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Chapter 7 Alora I calmed my mind and my wolf. I hoped to the goddess this girl has a strong wolf. I could feel Elderin's eyes on me. He was scared and I don't blame him. In Damien's grasp was a dangerous place to be. I relaxed as much as I could and called out to her. I hadn't done this in so long as our kind is rare. I knew I would reach her but how long the connection would last would be the issue. 'Lila? If you can't give me your full attention that's ok just let me know you're ok.' I waited. i knew I had reached her but it felt as if she were blocking me  out somehow. 'Later.' I perked up at that one word. "She is ok. " I opened my eyes and looked at Elderin. The relief on his face was evident. "Has she said anything. " I vigorously shook my head. "She isn't alone or something is stopping her from communication with us. She said later but calmly." He nodded his understanding. "So we wait then?" He asked more so than stated. "We wait." I affirmed.  We sat and he told me a little more about Lila and his sister who I absolutely was intrigued by when I felt the familiar scratching. 'Hello?' Her voice sounded unsure. 'Hi Lila. My name is Alora. I'm friends with your dad and a hybrid like you. I am going to help you get out of there. What can you tell me about where you are?' She went into description of where she was and her daily routine and how often Damien left her alone. He was treating her pretty well it seemed and that was not a good thing. Damien is only kind to those he has plans for. This was going to have to be a one shot thing and fast. Damien was deadly. 'OK.' She had given me an idea of her location. 'The woman you think that can help. Can she tell you exactly where you are. The state or even the city. Anything' There was no response for a bit. 'He's coming back. She said she will give you instructions tomorrow and that you will need a small army.' With that she went silent and I knew that she wouldn't communicate anymore now.' I turned to Elderin. "She has someone helping her. She hopes to get us an exact location soon. She is ok but it really sounds like Damien is grooming her for something. He is a maniac and I am frightened of what that something can be. Lila said she has someone on the inside helping her to escape but that we would need a small army to deal with the men he has there.' He was silent for a moment while he processed all of it. "But she sounded ok?" I nodded. "She really did. I didn't pick up on any fear or worry. Just irritation." This made him laugh out loud. "That's her alright.' He shook his head in delight. "She has no patience whatsoever. " he continued laughing and I couldn't help but smile. NO matter how they were brought together, this girl was really his. He cared. He loved her. That was the type of bond I was hoping to make one day. My own family. I would do anything for one. 
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