Not Good Enough

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Olive awoke feeling super refreshed. She had to look around though because she couldn't remember where she was or how she got there. She tried to sit up, but something was holding her down. Two somethings to be exact, she was wrapped around both of her mates. She slept with them both in the same bed. How did she not realize it? She slept like a baby though. What was the last time she ever slept that well? She didn't even have a nightmare, she felt refreshed, if only these two would move, so she could get up. She had to pee so badly if she didn't move soon, the first time she ever slept with her mates was going to be really embarrassing. She was just going to have to wake them both up. "Razule, Trevor, can you two pretty please get up, I have to use the restroom, and it's like a super emergency...with cherries on top please!" "HAHAH okay babe, but hurry back, we both want more cuddles and I haven't gotten that kiss yet. " Razule found it hilarious. Her sweet innocence was all he thought. She was perfect for him. "Are you hungry love? I can mindlink the kitchen and have them bring something to eat. You should at least try and eat, though love. Remember the doctor said to eat small but lots?" Trevor called out to me. "Yes please, that sounds perfect!" Olive shouted out to Trevor. She was just finishing her business and was washing her hands when the shower behind her was tempting her. She really did want a shower and this shower looked amazing. It has two shower heads up top and many on the sides. It was like a car wash, but for humans, she chuckled to herself. A quick look around, she noticed a robe hanging behind the door and found the towels. She was definitely trying this human car wash! She would just quickly take a very hot shower and then get some food. Her ladies were both in agreement. After studying the shower for a bit, they figured out how to turn on every single shower head and blasted the heat all the way up. Heavenly was the only way to describe the experience she was currently having. She started to look around to find what she needed to get cleaned up. As much as she was enjoying the hot water, her mates were going to be wondering where she was at soon. "Hey Olive, what are you doing in there? Is everything okay, the food is here, and I know you have to be famished!" Trevor shouted through the door. Crap Olive knew she had been taking her time, she was enjoying the shower. She didn't get much luxury, but this shower was her new luxury item. "Yeah, sorry the shower was too tempting, I will be out in just a minute!" Olive turned the water off and grabbed one of the large fluffy towels she found in the linen closet. It was so soft, like a cloud. How was she going to adjust to such nice things? She wasn't worthy of this, they were both going to see it and put her back in a dungeon. She had two mates and knew that they would both reject her. There was no way they would want her in the long run. She is too broken and this fancy rich life was not for her, she just wasn't good enough. "Olive my love, why am I getting a feeling that you are upset. Tell me what is wrong so that I can fix it and kill whoever it is that has made you upset. Come out please, my heart is aching knowing that you are upset. " Razule called out, almost as if he was in pain. He was in pain, he felt like his heart broke. He didn't know what she was thinking about, but whatever it was, it was hurting both her and him. He glanced over to Trevor and realized that he must also be feeling the same thing. They were both really her mates, that was going to have to be worked out! He didn't want to share Olive, she was his and he was her popeye. The moon goddess didn't agree though, and now he would simply have to figure it out. Whatever to make her happy, that seemed to be his only life mission now. To make his mate happy, and right now he had to get to her to comfort her, he couldn't take the pain in his heart. They hadn't gotten to what had transpired in her old pack or how she was alive when everyone assumed her dead. He knew that bad things had happened to her, you could just tell from her mannerisms, but she was his, and he would help to heal her and make her whole. "Please, Olive, whatever it is, we can talk about it. What is having you so upset? We both just want to talk to you and make you feel comfortable. We can't do anything for you if you don't at least try and let us in. Would you be more comfortable if we left you alone? Whatever you need, we will give it to you. We are both your mates and I haven't talked to Razule, but I am okay with it. Whatever to make you and your ladies happy, it is all that I want. You being happy is my only priority!" Trevor was almost pleading with Olive. He had to lesson the pain. Whatever she was thinking about was very toxic and harmful, she was hurting herself. He loved her completely already and could tell that Razule felt the same. They would both do anything for her. He knew it. Olive timidly left the bathroom to face her mates. She was wrapped in a very large white terri cloth robe, obviously Trevors, because it swallowed her tiny self up. "I don't deserve either of you. I have spent the last eight years of my life in a room with no windows. I was beaten daily and almost all my dignity was stripped away. How can I be a queen to either of you when I am a disgusting-broken mess!" She broke down bawling, she loved them already and wanted so much to be what they needed. She couldn't be a good mate though. She wasn't even sure how to live being free. Why did she have to be so broken? "You may be broken now, my love, but you won't always be broken. WE will help to heal your heart, and make you whole. We complete you love. We will help you find yourself and how to be free. Anything you need at all we will provide you with. It is our duty as your mate and might I say it's an honor at that. I have loved you since I was a small boy and never in my life did I think that the moon goddess would grant you as my mate. I will do whatever I can to make you happy and to make you feel and know you are loved. I spent so many years mourning your loss. I thought you were dead, but you are here, and you are mine. I couldn't have been any happier." Razule walked to Olive and held her tightly in his arms. He had the one thing he wanted in life. He had always loved her, and he would protect her with his life. She would never have another worry in her life, she had him and, on top of that, the King of the wolves was also her mate! Anyone who dared to try and hurt her again would be truly stupid. She had two of the strongest males on the planet as mates. He felt that she finally relaxed in his arms. His poor mate, she had to have suffered so much, he looked down to see she had fallen asleep. He walked her over to the bed and gently lay her in the middle. He climbed in behind her. Glancing up he saw that Trevor was climbing in on the opposite side to lay with her as well. They would heal her, he didn't even feel jealous of Trevor like it was how it was supposed to be!

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