Chapter 11

2450 Words
"I wish you'd stay a bit more, mag-relax at mag-enjoy ka muna rito sa Bora." Mika said, almost pleading. She's by my room door, watching me pack my things for my flight back to the province. Nakita niya ako sa may hallway nang galing ako sa kuwarto nila Nanay nang magpaalam akong mauuna na akong luluwas. Hindi ko expect na makakapalagayan ko agad ng loob ang mga kaibigan ni Jazz na naging mga kaibigan rin ng kapatid ko. Matapos kasing basta na lang iabot sa akin ni Kiara ang bouquet niya naestatwa ako sa kinatayuan ko. Nahimasmasan lang ako nang kaladkarin niya akong papunta sa table nilang magkakaibigan. Sa table nila bumalik ang kaluluwa ko't basta ko na lang binigay kay Mika ang bulaklak. Hindi na rin nag-effort pa si Jazz na ihagis ang garter, nilagay lang din niya sa palad ng boyfriend ni Mika. Doon ko rin sila nakilalang lahat, hindi lang bago sa akin ay si Deandrei na kaibigan rin ni Kuya Kenn. Kaya heto, namimilit pa rin na maiwan ako. Hindi na niya ako tinigilan. Nang makita niya ako sa kuwarto ni Kiara nang iabot niya ang get away dress ng kapatid para sa honeymoon nila ni Jazz kinulit niya ako nang kinulit, hanggang sa mga oras na 'to. Nag-desisyon kasi ang iba na manatili pa ng dalawang araw bago bumalik sa Ilocos. Hindi ko alam kung sinu-sino sila at ayaw ko na rin magtanong. But my family and Jazz's will follow tomorrow. Iniwan ng mag-asawa ang mga anak nila sa pangangalaga ng mga ina namin dahil umalis na sila kaninang madaling araw para sa honeymoon nila. I don't want to ask, because I know, I'll soon slip and ask Jonas will also extend his stay here. I don't want to imply anything with whatever's happening between Jonas and I. Hell, I don't even want to think about it. "Hectic ang schedule, eh. Marami akong kailangang asikasuhin pagbalik." Sagot ko habang nag-zi-zipper ng bag. Narinig kong napabuntong-hininga siya bago ko narinig ang papalapit niyang yabag. Umupo siya sa tabi ko sa sahig saka nagtanong muli. "Hindi ka ba magpapaalam kay Jonas bago ka umalis?" Natigilan ako sa ginagawa ko. I kept my mouth shut, successfully stopping the tiny gasp I was about to make. God, ito nga ang isang dahilan na ayaw kong manatili. At tsaka bakit naman ako magpapaalam diba? Wala naman akong obligasyon sa kaibigan nila. Saka kaya nga rin ako nagmamadaling umalis, para hindi ko na muna siya makita. I know that breathing the polluted Vigan City air would make me refresh my mind about him, will remind me how I loathe him. This place now for me been nothing but a bad influence. That's why as much as possible, I need to leave without his presence assaulting my better thinking. "Magagalit na 'yon pagkagising niya tapos malalaman niyang umalis ka na walang paalam. Or worse umalis ka na hindi siya kasama. Baka bulubugin niya pa ang mag-asawa na naglalayag na sa honeymoon nila." Napapigil ako sa hininga ko saka dahan-dahang pinakawalan 'yon. I really don't get why Mika's been all over me. Kung tutusuin sa after party lang ng kasal kami nag-usap at nag-bond ng matagal na oras. Now, my sister is not around she take her place hogging me when Jonas is involved. If she thinks I will fall for him the way her boy friends fell with their wives, then she's deadly mistaken. Malaki ang pinagkaiba ng mga sitwasyon nila sa aming dalawa. "Mika, I'm sure Jonas thinks of me as one of his groupies. Or trying to add me to his groupies. Ang tingin niya sa akin ay challenge dahil wala akong ibang ginawa kundi ipagtabuyan siya." I stopped talking though I wanted to add that I'm slowly failing, that I'm not immune to his God-given charms, that the walls I've built around myself are starting to have little cracks. Pinatong ni Mika ang kamay niya sa taas ng akin. 'Yong promise ring niya kuminang ng tinamaan na natural na ilaw galing sa malaking bintana ng kuwarto ko. Napataas ako ng tingin at agad namang nagtama ang mga mata namin. "I think you're wrong about that. Kung ano man ang nangyari sa inyo, it's different with the relationship he had, or lack of rather, with the other girls in his life. The boys in the gang says so themselves. They've seen and observed our friend Jonas for a very long time, and he's different when he's around you. Kiara agreed on that part, too." After she's finished vocalizing her thoughts, my heart is on a rampage, hammering hard against my ribcage. It was so loud that I can imagine it beating right next to my ears. I quickly composed my cool and smiled at her. "You know