She Need's Me

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Did you hear Rex? He said she needed us? Do you think that she asked for us, or is it Gio just requesting our presence? I really hope that it is her. I want to at least try to make up for any hurt caused. I still don't know what came over me for me to treat her like I did. Maybe it was just the circumstance, at least that is what I am going to say to defend myself. Rex shifted before I even removed my clothing, and he was off quicker than I think he ever had before. I decided to just hide in the back of his mind while we got there as quickly as we could. Would I be able to fix my mistakes? Is she going to be alright? I hope she can find some kind of happiness even if it isn't with me. Before I knew it, we were at the Flower Hotel. What the heck kind of place, and why had Gio decided to bring her here? "Hey Gio, I'm here, but can you bring me some shorts? Rex kind of shifted and left before I could undress!" "Yes, Alpha already on my way. 6 minutes btw!" It didn't take long for Gio to make it to Trevor with a t-shirt and basketball shorts, Trevor quickly slipped them on anxious to see his mate."What's going on, Gio? Where is she?" "Frank tracked her down. By the time he caught up to her, she was just lying in the middle of a field staring into the sky. He had to carry her all the way here. Her body was so exhausted that she passed out. Once she woke up, I started to talk to her and asked some questions. We didn't get too far into them before she got so upset that she started to hyperventilate. That is when I mind-linked you and a doctor. The doctor should be here in about an hour. Had to call in a couple of favors to get a trusted were doc. Wasn't asking if Sun Pack even had one." He has had my mate here for hours and hasn't told me a single thing. The only reason he decided to tell me now is that she got so upset they couldn't calm her down, and they had hope that I could. It wasn't her that wanted me after all, but I am grateful to my Beta for calling me. He does have every right to try and protect her from me, I guess. Still not happy that he hid her from me though. "So you have had my mate here for hours and didn't tell me? I have asked you repeatedly every 5 minutes since the warrior left to track her down. What did she manage to tell you before she got to upset? Where is she now? Rex and I need to see her like right now!" "She is in the Sunflower room. It's on the second floor. Frank tried to calm her down but didn't really succeed and she kind of passed out again. I will bring you to her though." I followed Gio to the Sunflower room, anxious to put my eyes on my purple princess. Hoping with everything in me, I can fix my mistakes. Frank had the door open for us when we arrived, and he did not look happy with me at all. I suppose that is to be expected. I'm sure Gio told him who she was to me and what I did to her. I wasn't going to respond tho, gh. I was the Alpha King. He bowed down to me, not the other way around. I will let him have his anger though. In fact, as much as I want to, I won't even comment on it. I walked through the door and into the room. Bright was an understatement. I get why Gio reserved it for her though. It's cheery in a happy, girly, kind of way. There she lay on top of the queen-sized bed with a black and yellow sunflower comforter tucked over her body. She looked so tiny and fragile. Was she even 5 feet tall? Her skin looked so pale. She looked translucent. My poor mate. Her body looked devoid of life. I hope to find a way to bring life back into her. I am such a fool if I had only looked closer and not let jealousy cloud my mind. No way would I have ever believed she was a willing pet to that b******! Why didn't I just look closer? "What was she able to tell you, Gio?" "She told us about her parents' death. She was present, by the way. It wasn't rogues that killed them either. That sleezy Alpha did. Killed his best friend and his mate in order to take her. Not sure what happened to the Luna because apparently there used to be one, but I have yet to see or hear anything of the sort. She watched him kill both of them, then she got locked in that whole hell until we released her today. Well, Rex let you suffer immensely while she made her escape." The Beta chuckled at his last statement. It was true. Rex made sure he felt every bit of Olive's acceptance of the rejection. Served him right for being completely daft. Gio just had to get a few digs in about how I did her wrong. I already know that this is the biggest screw up I have ever made and I can't even give a valid reason for my behavior. Goddess let her forgive me. Am I selfish for wanting her after I broke her worse than she already was? It didn't matter at this point. I would do whatever I could just to make her happy. If her life was as awful as we all now believe it to have been, she deserves everything and more. When will she wake up, and when will that bloody doctor get here, so he can check on my mate? "Gio, when did you say the doctor would get here to check on her? We should have done that immediately when we discovered her. If only I could have actually looked and taken in her condition, I was just jealous. I thought she was mourning the Alpha." "Trev I tried to tell you when we first saw her. She had to have gone through some crazy s***. I don't know if she will forgive you and let you be her mate. I do know we have to help her. We have to figure out how to make her whole again. I have never met someone so broken, and she isn't even 18 yet." Gio looked towards his awful tearful once again with the thoughts of what his queen had to endure. At this point, if he had to choose between Trev and Olive, he would most definitely choose her. He would choose her, and he didn't even really know anything about her yet. But her aura was kind of gentle and at the moment extremely fragile. She wasn't his mate, but he would do anything for her, and his resentment towards his Alpha doubled in all his inner thoughts. "Gio you can hate me all you want. I am more than okay with it. I hurt her and have no valid reason. She is your queen and your wolf already recognizes her as such. I am happy that you stuck up for her and made me see the error of my ways. If i never get a chance to have her as mine, it will be my own fault. I will, however, do whatever I can to help her in any way that I can. Heck, Rex is in love with her and her ladies already. He is ready to go to the ends of the earth for her and further if she only asked us. After Trevor let Gio know he had no hard feelings towards him for his actions with his mate. A knock at the door sounded, letting them know the doctor was finally here to look at Olive. Gio went to answer the door but not only was the doctor standing at the doorway, but so was an elderly man. If I had to guess, maybe in his 60s. He wasn't a wolf, though he was some kind of shifter. He was tall, maybe an inch or two taller than me, putting him close to 7 ft. He wasn't little either, maybe a solid 400 pounds of muscle. The only way to even see the age of this man is by the salt and pepper coloration of his hair. He was definitely the leader of whatever type of animal he could shift into. "Where is she? I was just told that my granddaughter whom I thought was dead these past 8 years is very much alive! WHERE IS SHE? I demand to see her now!"
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