A New Beginning

1347 Words
Olive was showered and all cleaned up. Frank had found her the prettiest sunflower sun dress. She almost wanted to cry it was the nicest thing she had gotten in a really long time. It was beautiful. He brought her a pair of black flip flops, nothing to fancy, but boy were they comfy. She was all dressed and waiting on the bed for the others, her hair was still dripping wet, but she really never learned to dry it on her own, so it would have to do. The shower alone was everything. She never felt so clean! "Love go back to the bathroom, so I can blow dry your hair. You look beautiful though. After we dry your hair, we will go and get something to eat before we head out to the airport." Trevor told her as he followed her back to the bathroom. He slowly bowed dried her hair, making sure it was brushed out, and the heat never hit her delicate skin. "Thank you, I wasn't sure how to do it. I mean, I had an idea, but momma always dried my hair. What are we going to eat? I'm not sure if I'm hungry. I don't usually get to eat that much. Do we really get to go on an airplane? I have never been on an airplane!" Olive talked super fast towards Trevor. She was still a bit nervous around him. He could lose it again, so she had to tread lightly. She didn't want to anger him. "Well, love, you need to eat. That is the only way for you to get stronger and your body to heal. So even if it is something small, you have to eat. The doctor told me you should be eating small amounts many times a day until you are used to eating again. Yes to the final question, you get to go on an airplane, my private airplane in fact. So let us get ready. The car is already waiting. We will stop somewhere to eat and then head for the plane. Everyone is ready. We are just waiting for you, princess. Whenever you are ready." Trevor held his arm out for her to latch onto, he gave her the best panty-dropping smiley he could muster. Olive blushed hard, he was truly handsome. If the two of them could work through him being a complete jerk, the pair would look good together. She was extremely nervous, but she was ready to get away. Even if they don't end up together, he was currently being nice, and he was taking her away from this retched place. The place that had been her personal hell all these years. The only sadness she held was leaving the place that held the only memories of her parents she had. With a sigh she latched onto, Trevor's arm, leaving her sunflower haven of a room and embarking on a new beginning. "Yes, let's go, and I will also do my best to eat something. I'm excited about going on a plane. I'm not sure if I have ever been in one. Some of my childhood memories seem to be a little fuzzy. I can't even truly remember what my parents' faces look like anymore. It makes me feel like a bad daughter." Olive just spit all that out , she couldn't take it back now. She really did feel awful about forgetting. But she also promised herself that she was going to have a new beginning. So no sad stuff, she was going to have her new beginning. She deserved it after what she had been through. The two walked out together, latched at the arm. The car waiting was beautiful. It was sleek and black. Olive didn't know about kinds or brands, but it looked really expensive. Frank was hold the door out for her. She slid into a black leather back seat. The car was marvelous. She truly was enamored with it. It could be because it was the nicest thing she had seen in years. Her pappy was already sitting in the passenger seat. He turned around to her with a meaning smile. "Cubby, are you ready to leave this place? Im so excited to get the chance to have you in my life again. Razule, who is the current king of our pride, said he would meet us at the Wolf kingdom. He, too, is excited to meet you again, princess. " "Again, when did we meet before, pappy? I am more than happy to be starting my new beginning. Tomorrow I will be 18. The ladies said we wouldn't be able to shift though. We aren't strong enough, but soon, I'm going to do what I can to get better, so the ladies can finally make their debut!" Olive was excited, so she was talking really fast. Who was this Razule, and why did his name alone make her heart patter? She had a mate she definitely shouldn't be having heart palpitations for another man she didn't even know. "Olive calm down sweetie. You spent a lot of time as a child playing with Razule. He is four years older than you, my beta's son. I couldn't keep going after the loss of you all. He is a good king. He is so excited about seeing you again though. He will probably beat us to the Kingdom of Wolves." Brax was chuckling lightly. Trevor had entered the vehicle and was listening to both Brax and Olive. So this Razule wanted his mate, at least that is the way it appeared to him. "She is my mate, not his Brax. He can be excited all he wants but he can't have her she is mine!" "I am nobody's property. Thank you, I have done that already. I am not to be owned by anyone again. How dare you, he knew me as a child and wants to be reunited after thinking me dead. Remember, Alpha King, I am giving you a chance, but you do not own me!" Olive was furious. She would never be a possession to anyone ever again. She was her own person and would not give up ownership, not again. Never again would someone have complete control of her person. "I apologize Olive, my wolf is fighting me. He doesn't want any other man missing you. He doesn't like it. I will do better to regain control!" Trevor quickly tried to placate her. The rest of the ride was quiet, until they pulled up a Bob Evan's. They all exited the vehicle. Frank ran around and held open the doors for all the passengers. Olive was still resolute to start a new beginning. She could understand what happened with Trevor and his wolf. She didn't like it but understood. She understood even better after they had sat down to eat. The slutty server wouldn't leave her mate alone, and she had never felt so jealous or possessive. She wouldn't say a word, though not after everything that was said in the car. She would have to sit quietly and watch her mate flirt with another. She wanted to cry and was on the verge of tears when, out of nowhere, Trevor, very loudly, spoke. "Lady, I am a taken man, I have been patient with you and have been cordial. This entire meal, however, I had to watch my wife get increasingly upset. I belong to her. Please leave me be, or I will need to speak with your manager. Just do your job, and we will eat and be on our way. Leave your slutty legs closed around me because i am a very happily taken man. Do you understand? The tears Olive was about to shed instantly dried. She was happy now, maybe he really did want it to work. He stood up for her and wouldn't let another woman undermine her. This was her new beginning, and she couldn't be more content. Things were looking up, and she was getting excited about her future prospects.
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