Chapter 17

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Mature content warning. Please read your own risk. "Okay, deretsahan na ito. Bakit kailangan ganoon?" Jonas drawled. His thick brows are pulled together as if he's having a hard time comprehending what I just said. We're on our way to the hospital for our tests. The original plan was to do it the day after my check-up because you know, with the needed of abstinence for Jonas. Pero may emergency kasi ako sa binyag na event ko coming Tuesday the following week, so we have to reschedule. Nahiya nga ako dahil kailangang umulit ni Jonas ng bilang ng araw kung hindi, lalagpas siya sa five days. He's been very understanding with it but that is, after he said that I should take responsibility when the day comes for his sperm analysis. And that is today. I'm a bit nervous for what he had stored in mind. Howbeit, I'm trying hard not to let it show. Ever since, we got into an agreement of having a baby, the tension between us is off the roof. Ewan ko ba. One little sëxual move from him and I'm like an animal in heat. At ganoon rin siya dahil mabilis niyang ma-pick up ang mga reaksyon ko kahit anong tago ang gawin ko. "Baby." He called, drawing my head back to our conversation. I looked at him while he's concentrating on the road ahead of us. Mukha siyang constipated na ewan. Kinakabahan na naman ata dahil magpapakuha na naman ako ng dugo. "Tinatanong kita. Hindi mo ako sinagot." Pang-aakusa niya. "Ano nga 'yon? Iniisip ko lang kasi 'yong mga gagawin natin mamaya para wala tayong makalimutan." His face visibly relaxes but still, there's an inkling of dread there. "We're done with your MRI and Ultrasound the other day. Blood tests lang ngayon saka semenalysis." Mukhang kinabisado niya talaga. I smiled at him and he caught it because he gave me a quick glance before focusing back to his driving. His right hand freed the steering wheel and moved to fine mine. I don't know but ever since I bought him to my specialist, something change about the way he moves. He's touching me more softly. He's gestures, reactions, are more fluid, subtler, and more delicate. As if I'm fragile and about to break if he moves otherwise. He brought my hands to his lips, grazing his mouth on my knuckles before settling it on his chest. He's really fond of doing this and I just found myself adoring it too. Especially because I feel the thumping his heart against my skin. "Sabi ko nga. Na-i-text mo na ba kay Doc 'yong resulta ng blood tests mo kumakailan?" I'm talking about the STD screening he requested for himself. Sinamahan ko siya last time, pero siya na lang ang bumalik para sa resulta niya gawa ng busy ako. Tumango siya. "Yup. Wala naman siyang sinabi kundi very good dahil negative at non-reactive lahat." I rolled my eyes. "Ewan ko sa'yo." I snorted. "Anyway, ano'ng tinatanong mo sa'kin kanina?" He let out a heavy sigh. He pulled his brows in the middle again while he pursed his lips. "Tinatanong ko kung anong gagawin natin kapag hindi ka nag-o-ovulate." I got choked down my own saliva making me cough. I pressed my free hand on my chest, feeling the sudden, frantic beats of my heart. Okay, I did not expect him to ask vägina question. "What do you mean?" I wheezed out, still recovering from my lung's shortcomings. "Kasi sabi mo kanina, we only have to do it two to three days before your ovulation. Hindi ko gets bakit sa time lang na 'yon? Hinda ba pwedeng everyday at before and after ovulation?" Umakyat ang init sa mukha ko at pakiramdam ko nagbabaga ang buong katawan ko. I curled and uncurled my toes, trying to ease the carnal desire that's is slowly swallowing me whole. Sinilip ko siya mula sa gilid ng mata ko at mukhang malalim ang iniisip niya sapagkat hindi niya napansin ang biglang paninigas ng buong katawan ko. Napatikhim ako, sinusubukang pakalmahin ang sarili. "Kasi nga, that's my fertile window. Hindi kasi natin tinanong kay Doc last time kaya hindi ka rin na-inform. But to cut the explanation short, two to three days before my ovulation is the best chance of getting me pregnant." "So, you mean to say is, two to three days lang ang chance ko every month. 'Yong ibang araw walang mangyayari?" 