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I can't believe that I am getting to be reunited with my pappy. I thought that I was all alone in the world, but nope, the goddess left me one last family member. I should be thankful to be alive, but about that I'm still not sure. What life will I be able to lead? I am nothing but broken pieces. I can't even tell them what happened to me. I can't voice it out loud because then I will relive it all over again. I already relive my nightmare when my body makes me sleep. Would it be possible to get better, be happy? I never even thought about being happy, just free. Olive jumped up and almost hit the ceiling when Trevor addressed her, and she was lost in her mind. "Sorry princess didn't mean to scare you. I just wondered if you would give me a chance to talk to you. Let me explain some things and apologize. We can figure out where we go from here, or we could just talk and figure that out later. Olive, I really just want to be near you, Rex and I have to be close. I'm so sorry, please just let me have a conversation with you. Then you can make a decision or not. It's entirely up to you." "Yes" Olive couldn't believe she said that. She needed to know though, she needed answers. He was her mate or ex-mate, seeing she was already confused. He was supposed to love her though. Unconditionally, that is what her momma always said about mates. It wasn't true though, all mates don't have to love each other. Moon already loves Rex though, so I have to at least hear him out, right? She was brought out of her thoughts when she heard the room door open and close. Everyone had left but Trevor. It was just the two of them now. "First I want to tell you how sorry I am, Olive. I have absolutely no reasonable excuse. I was jealous of a man I had already killed. You were in shambles and all I could process was you and him. I understand it is not acceptable. I should have asked what happened and helped you immediately. I want you as my mate, Olive. I took back the rejection. I will be such an i***t forever thinking anything poorly of you. The situation was just overwhelming and caught me way off guard. I understand if you don't want me as your mate and I will accept it if that is what you wish. I just want to help you and, hopefully, you can find yourself happy. I just want you happy, Olive." Trevor was in tears after he apologized and also told her he would let her go if she wanted it. "Ummm...I...hmmm" Olive had no idea how to respond. What was she supposed to say? She was still feeling terribly hurt over all the words he said to her. She also understands that she had to have been quite the scene when he walked in on her. He kinda saved her, she guessed. At least he killed Master. She was so overwhelmed. "I can't say I'm totally ready to start straight back at happy mates. What you said hurt me and still is. I have been through a lot and, admittedly, I am broken. Can you handle a broken mate? I can't offer more of an answer than that. I don't know. I just don't know right now." Olive started sobbing yet again, where was the liquid even coming from. Not like she has had any water. "Olive, may I hold you please? I just want to hug you and help you and your ladies calm down. Please let me help you. I don't care how broken you are, I will help take care of you until the pieces have been repaired. I will do anything for a chance at being your mate, forever. I get that you are overwhelmed and this is a lot. I will try my best to be patient. Know this though, I want you. Rex wants you, and we love you no matter what. No matter what has happened to you, we love you!" "You can't possibly know if you love me yet or not. We don't even know each other. Heck, I don't even know who I am anymore or what life outside my dungeon will be like." Olive was becoming hysterical, no way could he love her yet, and he could never love someone like her. "I do love you Olive, I have felt your aura and my soul is your other half. I love and cherish every single part of you and will spend forever proving it. I know we don't know each other well, and you need to discover all about life. Let's do it together and figure each other out love together. All I want is a chance, and if I can't win you back, I will be the best friend ever." Maybe he really did love her, or at least thought he did. Olive wanted to give him a shot though, and it would be great to have a friend. She really did miss talking to others, no offense to her ladies. "None taken sweetie, we both know we can be intense! And moon snores, so it all makes sense." After Jasmine's comment, Olive couldn't help but giggle. Did she really just do that? She just giggled. When was the last time she was able to do that? Even at the jest of her ladies. "Honey you are free, your body knows even if your heart and head haven't caught up. Jasmine is never going to shut up now you now. She has always fancied herself a comedian. But still glad you giggled, baby girl. Don't stop. Please, from here on out, we will never look back. We will be free and HAPPY!" Moon really did have some excellent advice. "That is the most perfect sound. I hope you continue to laugh, it brightens up the room." Trevor looked at her in awe. What in the heck is he looking at me like that for? It makes me feel even happier. Now I'm blushing! I think that, no matter what, I have to see what is going to happen between us. I want to be fixed, and I definitely do want to be happy. I think! Still a bit overwhelmed but becoming more assured as time goes on. "We can start as friend if that is okay? I really don't want to be broken anymore, it would be great to be happy. Just give me a bit to collect myself and I will try and tell you all what happened to me all this time. I doubt it will help anything. As I've said before, it was always just him and no one else. Who knows maybe I will feel better letting someone else know what all went on." She was really going to do this. Olive was going to give her mate a second chance, and she was going to try and live and be happy. That was her biggest decision on whether she wanted to continue living on. She had decided that she would live, but this time around no one would hurt her again. She had to figure out how to become strong. Make it almost impossible to be hurt or taken again. She lost eight years already, more just to repair what was broken. She refuses to be weak. Going forward, her only plan is to live and never be weak again. If happiness comes, that's a bonus Jonas but if not, she will always be strong and alive! "Well, love, it's a good thing you think that way because we will always be alive! We never really had the choice to die and go back to the goddess! I'm sorry, Olive, we are immortal." Moon tried to inform Olive of a secret her ladies had always known and tried to do it gently. She did say she was ready to live and be strong, right? She doesn't really have a choice, at least on the living part. "WHAT!" Olive screamed out loud instead of privately to her wolf Moon, and now Trevor is looking rather panicked. Maybe overwhelmed is an understatement at how Olive feels.
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