Chapter 21

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⚠️?Mature Content ahead. Please read your own risk.?⚠️ He tugged my hand. As our body collided, we both fell unceremoniously on the floor. It must've hurt his back basing from the impact I've heard plus my body weight on top of him, but he didn't care. He snaked his arms around me, my own collaring his neck. He buried his face on the crook of my neck. His tears, his shallow breaths, his breathless apologies, his body trembles, seeped my whole being until I am pouring my own emotions on his shoulders, too. The way he held me, as if he wanted me to meld with him. There's no sign of him wanting me to let go. We stayed there, tides and waves of pooled emotions detonating around us. It's hell not having him with me. And I'm fool to think that for one second I can survived the separation at all. "I'm really sorry, baby." He whispered, leaving featherlight kisses on my neck up to the back of my ear. "I know. I'm sorry, too." He abruptly pulled away. His eyes bulging bewilderment is evident there. "No, baby ,no. This in on me. Ako ito. Nagpabulag ako sa galit at selos. You don't have to say sorry for being upset. It's me. I fücked up." I lightly piled the pad of my thumb on his jaw, loving the prickle feeling of his stubble. "I have my own shortcomings as well, Jonas. Hindi kita inintindi. I'm too self-absorbed and I didn't take any effort to know you. All of you. Nakuntento ako sa kung ano mang ipinapakita mo. Nagalit ako dahil pakiramdam ko niloko mo ako, pero ang katotohanan wala naman akong karapatan. My ways are hyprocrital to be exact. I have no right to be angry since I intend of using you for my gain from the very beginning." He shook his head, his lips finding my forehead, smoothing the lines there. He brushed the caramel locks out of my face, clipping it behind my ear. His hands continued to trace the bumps of my spine with light touches. "Ako ang gustong magpagamit sa'yo. I wouldn't agree in the first place if I don't. I'm drawn to you in every possible way. I fiercely possessive of you and if that's the only thing you can offer me to get you, I will take. I will accept it. But that doesn't mean I'd stop there, I'm selfish bastard and I'll do whatever it takes to own you." Though his words we're assertive and belligerent, there's something about the way he looks at me that contradicts it. My insides are churning, my heart mirroring the fast pace of his. His eyes shows warmth, a calming one, like that of a summer sky. He cupped my cheeks, our stare never wavering. And before he can even say it out loud. I knew. "I love you, Kaitie. When I found you, it's not only finding the missing piece of me, I discovered the best part of me. It's you. And it will always be you." I was stunned. Words are beyond my reach and I cried. I didn't know I wanted, no craved, to hear those words from his mouth. The fear of losing him is greater than terror of depending my happiness on someone else. He consoled me, whispering those three words on my ear until it's all I can think about, he's all I can think about. His voice, his tepidity, his love. Our private bubble got disturbed when we heard the elevator dinging followed by foostep echoing through the hall. I perked my head up and he grinned at me. God, I missed his grinning at me. "Let's settle in, yeah?" He asked, rubbing his nose on mine. I nodded my head, still to overwhelmed to speak. He lead me through the foyer, receiving area, and perched me on the gray suede couch is in vast living room. "I'll just lock the door. I'll be back, baby." Paalam niya saka siya humalik. Reluctance was clear on his face, like it's taking everything in him to part from me. Narinig ko ang mga yabag niya, pati ang pagsara niya ng pinto. I just felt more in tune with him than ever before. Hindi ko maipaliwanag. I think we unlocked something and now we are more aware of each other. "You want something to drink, baby?" He asked. "No, I just need you." I answered back. His face turned into an adorable expression before he smiled. Damn, I really love his smile. "Yeah, baby. Me too. Scoot to the side a bit." He dropped his weight in th L-shape sofa and roosted his back on the armrest. He gathered me in between his spread legs, in turn, I settled my body on his. His arm automatically came around me, the other has ends of my hair tangled on his fingers while he plays with