Chapter 15

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Inigo accepted the handshake with a reluctance smile. I saw the side-glance he gave me and I can't do anything but give him an apologetic shrug. "Kaitie, didn't mention you'll be joining us. Hindi ka namin naisama sa pag-order ng pagkain." Of course, Inigo the sweet guy that he is. Hindi siya magagalit sa pag gate crash nitong kumag na 'to kahit na may karapatan siyang magalit. It's not him. He doesn't have any mean bone in his body. This meeting was supposed to be private. Kung ano man ang pinag-usapan namin at pag-uusapan namin dapat wala nang ibang taong makialam. But Jonas Lei can't fücking understand that. Hell, he can't understand sh!t that intermeddles with things he wants. Kapag gusto niya, dapat nakukuha niya! The shock I'm harboring because of his sudden appearance morphed into full-blown hostile aggravation. "What the hell are you doing here?" I gritted through my teeth. Restraining myself from smashing the wine glass to his pretty face. Instead of answering Inigo, he peered at me. He swung one of his arms at the back of my chair and shrugged. "You're here." As if those two words would suffice his reasons of jostling his way again in moments he's not wanted. My rage boiled and reach another Celcius. Nakakatang-ina talaga ang inaasal niya. 'Yong inis ko sa kanya simula nitong umaga dumagdag sa pagka-irita ko sa kanya ngayon. "May sinabi ba akong dapat magparito ka? Wala hindi ba? Kaya anong ginagawa mo dito? Bakit ba hindi ka marunong makinig?" Hinintay kong mapikon siya dahil pinangangalandakan ko ang pagtataboy ko sa kanya. Pero, hindi. Hindi nagagalit ang isang Jonas Angcaya kapag pinagtutulakan siya. Instead, he finds this reaction damn amusing. This infuriating man freaking beamed at me! Smiled at me, flashing his pearly whites. I kept my mouth shut because I'm near exploding. Hirap na hirap na akong pigilan ang sarili kong magtimpi. Gusto ko na siyang sigawan pero ayoko namang mag-eskandalo rito sa loob ng restaurant. Satisfied that he wasn't able to shut me up, he again directed his attention to Inigo. This time, his smile is no longer in place. He looked serious. Deadly grim, I almost didn't recognize him. "Inigo. I'm here to talk to you, man to man." He spoke, voice low and unflinching. His posture tall and shouts importance. Kung kanina hindi ako makapag-salita dahil baka sumabog ako, ngayon hindi ako makapag-salita dahil hindi ko kilala itong Jonas na nakikita't naririnig ko. "Is this the part where you'll tell me to stay away?" Sagot ni Inigo, completely unaffected of the brooding waves Jonas is emiting. Jonas gave a terse nod. "Yes, that's precisely correct. I expect you won't contact my girl after this." "And if I refuse?" "You don't want to know what I'm capable of once I'm threatened. It's best you steer away from her, from us, and we all get to live peacefully." Inigo was quiet for a moment. He appears to be digesting every word Jonas threw at him. One thing I'm sure is, he's not in any means alarmed and imperiled with Jonas's words. "Your welfare is none of my concern." He answered, his tone was hard but not ballastic. "But, whenever Kaitie is involved, and if my presence would inflict her any pain or harm, I'll gladly pilot myself the other way." He looked at me, his eyes communicating words we rather leave unsaid. It's taunting me with thoughts. As if he's telling me that we will try to understand my reasons of turning to Jonas, na ginagawa ko ang lahat nang ito para makuha ko ang matagal ko nang gusto at ayaw niyang mahirapan ako sa pagkamit doon kaya maluwag niyang tinatanggap ang lahat. My sight started to get misty. Lalong-lalo na nang nginitian niya ako, isang malungkot pero puno ng pag-iintindi. "That's enough." Jonas growled, breaking our private moment. Inigo smiled to himself. He fixed the napkin on his lap and continued talking with his eyes down. "I want to have lunch in comity, if that's alright with you? Especially, this will be the last time I get to dine with my babe." "Quit calling her babe because she's not yours and we get a deal." Jonas replied immediately. Muling nagtama ang titig nila. Walang umiimik. They are measuring each other stance. While Inigo kept his gaze composed and neutral, Jonas is all but burning him with his unyielding stare. 