Chapter 30 - Magic ...

2266 Words

Elizabeth I woke up and looked at the beam of light shining through my room. Groundhog Day. Only I wished it was. That, I could actually deal with right now. I was pregnant with Michael’s child, I sighed. At that moment, I already loved the little alien, right? I didn’t know if I liked the fact that it was his. I heard the buzzer go off and mom’s voice answering. Pulling the bed cover over my head, I wished for the world outside to disappear and that I would be transported somewhere else. Picturing the beautiful forest, I was in when I received my goddess powers, which I still didn’t understand! Why did I have to get powers? Silence fell, and I listened carefully, waiting for mom to walk into my room and tell me to get up, but nothing happened. Slowly moving the covers, I peeked out fro

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