Chapter 29 - Pregnant?!

2248 Words

Moon Okay, how was I going to do this… Well, only one way, I guess… I shrugged, talking to myself, and peeing on the stick. When I was done, I waved my hand over the result strip and made the two lines shine through. Now all I had to do was convince my granddaughter that she was the one who did the test and just forgot about it… Easy… I waited for it to cool down, so it wouldn’t feel like it’s just been used… eeeuuuwww this was so gross!! I washed my hands and grabbed onto it with a piece of toilet paper. When I was younger, we didn’t have these things telling us whether we were pregnant or not! I knew it was my own bodily fluids, but the idea of it, IT WAS JUST WRONG, OKAY! “Uhm, guys… Michael… did she say anything about a pregnancy test?” I held it up high in the air and all their ey

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