule reached his arm out and grabbed Olive into a tight hug. "I don't care what you have been through, and I also don't care if we must share you. My tiger understands and accepts Trevor as your mate as well. You are my dream come true. I could never be happier than having you as a mate. I have loved you almost my entire life and the goddess truly has granted me the best gift ever!" "Well know that we have all introduced ourselves, well sorta. I am Trevor, by the way. Would we all like to make it inside, perhaps my office, and we can have lunch and get to know each other better? Trevor looked at both Olive and Razule questioningly. "Yes, let's do that! I am sure that we have a lot to talk about. This will affect two kingdoms. We need to start talking in specific. I will share her with you, but I will not be left wanting." Razule stated rather rudely. "I don't think we need to talk in specifics yet. Let's just get Olive comfortable and make sure she is okay. She has been through a lot and has a lot to heal from. I would also like to state Razule that although she is our mate, neither of us own her. She still has a right to accept or refuse us. She has yet to be marked. Perhaps we both should attempt our best to woe her the way she deserves, hmm?" Trevor said in an almost condescending tone. He knew he had already messed up with Olive and needed to earn her trust. He also knew what she had been through, he saw it with his own eyes. But it was the right thing to do. They needed to help her heal from what happened. He knew how broken she was, maybe Razule just wasn't aware of what had happened all these years. "Umm actually, can I just take a nap somewhere? I am so overwhelmed and so exhausted, I think I just really need to be alone. I really do want to get to know you both and the ladies are biting at the bit, but I am so tired. So Trevor, could you please take me somewhere for a nap?" Olive was so overwhelmed and didn't like that Razule to her seemed angry already. She didn't want to make them mad, she didn't know what he would do if he got angry. She didn't want to start her new beginning off badly. "Yes sweetheart, if you will follow me I will show you the guest room right next to mine. It will be yours until you are ready to share. If you are ever ready to share, I should say." Trevor started towards the pack house to lead Olive to the Luna's suite which was right next door to his own. It had a connecting door. He wasn't going to tell her about it but it was comforting to know he had a way to get to her if he ever needed to. "You are my mate Trev just give me time, and I am sure we will be ready to share. I just need to be alone for a bit. This is all a bit much, and to be honest, I'm still stuck in that room in my head." Olive looked at Trevor truly content with the way he was handling everything. He was just in a jealous rage, she thought, because he had been nothing but nice since he calmed from that initial meeting. "Does that mean that you will be accepting me, sweetheart? That would make both Rex and I really happy, but take your time if you still need to, to decide. But do you? Do you accept me as your mate? Please put me out of my misery and answer? Trevor was excited about the prospect of her already accepting him. He would still do whatever he could to always show her she was loved and wanted. "Yes, Trevor, we three all accept you, we aren't quite ready for, you know, marking and mating. After... I just need time, but we would like to be your mate very much." Olive looked at Trevor with a genuinely happy smile on her face. When was the last time she actually smiled and it was genuine? "May I have a kiss, sweetheart? You just made me the happiest man, and don't worry about the other stuff whenever you are ready." Trevor looked at Olive as she gave a slight nod and that was all that he needed. He lurched towards her and roughly planted a kiss on her lips. He wanted to put all his feelings into that one kiss. He wants her to know how much he loves her already. She was truly his everything and he didn't even know when it happened. He bit her bottom lip, and she let out a gasp, allowing him to taste her mouth, which was oh so sweet. Olive released a moan and Trevor knew he had to stop the kiss. If he didn't, they would go further, and she wasn't ready for that yet. Reluctantly, Trevor pulled away from the kiss and just wrapped her into a tight hug. "Hey, not fair do I to get a kiss liv? Razule looked at Olive in almost a begging matter. These men were going to be the death of her. She was feeling so overwhelmed and full of butterflies. They were both definitely making her feel alive. Her new beginning was off to a promising start. Liv she remembered he used to call her that as a kid. He also told her he was going to change his name to popeye. The memory made her smile, she also realized that they were drawing an audience. She needed to stop getting lost in her thoughts, but thinking that she started spiraling again. "Would you just snap out of it and kiss our second mate? He is starting to think that you don't want to and that isn't it, is it? Crazy girl snap out of it, he is so sexy, and we would like that kiss now. All of us are so Hello!" Jasmine screamed at Olive to snapped her out of her thoughts and answer their poor mate he was starting to look really sad. "Razule, shouldn't I be calling you Popeye? I remember you telling me you'd change your name, so you could be the Popeye to my Olive oil!" Olive gave a smirk towards him awaiting his reply. "You remember that? I am now and always have been your Popeye!" Razule told her. "Then get over here and kiss me you fool! Then if you gentleman would be so kind as to get me to my nap, I would be grateful. I am not really sure how I am even standing. I am so tired." Olive looked to both her mates. Razule went towards Olive, she closed her eyes waiting for the kiss, ready for the kiss. He didn't kiss her. Instead, he lifted her up bridal style. "Did you hear that Trevor, we had best get her off to bed, I will wait for that kiss Olive, lean back and relax and let me carry you." Razule continued following Trevor up to Olive's new bedroom. She quickly felt asleep in his arms. Both men were very happy to have found their mate. The adventure was truly going to start.
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