Former King Brax

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"May I ask who you are and who your granddaughter is? I am Alpha King Trevor." "I am the former King Brax Swift. I abdicated my title when my daughter and granddaughter were murdered by rogues. They were all I had left in this world. My granddaughter's name is Olive Constantine Anderson. She was named after my late mate. Her hair was the brightest color, purple, and her eyes were unlike any you had ever seen before. She was the most precious and gorgeous little girl. She lit up every room she entered just by being her bubbly self. Is my sweet girl here? Is it true, is she really alive? I failed her. I should have been looking for her all this time." Brax was full of emotion, hoping and praying that she was indeed alive. Every person he had ever loved in his life was dead. But my Olive might still be alive. Hmm, that little girl could bring some joy back to this very bitter old man. "Yes King Brax, we have found Olive Anderson and she is indeed alive. The man standing to your right is a doctor that we called upon to check on your granddaughter. She has had a very rough 8 years, and she will have a long recovery ahead of her. I'm glad that she has some family left. We also have discovered some things about your daughter and son-in-law's deaths that weren't known before we rescued Olive." Trevor tried to calm the old king down and also lead him towards his granddaughter. "Its just Brax now, I haven't been a king for quite some time. I would like to know what you discovered, but it can wait. I have to see her first. With my own eyes. My tiger also wants to ensure that her Jasmine and Moon are all okay." Brax followed Trevor down the hall and into the bedroom area where Olive lay still unconscious. It was her, his little cubby. She looked like she hadn't eaten in years, she looked like a living skeleton. She was alive though, her heart was beating and very strongly. He continually checked just to reassure himself. What happened to his precious little cubby? He wanted to see her eyes and hoped he would recognize him. It had seemed like a lifetime since he last saw her. So if rogues didn't kill my daughter, then who did? Come on baby girl, open your eyes and let pappy see you. Brax sent a prayer to the moon goddess thanking her for reuniting them and asking for her to be alright and to wake up soon. "Now that I know she is okay and alive, who one of you want to tell me what exactly happened to my granddaughter, and how she was presumed dead all these years? You, King Trevor, are responsible for this pack. How did you let this happen? I should have never left my family into the care of dogs! That was my mistake. I will wait for the doctor's recommendations, but I think I will be taking cubby with me!" Trevor growled towards Brax. "Yes, I am the King and in control of this pack. However, when this incident occurred it would have been my family that was ruling. My sole purpose for coming to this godforsaken pack was to investigate rumors about the way the pack was handled. I'm here now and if you haven't noticed the damn Alpha is dead and there lay your granddaughter. I will not be letting you take her with you though, and can't explain why until after I get to talk to Olive." "What do you mean you won't let me? Do you have any idea what I am capable of or the number of allies I can still contact with a favor? If you want a war for her, I will gladly give you one. She is all that is left of my family and I will do anything to protect her. I have already failed her once. I won't ever do it again. I will shadow her twenty-four hours a day if I have to. Now, if you would, please tell me what happened to my family immediately. I demand answers!" "Pappy? Is it really you, are you really here right now?" Olive still looked half asleep but was trying with all her might to force herself awake to see her pappy. "Yes cubby, it's really pappy I am really here right now. I thought you were dead, but I have never been so happy to know that you are not! What happened to you sweetie, please tell pappy and he will make it all better. I will make it better again, I promise. I am here now and will never leave you unprotected again. My cubby is alive and well thank the goddess. Are Jasmine and Moon okay too?" The joy that came from Brax could be felt within the room. It was clear just how much love he had for Olive and the sheer joy he felt and having reconnected with her. "Yes, pappy they are both still okay, happy. They helped me all these years. They were the only two I had to talk to. The goddess gave me both of them because she knew how badly I would need their comfort. I'm not really sure if I want to try and talk about what happened to me again. Momma was killed by rogues though, and neither was Dad. The Alpha killed them both in cold blood. Dad had his back turned. It was awful pappy, I dream of that day every single night. I miss them both every day, and I'm sorry I was not strong enough to protect momma after he killed Dad. Neither Jasmine nor Moon could shift, and we tried our hardest." Olive once again started to sob, reliving the worst day of her life and hoping her pappy didn't hate her because she wasn't strong enough. "Oh honey, you were only ten, and what exactly is a ten-year-old supposed to do to fight an Alpha wolf? I would never be upset with you because your mom was murdered. It makes me want to kill that Alpha. But you, I just want to hug and love and comfort. What happened to you was not your fault and what happened to your parents again is not your fault. I am thankful you survived. You are a true warrior princess. Pappy's warrior princess." My daughter was murdered by her own Alpha. What kind of pack was this? The Alpha was supposed to be my son-in-law's best friend. They supposedly grew up together. How could he kill his best friend in cold blood? What reason did he have? Was it all centered around Olive? Did he kill them, so he could take her or did he take her because he killed them and had no choice? And where is Alpha's Luna? I vaguely remember a gold-digging tramp hanging off the Alpha when I came to visit roughly a month before my daughter died. The Alpha wouldn't allow me to come for their sending away ceremony, so that was the last memory I have of them. It wasn't a good one either. He and his daughter had fought. He wanted to take Olive home with him. He didn't trust the stupid dogs to keep her safe. She was special after all, a true hybrid. We tried to hide what she was, but it was coming out and fast, and I was worried about my cubby. Many people would want to use her because she would be superior in strength, speed and agility. She is not just one kind of shifter, she is two. On top of all that, she was of royal blood. She is my granddaughter princess of the Pride. That's what it was all about. He wanted her for a mate to use her for her power and birth right. Deplorable man. I hope he is already dead. If not, I hope to rip his flesh from his body inch by inch until he no longer lives. "Wow Brax, and here I thought I was supposed to be the beast, that really was quite vivid. I couldn't be more proud of you!" "Leo hush, you were thinking much worse, so don't scold me for my thoughts. Look what he has done to our cubby and he killed our cub. She is alive though, and we will protect her with everything we have. I want her home in the kingdom as soon as possible." Brax and his tiger, Leo, were both on the same page. They wanted to take the princess home, where they could guarantee her safety. Get her away from these dumb dogs!
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