it. I instinctively sandwiched his arm against my body by placing my own above. I gently roll my palm up and down of said arm just for the pleasure of touching him more. "You love me, huh." I echoed his words, euphoria apparent with my voice. His body shook with his soft chuckle before he kissed the top of my head. "Since second one, baby. You're all my eyes could see, everyone just fades out." I was quiet for a while. Taking in what he said and trying to find a good way to ask him about that night. But there's none to be honest, so I decided to just pound in. "Can you tell me what really happened?" He let out a staggering breath. I knew he's still wary and reserved because I might react the way I did when he told me the first time, and I can't blame him for that. I transfered my palm on his left thigh, giving it a reassuring caress, "I promise, I won't get mad. I just need to know." "Lumalabas pagka-police officer natin ha." He kid. Natampal ko tuloy ang hita niya. "Just kidding, but yeah, baby." He said with a hush sound. His body getting stiff against mine. "Truth to be told, I can't really remember much of that night. I have no memory of how much alcohol I've consumed, nor the moment I called Jazz to get my car because their house is near on that bar. The pictures of that night is somehow wobbly to me, like it was jumping from one accident to another. When you showed me the texts, I knew I've dug my own grave and I have one foot already in it. Kasi wala akong kopya nang mismong message sa cellphone ko. It was erased from the thread and I knew it has something to do with Mia. Kasi buong araw pagkatapos ng gabing 'yon, wala akong ibang ginawa kundi mag-abang ng mga texts at tawag mo. When I received none, it accelerated my worry and panic more. I knew I have to get you. Gusto kong sabihin sa'yo lahat ng nangyari, aminin, tanggapin ang kinalabasan ng pagkakamali ko, at gawin ang lahat ng makakaya ko para mapatawad mo ako." "Did something really happened between you and Mia?" I choked. His grip on my waist tightened, I soothe his arm with my touch until I felt him loosening. "I don't know. Everything is nothing but a constant blur to me. What I'm certain of was she got a hold of my phone and sent you the texts." "Pero bakit mo sinabing may nangyari sa inyo kung hindi ka pala sigurado?" "She put marks on my body, baby. I freaked the fück out when I saw the moment I woke up. Though Jazz leave me a message, telling me what he knows from the night, it never settled the creeping anxiety inside me. He even reiterated that Mia and I didn't have sëx. He was doubtless. But I'm not. I can't afford losing you because I became pliant of an incident I have no vivid memory of. I thought of believing the lowest of low and working myself up from there for your forgiveness, is the safest bet." I can feel the pain slicing him with his worsds. His muscles are bunched up and I sensed he's intently waiting for my reaction. I bent my neck, as far as I could to meet his cognac-colored eyes. "Jazz told me about the day of his attack and what happened after that." His eyes widened. "He did? That's our secret. Not even our friends in our circle knows about that. " I nodded my head. I reached for his face, suddenly fascinated with the tolerable itchy sensation his unshaven face does to my fingertips. "Yup. Bumisita sila ni Kiara kaninang umaga sa shop, we owe them actually. I mean, I think in time I'll crawl myself back to you, but they sped up the process by meddling." "You don't have to crawl, baby. Susunduin kita." I bit my lip to suprress a smile. That was a cheesy one. He gave me a lopsided grin before pressing his lips on my forehead. "You're not bad as you believe you are, Jonas." I said afterwards. "I know what happened to Jazz something destroyed in you, but he said before, you're not to blame." He let his head hang low. "I was supposed to look out for him, baby. I'm his new found instant bestfriend. I'm aware he's not fully adjusted with his new sorroundings, pero nagpabaya ako kaya nangyari sa kanya 'yon." "Jonas, listen to me. Tao ka lang. Hindi ka immune sa pagkakamali. I know you can just put an off-switch for this, but that's why I'm here. I'll always remind that you're an amazing person." "Always? So, it's fücking forever then?" He sounded with confident, if I didn't notice the slight tremble on his voice, I might've bought it. He cöcked my head. "I don't