what I think? I think you need to go back to your room and check your boyfriend. Baka magwala 'yon kapag nagising siya at wala ka sa tabi niya." She laughed shortly and shook her head, "You've right. We still have two weeks to spare before we go back to Japan." She placed both her hands on her knees and supported her body to stand. She took one step towards the door but stopped and again asked for my attention. "Like what Kiara said. Puwede mo namang iwasan nang iwasan 'yon, Kaitie. But soon, it will hit you really hard once you collide with it." I don't know what 'it' is. Or I don't what to think hard about it. Ayokong mag-expect, ayokong mag-assume, ayaw kong maniwala sa sinasabi niya. Nahawaan lang siya ni Kiara. Kasi kapag nag-expect ako, nag-assume, at naniwala, ako lang din ang magiging kawawa sa huli. I was stuck staring at her, watching her face split into another smile, "Gosh, I'm starting to sound like the the guys. Talking in some sort of a code." Saka siya umiling. "Anyway I got to check on Branth baka magwala nga siya. Please, see us before you leave." And she's out of my room. I snort to myself. Talking in a code. Jonas also talks like that at times, looks like it runs in their circle. I wonder how they will deliver messages like that to each other. Marami na namang nabanggit si Kiara na sila-sila lang mga kakalakihan ang nakaalam. "Hoy, Kaitie! Itigil mo iyan!" Utos ko sa sarili ko kasabay ng mahinang sampal sa magkabila kong pisngi. Kailangan ko na talagang umalis dito total nakapagpaalam na rin naman ako sa pamilya ko. Kapag nagtagal ako dito kung anu-ano pang naiisip ko. When did I start voluntarily thinking about him? Since, when did he start invading my thoughts? This is another reason why staying away from him would do me good. Because he's beginning to veer me away from my ultimate goal. Not only that, he also makes me question the things I believe in. Nang si Nanay ang nagsasabi sa'kin na maling ipagdamot ko sa magiging anak ko ang pagkakaroon ng tatay, sigurado akong tama ang gagawin ko by doing just that. But when I see and feel Jonas, I forget everything and makes me want to consider the what if's. And there's no room for that. I can't risk hurting my future kid just because I became reckless of my choices. I huffed out a breath. The thinking making me exhausted. Napasandal ako sa gilid ng kama at napapikit. It's going to be fine and everything will turn to normal once I arrived back home. I reassured myself. First order of business is talking to Inigo about our next step. I need to gear myself up in order to convince him regarding my plans and also compromising with his, without the marriage part of course. Kasi kung hindi pa rin siya papayag, I really think what we have is utterly pointless. That's why I need to check and consider other choices, for instance, sperm donors. I also need verify the costs. Feeling motivated because finally my thoughts are steered away from him, I hurriedly finished and went to bid goodbye to Mika and the whole of their gang. Tulog pa rin ang mga asawa nilang lalake nang nagpaalam ako. They totally thrashed from the after party last night and I'm sure Jonas is in the same state. I know because he kept me beside him all night and until the wee hours of the morning. He was only able to let me go when I convinced him that I'm tired and I need to sleep. Kung bakit di niya ako nilayuan kagabi? Hindi ko rin alam. That's why I decided to head home early. Since my thinking is getting dangerously clouded by him. Good thing I wasn't late when I arrived at the airport. I was supposed to arrive early but I spent almost forty five minutes sitting stolidly at the edge of my rented bed, waiting for Jonas to burst inside my room. I know, I'm a waking contradiction. Pero kasi, nang napagtanto kong aalis na talaga ako, parang may mali. Gusto kong kumatok sa pinto ng kuwarto niya para magpaalam, para magtanong kung ganito pa rin ba siya sa'akin pagkabalik ng Ilocos. Or am I just an island fling? Pathetic, but I let myself wallow on it for a while. Hanggang sa bumalik ang tama kong pag-iisip at nagawa ko ng umalis. When I went to check-in my luggage, I was told that I was upgraded to premium economy but is leaving the same time with my original booking. I looked at her bewildered, my brows furrowing together. "There must be a mistake. Ako nag-book ng ticket ko, I'm sure na hindi ko 'yon in-upgrade." The lady smiled at me, printing my new boarding pass and