'Yong braso niya na nasa likuran ng inuupuan ko, gumalaw at hinanap ang palad ko. Pinagsiklop niya ang mga kamay namin na hindi binabasag ang pagtititigan nila. I think this is his way of staking his claim. Kulang na lang ata ihian niya ako. "Sir, your meal." The waiter said, shattering the intense glaring contest. "Yes, sorry." Inigo murmured, giving the waiter an apologetic smile. After the waiter served our plates, Inigo requested a menu for Jonas. Mukhang hindi niya na-appreciate ang pagmamalasakit ni Inigo sa kanya dahil nakita ko ang pagtigas ng panga nito. Buti na lang minabuti niyang manahimik. We all ate in silence after that. No one dared to open a topic. Dahil kapag inumpisahan na naman nila, ako na mismo ang susupalpal sa mga mukha nila ng platong may pagkain. Dahil sa inaasal nila hindi ko na maalala kung may lasa ba ang steak ko at kung maalat ba ang fries na kasama no'n. I just wanted that disaster of a lunch to end. "This is on me." Inigo claimed after we finished eating. He fished out his credit card on his breast pocket and placed in on the table. Agad namang nag-react si Jonas, "Like hell you would." He grumbled, slapping his own card on top of Inigo's. I saw the waiter getting uncomfortable with the two testosterone battle between the two. They again fell into a stare down so I intervened. Hinablot ko iyong bill saka sinuksok ang card ko. "Ako na. Hindi niyo kailangang mag-agawan kong sino ang magbabayad." I said with finality. Inis na inis na rin talaga ako. Mabilis kong inabot 'yon sa waiter para wala na silang chance makipagtalo pa o wala nang oras para ipagpilitan ni Jonas ang kanya dahil alam ko namang hindi papalag si Inigo. He knows not to argue with me when I use that tone. "Baby, I don't like it when you pay for things." Jonas murmured, he's frowning at me but at the same time pleading with his eyes. I rolled my eyes at him, still not over the piling sins he's been committing since his tantrum inside his car this morning. "Ayaw ko rin na nandito ka, pero nandito ka pa rin. At may pera ako. That's how it is, we don't always get want we want." The crumpling of his face deepened. His jaw ticked and his eyes blazing. Walang akong pakialam. Kung galit siya, mas galit ako. Sino ba siya sa akala niya? Iuntog ko pa siya sa ibabaw ng lamesa. When my card returned, I took the liberty to stand first. They followed suit and soon the three of us are walking out of that dreadful lunch date. "Babe, did you walk coming here? Hatid na kita sa shop." Inigo offered when he saw my car is nowhere to be found. Before I can even answer, Jonas grip is on my elbow. He carefully tagged me to his side. Dinipa niya ang braso niya saka niya ako inakbayan. "This is your last warning with that endearment." He spewed with clenched teeth. "At ako ang maghahatid sa kanya. Now, take a hike." "JONAS!" Galit na suway ko saka ko siya siniko sa bandang tiyan. Ramdam ko ang tigas ng abs niya at parang ako pa ata ang nasaktan dahil wala man lang akong reaksyon na nakuha sa kanya. Patuloy lang siya sa pagbato ng masamang tingin kay Inigo. "It's alright. I did agree to his proposition of distancing myself." Inigo simpered. We both watched him get to his car, unlocking it, receiving clicking sound with the headlights flashing. He was about to get in when he stopped mid-way and threw us one last look. "And babe, since you haven't got any clue what to do after all of this. I'd willingly wait for you and we can both figure it out." Before Jonas and I could even react, he's off. Mukhang wala sa intensyon niyang maghintay ng sagot. We're both immobile as we stare at Inigo's white Chrysler disappearing in the distance. "What does he mean 'after all