believe in forever exists," He's face fell. "But, if you can show me, it might change my mind." Relief flooded his face and he let go of the breath I didn't realize he's holding. " I WILL CHANGE YOUR MIND." He retorted, voice packed with determination. We we're quiet for a few beats, then his eyes zeroed on my mouth. I knew he wanted to kiss me, but he's letting me lead the show. I licked my lips and he released a stifled groan. "You want to continue where we left off the last time?" His body went taut, the air zapped with friction. He's eyes are slowly changing it's hue and I know he's gripping on a thin thread for control. "Baby, you have to be certain you want this. Hindi dahil kailangan mo para lang mapanatag ako. I can wait for when you're ready. You don't have to rush, nandito lang naman ako, hindi ako aalis. And I will most definetely put everything in me for you not to walk away." I rosed from my position and faced him, tucking my legs beneath me. I trapped his face using my hand. "I want this, Jonas. I may still have a long way on realizing my feelings for you, but what I know is that I care for you and you're important to me. That I choose you." He fluttered his eyes closed, his breathing shallow. When he opened it blaze of desire raked me that I'm convince he could burn me. "Fück, baby. That's more than enough for me. Now come here and give me your mouth." Before I can even move an inch, his hand is already on my nape pulling me. He crashed his lips on mine with fevered hunger. As if he needed it more than his next breath. It was assaulting, devouring. He took everything he can take. I was breathless and weak when we broke it. He gave me brief look and in one swift move, I was cradled in his arms. He stomped towards his room, a man on a mission. When we entered his space, he gently gesture for me to flick one of the controls on the wall beside the door. The dim-yellow light illuminated rather dark area, giving it a private glow. Maingat na maingat niya akong binaba sa gitna ng ibabaw ng kanyang kama at tinignan. Mariin at malagkit niya akong tinitigan. Nandaluhong ang buong katawan ko't bigla akong nabalisa sa uri ng pagkakatiyig niya sa'kin. "Jonas?" I croaked, reaching for him. He caught my hand mid-air. "Wait lang ,baby. I'm trying to compose myself. I want to do a lot of things to you and I don't want to lose control in the middle of it." "Then do just that. I want all you can give anyway." I whispered. His eyes flared. He dropped my hand and closed the space keeping us apart. He reached for the hem of my blouse. Before he even strip me of my clothing, he gave me an intent and loving look. "You have to tell me if I hurt you, okay baby?" "Yes. Now less talking, more action." He chuckled. He rose to his knees. He dragged my blouse upwards releasing me of the yards of thread. My scent swirled and mixed with his earthy, cinammon attar. I saw his eyes dilating and his face sheer dominance, wanting. "Fück." He groaned. "I've always jacked-off to the idea of your huge t**s. And I must say, nothing beats the real thing." I sunk my teeth on my lip. He gave me a light push and I fell, bounching on his soft mattress. He loomed his body over me, his gaze raking on my semi-nude form. I had the urge on covering myself, but he quickly stopped my arms on going any further. "Don't baby." He softly whispered. He's now looking at me with admiration. And fück I feel all the mushy and soft. "You're the most perfect thing I've ever seen." He gave me a brief but very demanding kiss. He let his lips roam down. Nipping on my jaw, nuzzling on my neck, tracing my collarbone. I'm on fire. My body squirming under him. "I can't believe this is all mine now. You're mine. And soon, we'll have a baby in here." He splayed his fingers on my tummy, giving it a seductive caress. "And I won't stop until we have a little you or a little me running around." Whatever inhibitions I have about him seeing my body is now non-existent. I know he had seen and had been with a lot of women before but I don't feel any doubts about it now. With his smooth as sin voice, his devious hands, and evil lips, I don't know why I even thought of hiding my body from him. He moved his lips down, tracing the valley of my breast that's practically spilling out of my black-lace bra. Thank God I wore sexy underwear today. He doodled dizzying lines with his finger on the top of my chest, before