'Yong tunog ng boses niya halatang hindi makapaniwala. Daig niya pa ang nalugi sa negosyo o natalo sa sugal. "Yes, that's right. I'll install an app on your phone so you get to monitor my ovulation period as well. At para in-sync tayo at alam natin kung. . . umm. . . kailan natin gagawin." I bit my lip upon ending my sentence. Medyo awkward pa rin kapag ito ang usapan. Para kaming mga estudyanteng nag-re-ready para sa isang classroom experiment. Muli akong napalingon sa kanya at nakitang nakabusangot na siya at matigas ang tingin sa windshield ng sasakyan niya. "Eh, anong gagawin natin sa ibang mga araw? Mag-cro-cross stitch?" I found it damn cute and funny because he's pissed with our conversation. "Pwede rin, ikaw bahala." I said, giggling. He looked at me and I saw how his eyes twinkled, telling me a light bulb popped on top of his head. The look he has is pure, sexy mischief. "Ako pala bahala. Okay, baby." His tone is light and teasing, making me clamp my legs together. "Jonas," I warned, but it came out as a hoarse whisper. He spared me another look and his pupil dilating and the sweet, coffee colored eyes he has is turning into a molten caramel. It's as if my body is ignited and I felt hot lava cursing through my veins. "Love the way you breathlessly say my name, baby." The tone of his voice was raw and taunting. "And I can't fücking wait to hear you say it again and again while I'm balls deep inside you." My spine tingled and my body got hard wired. He really knows how to push all my buttons. Hindi ko napansin na nasa parking lot na pala kami ng ospital. He released his seatbelt before unhooking mine. I let my mouth agape, my breathing coming in short and swallow pants. "You like it when I talk dirty, huh?" He rumbled, deep and sultry. He grabbed the back of my head and hovered his mouth on mine. I chewed my bottom lip, waiting for him to kiss me. But, he didn't. Instead, he traced my jaw with his lips, giving me teasing, feather light kisses. "Do you know what I planned to do during the other twenty seven to twenty eight days?" He numbled against my skin. I want to touch him, but I can't seem to move. I'm frozen stiff yet my body is in a state of firestorm. "N-no." I croaked. He moved down, nibbling my neck until he unearth my mad and crazed pulse. He sucked on it, making me moan. I felt a urge of wetness down south and I squirmed on my seat. "Well, baby. We're going to practice. I'll be your teacher and you'll be my sexy student." He whispered, his voice thick and steamy. "And I'm going to train you, teach you really. . .hard." Naglakbay ang isa sa mga kamay niya papunta sa hita ko. Napapikit ako, pinapakiramdaman ang bawat galaw nito. He hitched the hem of my skirt I'm wearing, his pointer drawing dizzying swirls on my thigh. Nagtaas siya ng tingin saka dinantay ang noo niya sa noo ko. I noticed he's also having frenzied breathing. Sandali siyang napapikit na tila'y kinakalma ang sarili. Hininto niya ang galaw ng daliri niya sa hita ko, bago hinila at inayos ang laglayan ng palda ko. Ilang sandali ay umayos siya ng upo. Mataman niya akong tinitigan saka ako ginawian ng matamis na ngiti. He reached for my cheek, cupping it with his strong and colloused palm. "Let get this done, baby. Marami akong gustong gawin sa'yo at ayaw kong umpisahan 'yon dito sa loob ng sasakyan." He said, but sober and bubbly. I don't get to answer him. Agad siyang bumaba at nagpunta para pagbuksan ako ng pinto. I have known him only for months but whenever we're together, everything felt inherent, natural, as if we've been doing this for a far long time. "It's fine, Jonas." Paalala ko sa kanya ng matunton na namin ang lab at nakaupo na ako sa extraction chair. He's holding my bag and I know he had a death grip on by judging from his paling knuckles. He was quietly standing on my side, his hand on mine since he refused to wait outside. After my blood extraction, the medical technologist handed us a plastic container and a marker. "Para sa semenalysis, Sir." Tugon niya. She's clearly unbothered as she barks instructions. "Pasulat na lang po ng pangalan. TS is time started tapos TE time ended. Pa-note na lang po 'yong oras kasi kailangan din po 'yon sa reporting." Jonas looked at the small cup on his head while bobbing his head. He scrribled his name on the side and waited for the next directions from the lab staff. Siniguro niya munang