On Our Way

1381 Words
After breakfast, we all loaded back into the vehicle the same way we had on the way here. Olive was suddenly exhausted. Shouldn't she be feeling better and more energized now that she had eaten? Hopefully, the ride to the airport didn't take too long because she wasn't quite sure if she would be able to stay awake. So much has happened, and was still going to happen. "You can lean your head on my shoulder and rest if you want, you look exhausted love. It will take us a good half hour to reach the tarmac and be able to head home, so just rest." Trevor gently swayed Olive's head to his shoulder. The contact was electrifying and satisfying all at the same time. Olive released a contented sigh and closed her eyes. She loved being close to Trevor and touching him. He instantly calmed her down and relaxed her, which she knew was only the mate bond. She was still going to be leery of him for a while. He had been nothing but horrid to her. She would, however, relish the effects of the mate bond. She had never felt so safe and cared for, at least not for a very long time. (Sometime later) Olive woke up and was no longer leaning against Trevor, asleep, no, she was lying in a bed next to him. Where was she? How long had she been asleep? Wait, she was on a plane. That has to be why it felt so weird. So his plane was fancy enough. It had a bedroom. He must truly have some money, not that it mattered to her. She just wanted to be loved over everything else. It was fascinating though, being able to sleep while being so high in the air. Now that she had stopped freaking out about where she was now, she started freaking out about whether she should wake Trevor up or just leave him and venture out of the room alone. Her pappy was on board somewhere, so she could just let him sleep. He looked so handsome when he was sleeping, innocent. Definitely not like the stern and wicked man I have seen him to be. She decided to leave him to sleep. She slowly started to remove herself. He had his arm firmly holding her down by the waist. "Where do you think that you are going, little mate, or my purple princess, whichever endearment you prefer? That was the best nap that I have had in a long time. Trevor had a giant smile on his face, but his eyes were still closed. He was awake the entire time. She was internally freaking out. She was positive he was, and he would also know how her heart was racing and the anxiousness she contained. How much longer until they were in his pack? "Um, how long until we get there? Just so you know, I can go to talk to pappy and mentally prepare myself, ya know? Also, I'm not sure what proper protocol will be in meeting a king and I really don't want to embarrass you or myself." Olive was visibly anxious and shaking. "We will be landing in less than 10 minutes. After we land, it takes about 45 minutes to get to the pack. Meeting a royal is no different from meeting anyone else, especially since you are the Luna Queen after all. Stop being so nervous all the time, you need to take a big deep breath and relax sweetie." Trevor gave her that panty-dropping smile that would someday be the death of her. Trevor was spot on, in almost exactly 10 minutes they had landed, and they all once again loaded up into a sleek black vehicle. Only this time it was a SUV instead of a car. This new beginning was sure to take forever to get to. The car ride was entertaining. Pappy suggested we all play a king of twenty questions to get to know each other better or again. She wasn't sure what her answers would as her recent life had been rather unpleasant, but she was going to give it a go! (for the purposes of the question game O=Olive, T=Trevor, F=Frank, B=Brax(Pappy)) B: What is everyone's favorite color? That is a pretty easy one to start. Mine is orange btw. T:It used to be blue, but now it is purple, just like my mate's eyes and hair. F: Black makes me feel like a ninja! O: I love all the colors! I can't decide on any of them. They are all marvelous! T: What is your favorite season? B: Spring is my favorite, it isn't to cold or hot and all the new growth is starting to sprout. F: Fall. I love the colors right before all the leaves fall and the moon seems better somehow. O: Winter is my favorite. Yes, it's cold. It would give you a reason to cuddle up under a blanket by a warm fire. It also snows in winter, so it would match both of my ladies' fur. Would be great camouflage if you ever needed to hide! B: Wait, both of your ladies are white? You haven't shifted yet, so how do you know that? If they are both white, that is extremely rare and could mean you even get gifted with powers. You are such a special cuppy. I am so happy that you are still alive! O: They told me that we are white, and they have already told me of the possibility of powers. We already have the immortality thing. So who knows if there will be anything else? Kinda feel it's a curse part and not a gift part, but I guess I don't get a choice but to take it right! After the revelation of the whole white thing, the rest of the ride was really quiet. Olive tried to enjoy the scenery, but it was just desert miles and miles of it. The sun was super bright though, and for the first time in her life she saw what a cactus looked like in real life. I saw some kind of buzzard things eating some gross dead thing and also spotted a lizad. Well, maybe she spotted a lizard. She was gonna stick with that story. She made the best of the ride in her quiet solitude, enjoying nature's grandeur! She was rather tired and was a little annoyed the adventure was taking so long, but she was still trying to remain optimistic. Her new beginning was starting, if they ever arrived at it. They finally arrived at a set of intricate gates and were let in immediately. "Welcome Home Luna Queen Olive! This is your new pack!" Trevor almost shouted, the excitement noticeable. Olive was amazed, it was beautiful, but she couldn't get focused on enjoying her new home because something other than Trevor was smelling amazing, and she couldn't figure out what it was. The ladies seemed to be prowling. What could it possibly be? Maybe she was just starving. It smelled like strawberry shortcake after all, so someone was probably just cooking, and she was just starving. If she didn't already have a mate, that is what she would think it was. "Ladies, what do you think that smell is?" Olive asked. "It's our mate, we have two mates, not one but two!" Jasmine replied to Olive. Olive now felt like she was going to pass out, she can't go this Trevor had already called her name in the past. She was still a virgin for goddess’s sake! How was she supposed to have two mates? "We are three. That is why we have two. Both Jasmine and I will have a counterpart mate!" Moon tried to calm Olive down while still explaining. All Olive could think about was the fact she had two mates and Trevor was going to be mean again. She just knew it. What was she going to do with two mates, and who is the second one? She was going to find out because, as she was losing her s***, the SUV kept driving, and now they were parked in front of what she assumed was the packhouse.
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