Loss of Innocence

1397 Words
The Alpha once again stalked towards Olive in order to insert her new torture equipment. "MMMMMMMMMMM" Olive couldn't even scream out her pain properly as she was already gagged. She could feel how badly her back area ripped as the Alpha inserted the plug. He, however, looked ready to pounce. The lust he was displaying was almost radiating into the air. Olive could smell his arousal even without the aided senses from her other halves. She was under the spell of wolfsbane, so neither of her other halves were present for the torture Olive was receiving. "Pet you look so perfect. The most perfect little pet, you look so good for your Master! Are you ready for me because I am going to take you now! Hard, rough, and fast, I plan on breaking you in quickly. I plan on using you as often as I can. After your training is complete, I will have to start sharing you, for now, though you're all mine!" Olive was shaking violently at this point and the waterworks could not be shut off. She had never done a single thing wrong her entire life. She was a good girl, the one that always followed all the rules and tried to make her parents proud. How did she end up here in this situation? What was wrong with just growing up, finding a mate and happily ever after? Now the one thing that she could hold onto, the one thing this monster of an Alpha hadn't taken from her. He was going to take that from her too. There would be no returning to any sort of hope after this! Olive truly wanted nothing more than to die. She prayed to the Goddess to just let her die or black out, so she wouldn't have to be in this situation. She couldn't stop him, she was useless! She tried to find a happy place within her own mind. Neither Jasmine or Moon would answer her, she was well and truly alone. So she tried to think back to her parents. They were a happy and loving family. They doted on their daughter and made sure she never went without throughout her life. She had always known love when her parents were still alive. If only she could remember their faces. It had been so many years and much to her dismay she couldn't remember their features clearly anymore. Amazing the amount of things this monster Alpha has been able to take from her. She could remember the love and many moments. If only she could truly be that happy again. "What is it you are thinking about pet. I need you here in the present, cant wait to see the reaction I get when I take you!" Olive didn't respond. She was still lost in her mind. Desperately trying to step out of reality and hoping to mentally uncheck for the events that were about to occur. She knew that nothing could stop him. That didn't mean she wouldn't if she thought of any way! Happy place, Happy place was all she tried to think about. It would be over soon and she would be out cold. Just the dark, no pain, no cold, just dark. Just as she convinced herself, she could mentally uncheck and get through this tragedy, the Alpha punched her right in the gut. Olive instantly threw up, well-made noises and a bit of stomach acid came as well. She really had no sustenance in her at all. "You disgusting C***, did I give you permission to throw up? Now I will have to hose you off before I take you. Vomit is not particularly a turn on. Now my pet, why don't you just stay where you are, and I will return to you shortly. Shame your little outfit will be ruined. But guess we will just have to leave you in the nude. It will be so much easier for myself and anyone else that wants to make use of you! HAHAHAH! Olive sobbed harder now she was not even going to have anything to cover her body and hold her dignity! Maybe if she cried hard enough it would exhaust her, and she would finally pass out and be allowed into her dark place. It seemed like forever the Alpha was gone to go get a hose. How repulsive can this situation get? Was she not even a human in the eyes of this beast? Her entire body was going numb from the way she was hanging. She was exposed and miserable, the gagged in her mouth making it even worse through her sobs. Soon the footsteps could be heard yet again. The locks started to unlock, it was all over for her now. Unless she could miraculously die or black out. Her time was up, and he was going to do to her the most vile thing a man could to a woman. However, it was not the Alpha that opened the door. It was the most handsome man I have ever seen in my entire life. She begged in her mind that he would release her before the Alpha returned. He just stared at her, was he going to help her or just hurt her like her Alpha had? "Who are you? What the hell is this place, and what are you doing here?" This man was off his rocker. Did he think that she was a willing party to this madness? How was she going to answer any of his questions? Could he see that she was gagged? Very horrendously gagged! Olive couldn't stop staring at the man though he was gorgeous. She hated men. Why was she having these thoughts? Was he going to realize soon she couldn't respond or just continue to stare? Her body still trembled and the tears had yet to stop but she tried with her eyes to plead with him, help him to see her helpless situation. "Well, are you going to answer or should I just leave you here? Your Alpha is dead so he won't be returning" Olive was happy when he said the Alpha was dead, but what did that mean for her? He said he was going to leave her there if she didn't answer him. Maybe she would be able to escape once the wolfsbane wore with Moon and Jasmine. She obviously couldn't respond to him, so she had to start thinking about what she would do when she was left behind. She was relieved though, her last piece of herself was saved. The vile Alpha didn't get what he was after. She was no longer innocent in all ways, but she still remained pure for her mate. She ridiculed herself for thinking about a mate. She wouldn't have a mate, and even if she did, he would reject her because of her past. I just need to stop thinking about mates, or this man, and especially the Alpha. Just as she was resigned to stare at the handsome stranger until he left because she had no way of responding to his rather harsh questioning someone else could be heard walking down the hall. "Trev what the heck are you doing just staring at that poor girl? How about you let her down, might be more willing to talk if you did!" The first man who Olive now knew was named Trev looked at the new stranger with fury. "Its Alpha King Trevor, you may be my Beta, but when we are in people's purview or preparing to deal with hostile prisoners you will address me properly. This girl has refused to answer any of my questions, so what pray tell would make you think I would let her down?" Olive, now wide-eyed, stared at the King. She couldn't believe that was who was standing in front of her. She probably looked disgusting. The Alpha King stood in front of her, and she had a stupid pecker gag crammed into her mouth. The horrible things he must think of her right now. Why did she care what he thought? She tried to shut down her racing mind. Nope, if she just waited until Jasmine and Moon woke she could escape. She didn't need the Alpha King to help. Nope, not with the look of disgust and anger in his eyes! 
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