he reached behind me, searching for the snap. His eyes met mine in question. "Front closure." I provided. He grinned at me, his face glinting of raw desire and hunger. With his deft fingers, he unclasp the locks in one move and my breast practically juggle upon release. I heard him intake a sharp breath. My nîpples taut and attnetive of his ravenous stare. I moaned when he took one in his mouth. He wasn't gentle and my body arched upward in reponse. His other hand grabbed the other globe, pinching my another nîpple, putting enough pressure that it bordered pleasure from pain. He was relentless. He was viscious. He was unforgiving. "Jonas " I moaned. My hips moving up involuntarily, wanting to ease the building wetness on my thighs as I seek friction with our bodies. He buried my body down on the bed, pinning me against him, constraining my movements. He release my breast and gave me the other of it the same attention he had given the first one. I want to grab unto something. I reached for the headboard, for the black satin sheets, until I settled on grasping for his unruly, wavy hair. He growled against my sensitive nîpple in approval. But I want more and as if he knew what I wanted he travelled down on my body using his mouth. I was on fire. Everything he touched burned even more. He nipped his way down and settled on my navel, giving it s slow and sensous lick. "I'll always worship this body." He murmured and all I replied was a moan. He undid my fly. "Up, baby." He ordered, tapping my hip. I did just that in one swift move, he peeled my suit pants and threw it on the floor where my blouse also ended. His darkened and dilated. The primal need he always mentioned seeped from him and I swivered when I felt it. He hooked the waistband of my panties and gave it a forceful yank, ripping it on the side. "Mine." He growled, without missing it a beat, he buried his face on my things. I yelped in surprise as his tongue came in contact with my flesh. Everything felt so new to me. The sensations. The tingles. The quivering feeling. He ate. Lapped. Licked. Devoured. "You taste so damn good. So damn mine." He murmured as his breath shoot and added to the high I'm feeling. He parted my folds. My breath hitching and getting caught in my throat when he stabbed his tongue inside me. I grabbed a fistful of his hair, pulling him more to me, the contact is never enough. The feeling is overwhelming, like there's a need for me to explode. I tried so hard not to let go of the metaphorical control but wiyh every flick and nibble of Jonas's tongue and mouth on me, the more I lose hold. I shut my eyes, my body coiled tight. I screamed when he drove a finger inside me. My walls reacted, trying to clamp it down. I heard Jonas cursing but I'm too sunk to care. It burned and I felt a pricke of tears surfacing in my eyes. He gave me time to adjust before he eased it further, until I felt his palm on me. I was panting, my body pulsing as it beg for more. I moaned his name when he pulled out and whimper when he pushed his finger back in. He repeated the movement until I'm thrashing and groaning against the bed. It pushed me near the edge when he delved his tongue, increasing the pleasurable torture. He did it again and again. My walls started to shake and tighten amd he knew. He rubbed his thumb on my clit and it's what I needed. I freaking combusted hit white-hot fire. My body quivered as he continue to lap me until he's sure I'm licked clean. He balanced his body on his knees. He grabbed the back collar of his shirt, yanking it away from his body. Broad shoulders, rigid chest, washboard abs, sleek skin. God. I'm one lucky woman. With hooded eyes, I gazed down and saw how painfully hard he is. It made revived my libido. As if I wasn't sated from that mind blowing release he gave me. He didn't waste anymore time. He undressed with a flash and aligned his body on mine. The starving and domineering aura he has now replaced with a softer, delicate and loving expression. "I love you, baby." He whispered, his voice thick with emotion. I felt the tip of his member forcing his way in. I inhaled and stopped breathing as the pain surged. He kissed me in way to contradict the discomfort as he delved hi cöck inch by inch, slowly. I saw sweat breaking on his forehead when he broke the kiss. He gritted his teeth, his eyes apologetic as he started to the clear affliction on my face. "You