tugma ang pangalan sa cup at sa request na hawak niya bago siya nagsalita. "Hatid ko lang po kayo sa room na gagamitin niyo." She led us the further down the hall until we reached the last door. She took a key from her pocket and disengaged the locks. Pushing the door wide, she ushered us in. It's a relatively small but cozy room. It had a sofa and a coffee table with a laptop in the middle. There's also a sink from the far left of the space. "May magazines saka mga videos sa laptop na pwede niyong gamitin, Sir." Banggit niya, habang ihihahanda ang mga bagay na sinabi niya. After she fired the laptop on the table she turned to us. I was shifting my weight on my feet. I was sweating profusely and I think I'm going to pass out because of panic. Naalala ko kasi 'yong sinabi ni Jonas last time nang nag-reschedule kami for this. That I should take responsibility. Ngayon nag-uumapaw na ang kaba ko dahil sa responsibilidad na 'yon. Jonas gave me a sly smile and I know he knows my mind is drifting away to erotic thoughts about him. "Miss, s-saan ako maghihintay?" Parang tangang tanong ko. "Pwede naman sa labas, Ma'am. Or pwede rin dito, kung kakailanganin ni Sir ng tulong." She nonchalantly answered. I bit the insides of my cheeks as sorching fire blazed through me. Tulong? Tutulungan ko si Jonas? And as if she sensed the building sëxual tension sparking between Jonas and I. She healed back to the threshold of the room. "Pa-lock na lang po 'yong pinto." Huling utos niya saka tuluyang umalis. Jonas dropped the container on the table and walked slowly to lock the door as instructed. It is just me or the sound of the latch is like a bomb exploding? I gulped, slowly shifting my form to face him. He's standing by the door, both hands on his pocket. He's grinning at me but his eyes were viscious, wild, untamed. And he's looking at me as if he's ready to devour me. He moved a step and I faltered backward. He grin widened. "What do we do now, baby? Kailangan ko ng sample." He ragged, his voice unstrained. "M-manood ka ng video?" I rasped. I pointed at the stacks of lewd magazines, beneath the coffee table. "May. . ." Napalunok ako. "May mga porn magazine din sila." He chuckled, throaty and gravely. And I got lost by the way his Adam's apple bobbed against his throat. "Why would I want to do that when I have you to look at?" "I. . .Jonas. . .Ano. . ." Nagkanda-utal utal na sabi ko. Hindi ko alam ang sasabihin. He stalked towards me with steady steps, like a predator locked on his prey. I was rooted on my place, ny breath getting caught in my throat. I looked up when he's already towering in front of me. He grabbed my hand and shamelessly place on his crotch, making me cup his hardening erection. "You have no idea what you do to me." I want to jerk my hand away but he gave me a tighter squeeze on my wrist. He glided his mouth on my ear and spoke. "Shall we start with the training, baby?" I gasped at the same time my hand on his cöck trembled. He let out a sexy groan. "Jonas. . .I don't. . .'Di ko alam kung paano." Pag-amin ko. A small, appreciative smile appeared on his lips. He freed my hand and cupped my face in his hands. "Your innocence makes me happy." He confessed before he bent down and gave me a short but sweet kiss. I fisted his shirt on my hand and let out a shaky breath. "Okay." I said with my eyes closed. Actually, I'm telling this to myself. I fluttered my eyes and saw him looking at me intently. "Okay, so what I'm going to do?" "Ikaw? Where do you want me?" Nagkibit-balikat ako. "S-sa sofa na lang?" Natawa siya. "You sounded so unsure but okay." He walked and plopped his big frame on the couch. I gingerly followed suit, not really sure where I'll position myself. Wala naman akong kaalam-alam sa mga ganito. "I want you on your knees, baby." Utos niya, his eyes dark and hungry. Oh, boy! I swallowed hard and nodded my head. He careless threw a pillow on the floor, in between his legs. I timidly moved and positioned myself. His pupil glistened more with heat, his lips pursing thinly and I thin'k he's holding back so he won't attack me. "God, I wished you wore that secretary outfit you have." He groaned, letting his head fall back. "Fück, this is a fantasy coming true." Really, what am I supposed to say? He raised his head and