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"What...what's wrong Olive, are you okay? That was really loud and now you look petrified. Tell me what is going on?" Trevor almost whispered it to her, afraid to startle her or something. The look she had was of utter horror. What is he supposed to do? What is wrong with his mate? He can't help her if he doesn't even know what in the world was going on. Man, this woman has definitely confuzzled the crap out of his life. He just wants to help her and make her better, but just more and more. "Um.. Um Im Immortal I guess, so it doesn't matter what torture I have endured or will ever endure. I'm stuck in this stupid place. I will never see my parents again. They are truly forever gone to me. I thought at least some day I could die, and we would finally be reunited!" Olive was trying her hardest to hold her sobs in. What was she supposed to do with this information? She finally got her freedom. Wasn't it supposed to be easy now? How much would she have to take, and would she have to do it for eternity? "Did you just say immortal? It wasn't even Trevor's news and he to was having a hard time digesting it. She would live forever. Does that mean she would be a beauty and he'd grow old? She would have to watch him die. Heck, he was way too far in the future. She hadn't even forgiven him for what he had done yet. She could very well reject him and not even give him a single chance to make up for his transgressions. "Maybe we should call everyone else back in the room. I just wanted you to give me a chance and for me to apologize, but perhaps everyone's opinion on this latest piece of information would be best?" Trevor immediately walked to the head and told the others to rejoin them. Well, now Olive was upset again, he was going to go back to being mean. He looked horrified that she was immortal. He wasn't going to want her again. He shouldn't have even apologized when it was so obvious he still didn't want her as a mate. "Now just stop right there young lady, that is a lot to ingest, and he was thinking of you. He gave you a moment to yourself and then went to get other people who care about you, so they can be there as support. Not to mention how the heck he should feel. He just found out his mate would never die. Haven't told him if we mark each other he won't either. Thought you would want to keep that to yourself til you were certain about him." Moon tried to placate Olive as much as she could. She wanted her human to be brave, independent and trust in herself always. Man, did they have a long way to go! "You are right, Moon. I wouldn't want him to know that yet, it could make him want me just to live forever. But nice feature from the goddess if I can ever find someone to truly love me right! Ladies, why are we immortal though? The initial shock had passed. Now I just need answers!" Jasmine and Moon both explained to her that because they were three she needed a piece of the goddess in order to contain so many souls in a single vessel. So, in all reality, she was a part goddess, had to be in order to be the hybrid she was. She was, according to them, destined for great things and would help unite all shifters together. Olive wasn't sure she agreed with any of what they were saying, but she was supposed to live for eternity, so hopefully, whatever she was destined to do would be long and well down the road. She really just wanted to breathe some fresh air and chill for a bit. She doubted she could ever do anything great. Heck, she let her Alpha abuse her for years and did nothing about it. The moon goddess well and truly screwed the pooch this time, why would she try to destine any kind of greatness on someone like me? By the time Olive was done talking to her ladies, everyone had rejoined the room and were all just staring at her once she was done with her conversation! "Um, why are you all looking at me like that, I didn't do anything! I was talking to the ladies, they had a lot to tell me as to why I was immortal. I don't want to live forever, forever means never reuniting with those I lost. I understand though, they explained why it had to be this way. I guess I have resigned to accept it." "Sweetie, what did the ladies tell you? Why do you have to be immortal?" Brax asked her with as much affection as he could muster. This was his sweet granddaughter. She had been through so much already, but she was alive, and would always be so. He couldn't have been happier. He would always have her. Olive explained to everyone in the room what her ladies had told her about having a piece of the goddess in her. She left out that her mate would also be immortal, she really wanted someone to love her for her just as she was. Not because she was immortal and being with her meant that they could live forever. Many people would find that something to covet. Olive thought those people were crazy, she didn't want to be alive forever. Living has done nothing but cause pain. She had an eternity of pain to look forward to. Olive was starting to get lost in her thoughts again when her pappy startled her out of it. "So did you want to go home with me or your mate? You cannot stay here, the memories will eat at you. I would be honored if you would go home with me." "She isn't going home with you, she is my mate...mine! She will be going home with me, she will be the Queen Luna! The Pride would be way to far away." Trevor was furious that anyone would suggest she was going anywhere but with him. Yes he was an i***t, but he apologized. He wanted it to work, needed it to work. He put his all towards her, and he wasn't sure if he could go on if she walked away now. He couldn't blame her, but he wanted her forever. Why couldn't he have been smarter? If he would have been nice from the start it wouldn't have even been questioned as to where she would go. "I hadn't really thought about where I was going to go, to be honest. Really just thankful to be free, I haven't gotten beaten, whipped, stabbed, or burned. Today is a great day. I would like to see what happens between you and I mate, but I also want to reconnect with my pappy. He is the last family member I have left. So I don't know how to answer to be honest." Olive was frazzled, she didn't want to make either of the men mad and had reason to be with them both. Heck, she didn't even know where the pride was, let alone where the Alpha King lived. She didn't want anyone to be angry with her, she couldn't handle them being mad, and just thinking about it was making her want to cry. "Love, why don't you and your grandfather come home with me? He has abdicated his title, so he isn't required to be in his kingdom like I am. He can stay for as long as he wishes. I only want you to be happy. So both of you come back home with me. I want you, mate, and will do anything to make you happy. What say you love? And you King Brax will the two of you be joining me?" Trevor was hoping with everything in him that this was the solution that everyone needed. She had already made friends with Frank, so she had him and if she had her grandpa that would definitely make her want to go. He tried to give her his best version of puppy dogs eyes waiting for her response. "Well, what say you, pappy? Should we go with Trevor and see if I can't work this mate business out one way or another? I'm more than ready to leave this place! And if she never returned it would be too soon!"
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