Enter a friend

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Chapter 16 Lila I screamed but quickly stopped when I didn't feel myself being burned. I looked up and the flames were frozen, stilled. They were there but they weren't burning. I was terrified. "Its ok. Step back. Damien commanded. " I did as he said and as soon as I did the flames dissipated. "How did you do that? he asked with his voice full of awe. He was looking me over to see if I was hurt and I was glad for a moment. He came over to me and started inspecting my hands."Not even a singe. " I looked up at him. "Thank you for stopping the flames. I was so scared. I don't know what happened." He shook his head vehemently. I did nothing, truly. You started the flames rising then it looked like you lost control momentarily then you recovered and stopped them in their tracks, The heat was radiating from them but they could do no harm . It was almost as if they were encapsulated within themselves." He added thoughtfully.  You may be stronger than I thought. Do you want to take a break?" I smiled at him. " Just a quick one then we can try again I guess. "  I watched as he walked into the house. I was alone so this was the perfect time. 'How close are you?' I sent via link. they aren't close at all. I have just given them your location. You're welcome by the way.' I sighed. Manners aren't my strong suite. 'Thank you so  much for telling my family where I am.' They snickered. 'You're welcome but I meant from stopping you from burning yourself up. You have talent but you have got to learn to control fire much better than that before using it. ' I gasped before looking around wildly. 'Stop it. Do you want to out your only source of help here?' It took me a moment to get it.' Sorry.' I felt them pause. ' No need to say sorry. You're still a kid, a powerful one, but still a kid. You just have to think what keeps you safest. Me not being found out does that. Now. When Damien comes back I can almost guarantee he will want you to do that again, and you will. The control is in you, you just have to bring it out. Now take a break, truly and clear your mind. When he comes back I will talk you through it.'  I felt the link close and sat down on the ground. I didn't want to appear too happy but the thought of getting back to my family made me too happy. Then there was my mysterious helper that I owed my face if not my life to. I wondered if they were like me or a fae. If they were a fae I had to really be quiet because Damien would kill them almost instantly for betraying him. He's such an asshat. I don't see how he can somehow have patience for me but treat his people like they are disposable. Its disgusting really. I didn't have time to think further on it as Damien came back out. "Ready to have another go at it?" I nodded. "Wonderful. You're going to be quite the soldier one day. Do you think you can repeat what you did earlier. It would truly be a pleasure to watch that sequence of events play out again." He looked at me expectantly. 'Tell him you think it was from fear but that you will try and don't look around.' They stopped me just in the nick of time as I was about to seek them out. I did as they said then stood back while Damien prepared the buckets and twigs again. 'Ok when he steps back focus on starting the fire again. Think about it in terms of breathing. Breathing harder makes it rise a bit. He's ready. Start and remember I won't leave you.' I did as my new friend said and started breathing small breaths to get the fire going while focusing on fire. It worked! I felt a sense of pride as instead of shooting up the flames almost crawled over the twigs. "Perfect! Now, get it a little higher and then try to freeze it again." The excitement in Damien's voice couldn't be missed. I executed it perfectly. 'Ok now when its high enough hold your breath. Once your ready release that breath. Breathe through your nose if you need to but not with your mouth until your're ready.' I followed the instructions perfectly. Soon the flame was dancing just above the bin and  froze it! I couldn't even express my joy properly because I was scared. "Perfect." I heard Damien say. I let my breath out and the flame disappeared. "Sorry. I couldn't hold it any longer. " I muttered. " Oh there is no need to be sorry my child. You have earned a reward for this. Name what you would like and it is yours, with the exception of going home. " He raised his eyebrows at me. "Um can I think about it overnight?" He nodded. "That is more than enough for today. You may enjoy your leisure time. He turned sharply and left.  I just stood there quietly for a few moments, not only in awe of what I did but hoping my friend would contact me again. They had to be a friend, I mean why else would they help me, right? I meandered around a bit more and decided to give it up when they didn't reach out anymore. I headed back inside and up to what I call the movie room to relax. At the last second I detoured to my room as I felt there was really a need to be there instead of watching a movie. "When I walked in my room I almost screamed but the finger that the person sitting on my bed put to their mouth let me know I needed to shut up and do it quickly. I closed my door as the tears started streaming down my face. "Ah. So nice to see you finally. Anything you want to tell me?" 
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