stared at me,licking his lips, "Release me, baby." It sounded strained, helpless and hungry. It fueled my courage to make this worth his while. I nodded my head and I felt how his body went rigid with my touch. Successfully unbuckling it, I gave it a smooth tug giving us that a defeaning 'whoosh' sound. My head id spinning as I reached for his button and his zipper - and this is not because I just got my blood drawn earlier. He lifted his body up, letting me pull his pants down to his knees. I come face to face with his black boxers and dear Lord, the erection his sporting. . . I can't explain. He's underwear is like a second skin and I saw how his cöck is begging to be freed. Raising my eyes at him, I caught his eyes we're half mast-and and his mouth in a small 'o'. I bit my lip and hooked my fingers on the waistband of his boxers, releasing his aching timber. My breathing came out jarring when he's cöck sprung free. Pre-cüm seeping on its head. It wasn't even fully erected buy sh!t. Are all man the same? Are they all this long and thick? "Touch it, baby. Touch me." He moaned, his head resting at the back of the couch. Fück he's voice is hyptonizingly sexy when he's in this state. I grip him with my hand, encircling my fingers. I gulped when I saw I fall short of a few centimeter to let my digits reach each other. "Fück." He cursed. It's red and angry and throbbing against my palm. I started to stroke him up and down, eliciting more of his raw and raspy moans. Jesus, I'm even turned on myself. I didn't know giving someone a hand job is liberatingly sexy. I begin with slow up and down movements until I picked the speed, loving the way his breaths came out ragged. "Ah, fück. Kaitie." He growled. The way he moaned my name did something in me, awakening something inside me. I felt bold and daring. Without hesitations and warning, I plunged in and put his hard and steel shäft on my mouth. "Ah! Fück. . . Baby. . . Kaitie. . .Sh!t." He threw more expletives as I knead him towards the edge. He's too big and I felt my mouth painfully yet deliciously stretched. God, he's not lacking in length either, because I still have to use my hands together with my mouth soI can cover all areas. I let him go pop before swirling my tongue on his head. I heard him cursing followed by an endless sënsual moan of my name. I licked his length, branding his girth with my tongue before putting it inside my mouth again. I hallowed my cheeks and started to work him faster. . .deeper. . .harder. He was jerking his hips in contrast with my head movements. His body is strung tight and I think he's near from exploding. I continued, craving to see how he'll splinter and break. He gritted his teeth and grabbed my head, he gave me a forceful yank and before I know it he's releasing his cüm on the container. I didn't realize he's been holding the whole damn time. His body gave out a tiny convulses until he completely emptied himself in the cup. I'm wordlessly staring at him, waiting for him to say something. Hinahabol niya ang paghinga niya. I bit my lip waiting for him to recollect his thoughts and talk to me. When he finally calmed, he placed the container on top of the side table. He tucked his semi-hard shäft inside his boxers but left his pants undone. "Come here, baby." He called reaching for me. Tumayo ako, akmang uupo sa tabi niya, ngunit hinigit niya ang baywang ko para mahulog ako sa kandungan niya. He buried his head on the croaked of my neck, breathing in my scent. "That was amazing. Are you sure it's your first time doing that?" The tension I felt while I wait for his judgment felt like it didn't exist at all. "Yes. From here on out, lahat ng gagawin natin para magka-baby, one hundred percent na first time ko." I say with a giggle. He nuzzled deeper on my neck. "You really know what to say to make me feel primal and possessive, don't you?" He grumbled. "If the situation now is different, you're already be drapped in this couch, writhing and möaning my name as I eat your püssy merciless." Wet. I'm fücking wet for him. I fidget on his lap, emitting a deep growl from the back of his throat. "We need to bring the sample to the laboratory, bago pa may mangyari at hindi na natin kailangan 'yong test."
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