of this'? What does he know that I don't?" Jonas demanded when he regained his rational thinking. I eyeballed him, contemplating if this is the right moment to present my proposal to him. His face grew more impatient as I maintained my silence. He opened his mouth but I bit him to it. "Sa shop na lang tayo mag-usap. Medyo mahaba-haba ang sasabihin ko." He pressed his lips tightly but dipped in his head in agreement. He led me to his car, made sure I'm settled okay - he even buckled my seatbelt for me - before he jogged towards the driver's seat. Malapit lang naman ang flower shop kaya wala na rin kaming oras para umpisahan ang usapan sa loob ng kotse. But it's clear that his patience is wearing off, because as soon as he claimed the spot reserved for my Cardillac, he all but jumped out of his side to gather me and usher me inside my office. Kaway nga lang ang nagawa kong pagbati sa mga empleyado ko. He was quick to lock the door and faced me with an almost querulous state. I moved further inside my office until I'm standing at the other side, near the wall beside my big window. Hinarap niya ako, nakalukot ang mukha niya at alam kong timping-timpi na siya sa akin. "You should try to mollify yourself and seat." I ordered, arms crossed. "I'm not a dog to be barked around." "And I'm not yours to be pushed around either. Whether you do what you're told or I'm not talking." I firmly stood my groud. Hindi lang puwede ang gusto niya ang palaging nasusunod. "Maybe you aren't mine now but soon you'll be." He said with strong conviction making me flick an eyebrow at him. "'Yong pasensiya ko sa'yo nauubos na, Jonas! Walang nakakatawa sa inaasal mo! And don't use and show that attitude of yours to me! You left without a word this morning and tresspassed on what should be an exclusive lunch!" Pumameywang siya at hinalamos ang palad niya sa mukha niya. His clearly losing his sh!t but I'm not one to let this one go without a fight. "Sa tingin mo madali 'to sa parte ko? Do you think I can sit still and let you have lunch with your ex-boyfriend and expect me to be calm about it? Fück! Hindi ka akin at wala akong karapantan pero - " "Puro ka akin! Akin! Akin! Akin! Hindi naman ako gamit para may mag-ari sa'kin! You don't get to barge right in every freaking time you damn please and - " "Because you leave me no choice! Lagi mo akong pinagtutulakan palayo kahit ramdam nating pareho na kabaliktaran no'n ang gusto mo! Just for one goddamn fücking second, be honest with yourself, Kaitie - " "WOW! What a word coming from you? Bakit ikaw honest ka ba sa lahat? For all I know you're fücking your slut on the side while you're driving me nuts and - " I wasn't able to answer him because he took long strides to advance towards me, backing me up against the wall. He took both of my hands in his and pinned it on top of my head, while the other is rubbing my waist up and down in a lazy but dizzying motion. My words dissolved in my mouth and all that I am able to produce are deep, heavy pants. Our face are breath width apart and If I move my face, I'd be landing my mouth on his. "Fücking my sluts." He repeated angry but mocking. "You believe I'm still able to think about other girls when you're all there is to me. You've consumed my thoughts the moment I decided we meet." Decided to meet? Come to think of it, I never got a chance to clarify the first time he landed on my shop. "I...I..." I wasnt able to form words. His presence is too powering. Lalo na't ang lapit niya at wala akong ibang magawa kundi tumitig din sa nangungusap niyang mata. "You want honesty, baby? Fine. Listen damn well because I'll be flooding you with nothing but the truth." He whispered. He brushed his nose on mine. I closed my eyes, the scent of him I came to love, adding to the intoxicating feeling of having him in this proximity. I wriggled my hands, wanting freedom but not granted when he gripped my wrist more harshly. He move his face, running the tip of his nose to my cheek. "You." He murmured. "I