want me to pull it out, baby?" He asked in a sweet voice. When he saw my head shook slowly, he started to kissed the tears cascading down my cheeks I can feel him stretching me. Painfully breaking me. The bite of pain vibrating on my body. I hissed when he was buried inside me the hilt. My muscles contract around his timber as it get used to it's size. "Sh!t. I'm not going to last long if you keep doing that, baby." He murmured through clenched teeth. I whipped my hands on his neck, pulling him to me. "Move, Jonas. You need to move." Reluctance was what I read on his gorgeous face. "No, I don't want to hurt you even more. You're still adjusting to my girth, baby." Hell, he's not kidding. He's not just big. He's long and thick. But mt need for another release over powers the pain. So, I angled my hips as far as the mattress allows me and slammed it back to him. He groaned, his eyes closed shut. "Fück, baby. Don't do that. You're going to hurt yourself." "I'm okay, Jonas. Please, move." The heavy plea in my voice seemed to channel the right button. He fused our mouth and he started to thrust in and out of me. It was of short distance at first until my cries were replaced by wanting moans which he answered with his own growl. The languid pace soon quickened. He hammered his hips with sure and frantic movements, driving me yet again towards the sky. He anchored myself to him, still not ready to get lost of the sheer ecstasy he's pounding unto me. But he was determined. "Come, baby. Let me feel you coming on my cöck." It was an order. A demand. I moaned his name. My hand glued on his nape while the other is gripping tightly on his locks. My walls started closing in and he knew just what to do to set me off. He reached in between us, pressed on my clit and the sparks flew. I hit my orgasm so hard I almost see white. He's still propelling his hips on mine as I quiver with his movements. My body limp yet sensitive. He crashed his lips on mine and soon, I felt a gush of hot lava filling me. Marking me. "Fück." He roared as he convulsed, emptying his load in me. He fall sluggishly on me, took a few breaths before he rolled on his side. We both let out a strangled moan when he slipped out on me, still half-mast. "I never, ever in my life, came so hard." He said while catching his breaths. I chuckled, snuggling close to him, wincing from the soreness of our lovemaking. "Is that a compliment?" He pushed his arm under me and tugged me even closer. He gave me a peck on the forehead and stared directly on mine. Satisfaction glimmered in his eyes and my heart all did react by slamming harder on my chest. "Yes, baby. Your püssy is dangerous. I thought I'd die." Our laughter filled the whole room and we let it linger until it died. He wounded his arms around me, our sweat-slick bodies sharing the warmth of each other "You think we did it?" I asked out of the blue. He looked at me with a confused expression before realization hit him. "You mean, are you going to get pregnant after this?" "Yeah." He rested his chin on the top of my head. "Not yet. Kulang pa tayo ng practice, baby." He answered, mirth and mischief coating his voice. I gave him a jovial slap on the arm. "Sabi ko na, wala kang balak pagpahingahin ako." "I'll let you rest for today, baby. But after this, you're püssy won't ever experience holiday again. I will take you again and again and again. Because I can't get enough of you and will never get enough of you." I swallowed hard, with just his words my body was now primed and ready to go. He must've sense my body getting warmer and my muscles getting high-strung. He gave me an implish, knowing look, with a hint of wickedness and desire. "Not yet, baby. You have to enjoy this rest, though. Because soon, you'll never get any of it." Fück, is that supposed to be a detterent? He chuckled when he saw my expression. "C'mon you need a long, warm, and soothing bath to help with the soreness." He got up and helped me too. A lone tear escaped from his eyes when he saw the red stain from his white top sheet. He gave me soft kisses on my forehead before he carried me bridal-style to his en-suite bathroom. "You'll bathe with me?" I inquired when he had set me inside his big tub. He checked and made sure the water temperature id right. "Yes, I'll massage you and then I'll make you come again using my mouth."

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