ticket. "The system says it's upgraded, Ma'am." Then she handed me the papers, clearly dismissing anymore arguments I have. Not wanting to hold the line. I nodded my head and waited for the boarding time which is only fifteen minutes away. I was immediately brought to my assigned by the flight attendant. Gusto ko nga siyang tanungin kung may nangyayari bang glitch sa system nila at bigla-biglang nau-u-upgrade ang mga tickets. But when I saw how flush and comfortable the seats are, I forgo all reluctance I have. Smiling triumphantly to myself, happy with my free upgrade, I reached for the overhead bin to place my other bag. Then I felt someome's presence behind me. "Let me." The rich, baritone voice enveloped me and I don't need to look to guess who he is. Especially when his signature scent already hit my nose. He took my bag and did the liberty of securing it on the compartment. I slowly let my hands dangle to my side, not looking back. He didn't move an inch, until he succesfully placed his bag and mine at the overhead compartment. When I heard the soft thud of the cover, I carefully moved away and I faced him. And dear Lord he looks magnificent. "Anong - " He raised his hand to stop me. "I can't argue with you right now, baby. My head is pounding and I'm hang over. And then there's you trying to sneak away. I need sleep." Nakatitig lang ako sa kanya. Mukha ngang hindi maganda ang pakiramdam niya. He yawned then pointed at the window seat, "Upo na, Kaitie. Bubuhatin na kita." The sound of his voice is impatient and very serious making me scurry to my seat. Did I ever mention I'm weak whenever he talks like this? He sat beside me and took my hand in his. He rested his head back and immediately closed his eyes. I tried pulling away but he tightened his grip. "No. Your hand stays in mine." My mouth agape. My heart out of control. My breath coming in pants that I needed to gulp a few times to calm my nerves. But nothing is working. "Paano? Paano mo nalaman na aalis na ako?" I squeaked. Hindi siya kaagad sumagot kaya akala ko nakatulog na siya. Napatingin ako sa bintana pero agad na bumalik sa kanya ang mga mata ko nang sumagot siya. Napapikit pa rin siya at halatang kinukuha ang tulog. "You were booking your flight last night at the end party. Even your brother told you already that you will go back home with them by private plane. Akala mo lang hindi ko napansin, but I wasn't drunk enough not to remember the details. I asked my secretary to book me the same flight before I got shiftaced." "Dapat hindi mo 'yon ginawa. You should have stayed at the island with your friends. Don't you want to spend more time with them? Especially Mika will not stay in the country for long again?" "I am where I want to be. And that is beside you, with you, and soon in you. So, stop complaining and let the man rest." I clamped my mouth shut. Because really, what am I supposed to say? My cheeks are burning and I swear tiny bush fires are erupting from different sites inside me. Did he say he's soon be in me? Oh, God. Vision of his perfect body started to zoom inside my head. I bit my lip, trying to eradicate the images when I felt him squeezing my hand. I peeked at him and saw his eyes were closed, but his mouth moved to talk, "Relax, baby. I can feel your body stiffening." He numbles in the softest and the most soothing way possible and goddamn it that's all I took to calm my chaotic nerves. How he did that is beyond me. I nodded my head even though he can't see me. I copied his position and stared at the mini television in front of me. I again let my eyes roam back to him before I murmured, "Thank you for upgrading my seat. I really appreciate it." "It's nothing. I know how uncomfortable you got during our first flight together and I don't want that to ever happen again. Kung available nga ang business class, baka 'yon ang kinuha ko." Then he opened his eyes and stared directly at me. His caramel color irises becoming a shade closer to black because of the dim light. "Are you comfortable enough to get some sleep, though?" I felt my cheeks flare again before I looked down at my lap, "Y-yes. Thank you ulit." I heard him chuckle before he settled himself back to his recent position. "How it is even possible for you to get even more beautiful in my eyes?" Hindi ko alam kung kanino niya 'yon sinasabi. Sa'kin ba o sa kanya. But either way, I don't have any answer to that.
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