Let's Go

1021 Words
Chapter 18 Lila OK. I looked around the room. Everything I wanted was shoved into my backpack. I was being a bit hesitant as Pike made preparations for his portal. "You look sad, almost like you don't want to go." I didn't respond. "Hey I do not know what your situation is here. I assume it was bad because , well he kidnapped you but if it's something else you should tell me before I make this portal." He stared at me and rolled his eyes when I didn't respond. " You look well cared for. He obviously didn't starve you. He didn't beat you. I don't get it. This guy must be bad at kidnapping." I giggled a little. "He told me he wouldn't hurt me . He wanted to get to aunt Corina and I was a way for him to do that. He didn't hate me or have issue with m e. He fed me, let me train and taught me some new things. If it wasn't for the whole k********g thing it would have been like a mini vacation to be honest." I shrugged. "So." Pike started slowly. "You do want to go." I nodded and went back to packing my things up . It didn't take me long as there wasn't much I owned here at all. " I fell like I should say goodbye or something. Is that stupid?" Pike chuckled to himself. "That's just you. You get attached quickly to people and things. Always have." The shine in his eyes reminded me of a time when I adored him, held him in the highest regards. How I missed those days when I could just trust my brother, now I felt like I had to keep an eye on him. ."Just leave him a note." Pike offered. That was a good idea. I ripped a piece of paper out of a notebook I had been using.  Dear Damien, By now I guess you know I left. Please don't be made at your guards I kinda slipped by them without  making a sound. I learned a lot here. Take care of yourself and please don't hurt my aunt. I would say I hope to see you again but that would only be if you wouldn't hurt my family and you seem to want to do that. A shame really because you would be a cool uncle or big brother if it wasn't for this whole k********g thing you have going on. I hope you let your anger go. Thank  you for not hurting me while I was here and for teaching me a few things. Your fave kidnap victim, Lila.  "Okay." I turned to Pike. "I'm ready." He had the portal open. I was nervous but excited to be going with him. I hadn't thought to ask where we were going exactly but something was telling me that he wouldn't hurt me and I am pretty sure I can hold my own against him if he tries to hurt me. I slid my backpack on and stepped towards his outstretched hand. "make sure to hold tightly to my hand so we do not get separated. It will seem like a super long time but in reality its seconds, no longer than a minute. Time works really weird in these things." He gripped my hand a bit tighter. "Ready?" He asked. I nodded my head yes. "Then let's go." he said and we stepped inside the portal.  It was so cold inside the portal and windy as all get out, but Pike held tight to me as we pressed our way forward. I could see the end of the portal but it felt like we were moving in slow motion and would never get there. After what seemed like forever, we did reach the exit and PIke pushed us both through. We tumbled out onto the ground. There was no one around that I could see, but there was a small cabin. "Where are we?" He sighed as he struggled to sit up. " My house. I need more energy to get you to your family and this is the safest place I could think of to recharge and eat and not have to worry about someone snatching you back." I must have looked confused. He spread his arms as he turned in a circle. "This is all warded. No one can get in here. My cabin, the small lake over there and those gardens are all mine and all safe. Give me a few and the phone should be working. You can call your family while I nap." I follow him into the small cabin. It has a homey feel about it. A small bathroom is in the corner and a large bed occupies the back wall. Pike goes and flops on that while I head to the small brown love-seat and turn on the tv. "Hey keep that down will you but all the cable and shows you used to like should be able to be watched on it. The phone will work in just a minute. Let me get about two hours of sleep ok? Help yourself to anything in the fridge but don't go outside because I don't want you to accidentally step over the barrier. You won't be able to get back in. When you are ready to do so call your people and tell them I will have you to them before the night is over and that I just needed to take a rest to recharge my energy. Portals take so much out of you. It's crazy." He stops talking and I hear him rustling around like he is trying to get comfortable. In no less than five minutes I hear the sound of him breathing shallowly and know he is asleep. I stand and head to the small desk and with my hands shaking. I don't even know what to say besides I love you. I pick up the phone, but set it down as I realize that the voice I kept hearing didn't sound like Pike at all. 
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