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Chapter 17 Lila I felt a panic attack coming on.I didn't know what to do. I slid down the door. How was this possible? I could scream but there was no guarantee anyone would get here fast enough to save me. "Calm down." He said quietly. "It's not what you think. You are in no danger from me. The opposite actually."  He walks towards me and I curl into myself for protection but its not enough. He reaches down and I flinch thinking he will hit me but he doesn't. He grabs my hands and helps me up, then leads me to my bed. "You died. How?" He smiled. Kinda. "I died but that death freed me from a spell, not ended my life. I'm so sorry. " He leaned down and hugged me. I hugged him back tightly. "I missed you so much Pike, but you have to get out of here. Damien will kill you if he find you here." Apparently my brother found this funny. "he will do no such thing as he will never know I am here. I have been enchanted by a witch, the same witch that patched me up and brought me back to life after I was discarded like trash." I sighed. " You were attacking a pack Pike. Honestly, what did you expect?" His shoulders dropped down. "Look. I know you think I'm a monster who killed our pack but I am not. A witch had a curse on me I couldn't break. I had to watch myself do all these things. I remember burning you. I'm so sorry  about that. I never knew when I tried practicing my summoning what could happen. i see now why mom told me to leave it alone. There is so much you don't know..." His voice trails off. I kind of believe him then again I kind of don't. Pike could be a great liar. "How long was this spell or curse on you? Why didn't you ask for help. " He signed. From age ten when I tried a minor summoning. Of course it went all wrong and I ended up basically locked in my own mind and seeing the path that the seer warned me about play out. It was horrid. You went shopping with mom and dad had some stuff to do so I was on my own. I pulled out a few of gramps spell books and one opened itself to me. This had happened before but I ignored it. Now I had no one around to warn me and I was curious so you know I tried the spell. Worst mistake ever. The spirit I conjured was some mad witch who had been sentenced to death for his crimes but of course felt he was wronged. He easily overpowered me. It was laughable that I even tried to maintain control, if I am honest. A kid against an ancient one." I grimaced. He wouldn't have had a chance. "So how did you get free of him?" He gave me a large and genuine smile. "Well after the battle and after i guess the dead had been buried or disposed of one of the witches came for me. My body wasn't totally dead as Benic, the witch who had inhabited me, had prepared for almost everything. She knew I would live if she performed a cleansing ritual. She said for your safety and mine she couldn't tell me which of the sisters she was but that when the time came she would help us. She talked to my kind of corpse the whole time she prepped as she knew I could hear her. When the time came it was so painful. It felt like she broke all my bones and squished all my organs then set them on fire,then nothing. I passed out and woke up three days later in charge of my body again. The witch took time to train me more and told me that I was destined for better things, righteous things as compared to what Marco told me I was. She also told me you were adopted and have a family in their pack and that you were missing but were doing well before that. Then she told me I needed to come to you because you would need my help and that as long as I do the right thing I will find myself again and have a family too. She said that I would have some hardships getting to you and i did but she also taught m e some useful things, like how to cloak and most importantly, how to make a portal. So are you ready to go?" I stepped back from him. This was a lot to process. My dead brother wasn't dead but also could just waltz into Damien's fortress and portal me out and I wasn't supposed to question any of this. It sounded to good to be true. I licked my lips nervously. "Can you explain how you got it here without getting caught?" He nodded. "The witch gave me instructions She said it had to be me who got you out of here because you would need fire knowledge to clear the way for us to leave. She also said once we step into the portal that Damien will know within an hour that you are gone but I have a plan to through him off the trail. We aren't going directly back to the pack because that is what he would expect and your dads aren't there anyway. I know you have reservations but its not like you can't defend yourself. You did kinda kill me before or have you forgotten?" He chuckled as I blushed. Everything he said was true and I did want out of here and back with my family . I guess to achieve that,this was my best bet. I nodded. "Ok. give me a few minutes to pack my backpack then I am ready." I turned to pack,but didn't miss the smirk on his face before he got rid of it. 
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