Chapter 28 - Fainting ...

2691 Words

Michael I wasn’t planning on talking to her tonight, but seeing her so sick and helpless when I arrived, I was glad I was there. When she walked down the passage, my heart started to race. How? What did I say? How did I start? “How are you feeling now?” I raised a brow. “Better thank you, you really don’t have to stay. I’m just going to go to bed.” We walked out to her patio and she switched on fairy lights that seemed to be the only lighting outside… I could guess that her mom and aunt had their hands on this. “Michael, why are you here?” She frowned. “I… I don’t know. To tell you the truth… I guess I miss you if I have to be really honest.” I pulled my fingers through my hair in frustration. “Oh. We didn’t actually part on really great terms the last time we spoke.” She sighed dee

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