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"Sweetie, my life with your grandmother was so fulfilling, it is so important to have your true mate in your life. I will accompany you to your new home. King Trevor is right. I have abdicated, which makes me a free agent. It has been many years since I have visited the Wolf Kingdom. It will be fun. The new king will want to come and check that it is adequate to house the True king, as they call me. Do not be shocked if the current king tries to give his throne to Olive. She is, after all, my only heir. Anyway, I will set it up, and we can get everything ready to head there. If you will all excuse me, I will make my arrangements. Olive doll, I will also be arranging a wardrobe for you, some now and complete for when we reach the Wolf Kingdom." Brax left to go and make arrangements to stay at the Wolf Kingdom with his cubby. He couldn't be more happy. He hoped she could find the love of her mate. It seems like he did something stupid, which i plan to get to the bottom of, but a mate is what makes life worth living. "I have to go and make my own arrangement, love, and I have to figure out what to do with this pack, yet. They will be disbanded. They was not an heir and the beta was killed 8 years ago. I'm not sure if I should. Offer shelter in the kingdom or not, what say you? my queen? Does this pack deserve salvation? This choice is yours, and then I will make the arrangements, so we can leave in the morning. Trevor looked piercingly at Olive waiting for her reply so he could do what needed to be done. "Salvation. I think they all thought I truly was dead." Olive barely whispered to Trevor. He wouldn't have heard it if not for his werewolf hearing. He would go and make the arrangements though. Olive was going to get everything she wanted from here on out. If he wanted them saved and allowed to travel with them, he would make it happen. "Where is the Kingdom located exactly? I haven't exactly gotten any news or education on anything other than torture methods for the last eight years! I would like to ask you to help me find someone to help me. Assimilate, I think, is the word that I want to use. I do not want to be weak, it would be a long eternity if I'm always to be a damsel in distress." Olive was finally starting to find her voice with Trevor. She couldn't be a weak little girl if she were to live forever and if she were to be with him, she would be a queen. "It's in Nevada. Our own little oasis in the desert. It being in the middle of nowhere makes it more difficult for people to find us. The whole secret keeping from humans thing you know. It is hot, a lot hotter than around here, but the mansion is air-conditioned." Trevor tried to joke with Olive, assuring her she wouldn't have to be hot and sticky. So much was going through Olive's mind that she didn't even want to start thinking about anything. She was leaving this godforsaken place. Well, this room was actually quite lovely. Olive always did love sunflowers. A few red roses added in the mix, and it would be like a woman's dream come true. Well, her dream came true anyway. They were, after all, her favorites. Wait, she couldn't even leave the bed yet, she was still injured and exhausted. On top of all that, the only clothing she had is a shirt Frank gave her to wear. Now thinking all this in her head, she really needed to use the bathroom. Where is Frank? He had helped her since he found her. She felt he was the only one other than her pappy that might truly care for her. "Where is Frank?" Olive looked towards Trevor seeking her friend. "What do you want him for? Am I not enough for you that you want my warrior?" Trevor was angry and not at all in a happy mood. His mate wanted another male, how dare she. He was trying hard not to shift. Suddenly Brax walked in the room, looking like he was on a mission mad as h***! "What is the meaning of this? How dare you get angry with my cubby. She has done nothing but ask for someone who has been nothing but friendly to her upon introduction. Can you say the same? Have you treated her in all the ways she deserves? A royal princess being degraded by anyone is punishable. Apologize now and get your warrior for her, whatever she wants she is to receive. Do I make myself clear, Mr. Wolf Alpha King" The sarcasm that laced Brax's last comment almost hung in the air. He wasn't messing around, and he wasn't about to let anyone talk down or treat his granddaughter as anything less than a royal princess. Olive was now sobbing. Happy her pappy stuck up for her but devastated that her mate once again decided to yell at her. She just wanted to be carried to the bathroom. She can't go on her own yet. He had helped her since they brought her to the hotel. She didn't want anyone mad or for anyone to fight. "Olive, what is it that you need, doll? I'm here now and although my Alpha is furious with me, you are my concern. So please don't cry and tell me what Uncle Frank can do to help you little one. " Frank came in like a man on a mission looking only at Olive and being there only for her. He would face the consequences later, but the little one needed him and his wolf would do what needed to be done in order to keep her safe. Olive still crying answered "Frank, I just needed to use the restroom. I can't walk yet and even if I think about walking I am not in the most appropriate clothing to be in front of anyone. Especially a mate that has thus far not wanted me, and he is royalty at that. I understand, Trevor, that your wolf was jealous, so I won't expect an apology, but know this, I believe in the bond with everything in me. I would never betray you, you are my mate unless we determine to reject each other. So please Frank, if you could please carry me to the bathroom, and can someone get me appropriate clothing please? I will get cleaned up, and after you have figured out the needs of the pack we can move on to Nevada." "Olive my love, I do apologize, and you were right. I was jealous. I am very thankful to Frank for being here for you, and would like to make him your personal guard if he and you are interested. However, I will be taking you to the bathroom and Frank will be locating some clothing and getting mine and your grandfather's vehicles around. The beta will be staying to settle the pack and get them moved to the kingdom. I my love, am taking you home as soon as you are all cleaned up and fed." Trevor bent down and picked Olive up, holding her tightly to his chest and taking in her scent. She was in his arms, he couldn't be any happier. He was really going to have to be careful with his reactions. He couldn't lose her over his own stupidity. "Sounds good Trev, just hurry, I really need to go and then you have to yell. So lucky the bed is still dry is all I have to say." They both walked to the bathroom giggling. Olive had no idea if they would work or not after everything, but at the moment she was content. He contented her broken soul. Hopefully it lasts and just maybe she can find a happiness that lasts all eternity. "Ladies what say you, ready for Nevada?" Olive asked her ladies as she was being carried to the bathroom. "More than ready!" They both said in unison. Guess the three of them were off to Nevada, at least it was from away!
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