first saw you in a picture from that Police Department Organization chart. Cliché as it may sound, I was quite smitten." Then he moved to my jaw, lovingly grazing his nose there. "Dapat galit ako, nalingat lang ako kunti dahil may kinuha akong files sa law office ng daddy ni Deandrei, pagbalik ko sa dati kong Audi may nakaipit na sa winshield na parking ticket. Like the what the fück, seryoso ba 'to usisa ko noong una. But then, I still obliged to pay the penalty for that fücking illegal parking violation. When I came to know that your family name is Real, unang naisip ko si Kiara. Again, ayaw kong mag-ugat ng malisya kaya ingat akong nagtanong tungkol sa'yo mula kay Jazz. He told me you're Kiara's twin sister. As in I was shocked to know that, so I concluded, dizygotic twins hindi kasi kayo magkamukha ni Kiara although may pagkakahawaig kayo't pagkakatulad. Kaya pala noong una ko ring nakita si Kiara, di nawala ang titig ko sa kanya na para bang nakita na ulit kita sa pangalawang pagkakataon. Binalewa ko iyon, pero tangina di ka nawala sa isip ko. Kaya noong makita ulit kita sa surprise party para kay Kiara at proposal night ni Jazz, mas lalong akong naguluhan. Sabi ko sa sarili ko, iba na talaga ang nararamdaman ko sa'yo kahit di pa naman kita nakakausap ng personal at nalalapitan na mahawakan." Humugot siya ng malalalim na hininga saka siya tumitig ulit sa mga mata ko na hindi kumukurap. Para namang may naghahabulan ng kung ano sa loob dahil sa bilis ng t!bok ng puso ko sa mga rebelasyon niya. "I stewed my plan, because I wanted to meet you. Gusto kong malaman kung ano 'to. Bakit ganito ako sa'yo gayong picture lang naman ang nakita ko? Kaya inumpisahan ko sa pagpapadala ng bulaklak sa'yo sa prisinto with that unknown sender. Limang beses ata na ginawa ko 'yon, hanggang sinabi ng janitor ng Capitol na nag-resigned ka na raw. Pasimple pa rin akong nagtatanong kay Jazz tungkol sa'yo. Tuwing may okasyon sila na imbitado ang buong gang, tangina kahit importanteng meeting pinagpapaliban ko umaasa akong makikita kita sa pagtitipon pero ni minsan hindi kita nakita. Kaya naman nang malaman kong ikaw ang wedding planner nila, and that you run a flower shop alongside your event business, I planned again to meet you." He shifted his head down to my neck. I heard him inhaling my scent and him humming in approval. Fück me because my body reacts to him, sings for him as if he's the major composer of my own personal song. "Jonas. . ." I pleaded, wanting to break free of his hold. Lalo na't sa mga nalaman ko galing sa mga labi niya, di na kinakaya ng puso at katawan ko. But he didn't give in. Instead, he locked my movements by pressing his body on mine, melding it oh-so-sweetly that I can feel the contrast of his hardness to my softness. I tried to move, only to feel his poking erection rubbing against stomach making as both let out a stifled groan. Gusto ko na siyang sunggaban, ngunit hindi siya gumagalaw. He again hovered his face on mine, almost kissing. "Not yet, baby. I'm not done with my story." "No more." I choked out, my voice hoarse and dripping with need. Umiling siya saka nag-iwan ng maliit na halik sa magkabilang gilid ng labi ko. He rested his forehead on mine and tucked his eyes closed. I suddenly felt his confidence withering and I wonder what else he needed to tell me. He let go of his grip on my wrists and let it fall on my side. He opened his eyes and created a space between our faces. He placed both his hands on my neck, his fingers reaching my jaw. He was looking at me as if I am the center of his world. It's unnerving and I'm overwrought. "When I first saw you, my world stopped. It became quiet, serene and tranquil. Then I heard your voice and damn because it matches your face perfectly. It was soft, soothing, almost like cotton caressing my whole being. It was that very moment I know I have to bail out. Because I sensed danger. And if I let you, I know you'll destroy me. I tried fooling myself. Creating an imaginary and ugly thought