Alpha King Trevor

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Can't believe I had to come to this godforsaken pack. Hate the Alpha, hate the scenery, just all of it. I don't want to do this and hate everything in me that I have to do my kingly duties. Reports had been sent to the castle stating the Sun Pack was making very questionable decisions and the Alpha was a real piece of work. He was vile and nasty towards his pack members, even disdainful to his ranked members. Giovanni my Beta is a giant pain in my a** but he looked out for his people and always had my back. As the vehicles arriving with me came to a stop I realized we had arrived at our destination. "Gio I want to be in and out got it? Hopefully, the Alpha is just a pain and nothing is really going on, and we can head home! So chop chop I haven't got all day, go find this ruddy Alpha!" Giovanni took off to get to the king's orders. Trevor just let his wander around, and what he saw was insufferable. His kingdom of wolves should be proud and take care of their territories. After all, Trevor himself had supplied this pack with upwards of 10 million dollars in order to upgrade and maintain the pack. Something the Alpha said was lacking, which, as the king saw, was absolutely correct. Where did his money go? This place looked like a junkyard, in the literal sense. Scrap metal and junk cars were littering the lawn, and the pack building looked like a strong wind would topple over. This was the Sun Pack. What a joke. Maybe he should just dismantle the pack because it wasn't worthy of his Kingdom! He could make the lot of them rogues and just head home. The idea was tempting and just as Trevor was about to decide to do just that, his wolf gave off a ferocious growl. "You will not make this pack rogues. You are the king, so start acting like it. Look for those that actually need help and are worthy of leaving this atrocious pack. The Alpha may be bad, the wolves here are not. They need you to help them, so do that, you stupid fool. Not sure why I got stuck with you, just do what you are supposed to and quit b*******!" "Chill Rex I got this and will do what I am supposed to. Can't I complain to myself? Just because I will do what is required doesn't mean that I want to, it would be so much easier to just walk away." "I know human, but I have a great feeling about Sun Pack. I'm positively giddy and can't stop feeling this way! I hope that means our mate is here! I'm so tired of looking for her and waiting for her! We are 30, after all, and the Kingdom needs its Queen." Could his mate really be in this godforsaken place? Well, guess the only way to find out is forward. Trevor started heading towards the front door of the pack house, not a single ranked member present to even acknowledge his presence. This Alpha was already off on the wrong foot. Hopefully, Gio will be back soon, and we can dismiss him, if he can find the degenerate that is! Just from the look of the territory, pack, and lack of respect, Trevor knew he was taking out the entirety of ranked members! Walking into the pack house was even worse, so he turned sharply on his heels and went right back outside. The smell of mold was overwhelming. The stench was too much for Trevor. He would wait for Gio outside. This would be taken care of swiftly if he didn't want to stay there, and from the looks of the place, it really wasn't worthy for any wolf to stay in. He had been standing outside in front of the pack house for approximately 10 minutes and still not a single person had greeted him. He hadn't even seen anyone other than the warriors he had brought along with him. Eyes peeled looking for anything, a threat, sign of life, anything, Trevor finally noticed Gio dragging along a rather sinister-looking man. This must be the Alpha, he sure didn't look like he would be much of a fight, the smile he had on his face was creeping Trevor out. He reminded him of some crazed serial killer about to share all his secrets. What exactly was going on in this pack? Trevor held an aggressive stance and held his head high, this miserable prick would know just who he was soon enough. "Where did you find him? This pack is in deplorable conditions. We will be taking anyone that wishes to leave with us!" Giovanni looked exasperated. "He was unwinding a water hose. Not sure what he was planning with it or why but his determination was admirable. He put up quite a fight, told him his presence was requested in front of the king and he told me to rub off. He had more important things to do than entertain any such king. Said he was about to get what he had been waiting years for. Asked me if I would give him about an hour before meeting with you." "Did he tell you why he needed an hour and what was up with the hose?" "Nope he shut up real quick when I informed him he wouldn't be getting an hour and he needed to present himself immediately to you." "Well what say you, Alpha? What is with the hose, and why request an hour? You know that I am not a patient man, so please tell me what was so bloody important that you would disregard proper respect and go about your own whims?" The Alpha with his sinister smile didn't look bothered or affected at all by the king. He looked at him with disdain. "Who cares that you are the king? I have put time and effort into something of importance for the past 8 years. I was so close to reaping the rewards of my efforts. Your stupid Beta stopped me just moments away from my prize. The hose was to clean up my prize. It got a little dirty, and I wanted it spotless before I put it to use. So tell me what it is you want so I can get back to doing what I was doing it is the only thing of importance to me." "What is this prize that you speak of? I have heard of no missions you were required to be involved with, so what has taken 8 years?" The Alpha now let out a maniacal laugh."My prize is an Olive and my oh my can't I wait to devour it." "What? Are you talking about a person? Where is she and what have you done to her? "I haven't done a thing, HAHAHA, and you will never find it. IT is my prize not yours! I don't care that you are a king, you can't have it, it is my toy, my pet." Was this b****** really referring to a female as an it, and item nothing more than a pet. What kind of monster was this Alpha, was the female at least a willing participant in what seems to be his dark twisted fantasy's. "Did this female give you her permission to turn her into a pet? Females are to be revered not treated like pets, what is wrong with you? Again I ask where is she?" "NO! I will tell you no such thing and hope you rot you good for nothing king! I will just be leaving to go back to what I was doing, and I would kindly ask that you leave!" It was the last statement that did it. Trevor extended his claws in a flash and quicker than anyone's eyes he tore the heart out of the disrespectful Alpha. It was going to happen anyways but Trevor really wished he had made him suffer more or at least gotten some information out of him! Gio looked to his King. "I know where he was coming from, come on. We will see if we can't find this pet of his. Hopefully she was just some willing Alpha groupie and this doesn't turn into something worse." The king and Gio headed towards where Gio knew the girl was. Trevor thought that they were going to be walking into this guys version of a red room. What he saw was not what he expected. A girl with the brightest purple hair and weirdest eyes I had ever seen was hanging from a ceiling with tears pouring from her face. "MATE!!!" Rex screamed to Trevor. His mate was stunning and unlike any female he had ever seen before. She was that Alpha's pet though. How revolting. Guess I will be rejecting her once I get everything in this stupid pack figured out. Can't even smell a wolf on her, so she must just be some slutty human. "You will not reject our mate Trevor. She is perfect and fragile and meek and ours. Even if she doesn't have a wolf I will love her, our purple princess. I can't wait to mark her and make her ours." "You will do no such thing. She is nothing but a slutty human woman. That is what you want to make our queen. Look at her. She allowed this Alpha to use her in this way. What kind of self-respecting woman would ever do that? She is nothing to me and certainly will not be any mate of mine." "You shut that blasphemous mouth in this instance. If you even think about rejecting our mate, I will never let you shift again. Then I will be willing to rip my soul from your body to return to the goddess. Talk poorly of her and the same will occur. She is perfection and the only mate I will ever take. Suck it up or be meatless because SHE IS MINE!!!!" Rex was hysterical as he talked to Trevor about their mate. Trevor tried to do anything he could to remain in control. She really was their mate and he was going to have to make it work or he would be the wolfless king.
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