I can throw at you to make you less prefect." "Wha. . ." My heart hammered inside my chest, it was hard voicing out anything even a one syllable word. "I walked away, or tried walking away but I can't. I craved the peace I felt when I saw you and I wanted to taste it. So, I kissed you. It was brief but the moment you mouth was on mine was everything I didn't know I needed. All these years, I didn't know I was fidgeting, always in a hurry, always trying to whisk my way towards life. And you came, you held me still. You grounded me and I don't want to lose that feeling. I don't ever want to lose you." I was mumed by the time he finished talking. Mukhang inaasahan niyang may sasabihin ako ngunit hirap talaga akong bumuo ng kahit anong salita. Huminga siya ng malalim saka umatras ng tatlong hakbang patalikod. Kumamot siya sa likuran ng ulo niya at umiwas ng tingin. "You want me to be honest." He muttered. Ngayon ko lang siya nakita na parang walang kompiyansa sa sarili. He was balancing his weight one foot to another, as if he's trying to hold back his pee. "Jonas." I croaked. He snapped his eyes at me, big and hopeful. I mustered the strength I have left because my next words aren't going to be easy on him or me. "What you said was flattering, your revelation was surprising, pero hindi ako naghahanap ng ka-relasyon." Paos kong sambit. His face fell but he didn't turn away. Instead, he waited for my next thoughts. "You asked me what Inigo meant earlier. It's sort of connected why we broke up." Tumango siya. "He proposed to me the first night you drove me home." "Proposed?" he asked, his jaw clenching and hands balling to fist. "Yes. Pero hindi ko tinanggap. Kasi ayaw kong magpakasal, sa kanya o kahit kanino man. And also because he can't give me what I wanted." "What is it?" Here goes nothing. "A kid." His eyes widened, his face registering shock. "A kid?" He echoed. Tumango ako. "He's a strict Catholic who believes that pre-marital s*x is a sin. That's why he insists on the marriage." "Bakit ayaw mong magpakasal?" "I just don't." I shrugged. I know he doesn't buy, but he kept his thoughts to himself. I held his gaze, making sure that I deliver my next word limpid and clear. "This is the part where I need your help." "Help? You wanted me to help you have a kid? Gusto mong buntisin kita?" Tanong niya, halatang hindi makapaniwala. Pero isang malinaw na reaksyon na nabasa ko sa mukha ay masaya siya sa naririnig niya. "Yes. 'Yon nga. I know you hate commitments - " "It's different with you. I want to commit to you in every way possible." I clear my throat. Don't, Kaitie. Don't go in there. You don't want to involve feelings. Hindi ka pwedeng magpadala sa kanya. "But I don't. I just want a child, less the relationship complications. After I successfully bore one, wala akong hihingiin na kahit ano sa'yo. I can fend for myself." "What if I demand a relationship? With you and our future baby?" And he's back. The sanguine and self-assured Jonas version is back. "Kaya nga pinag-uusapan natin ngayon. So, we can arrive at an understanding to avoid confusion from both parties." Natahimik siya at napatingin sa ceiling na para bang pinag-iisipan ng mabuti ang mga in-offer ko sa kanya. Hanggang sa ibinaba niya ang tingin na 'yon sa'kin at saka humakbang papalapit. We're again back to our original position, him a few inches away from me. But this time, he had one hand on his pocket, while the other is twirling the ends of my caramel, medium-length, bob cut hair. "What do I have to do to make you change your mind?" He muttered, his voice as chocolate-y as his expressive eyes. I tried looking away, but he's all I can see. I swallowed the big lump on my throat and again focused on him. "W-wala. . . Kasi hindi naman magbabago ang isipan ko." "Hmm. . .He hummed, then he bent down leveling his face with mine. "Then I guess, I'll make you fall in love with me, make you fall hard you won't be able to get up and run."
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