A new member

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Chapter 8 Corina I watched Alora with my brother. I wasn't sure about her but my instinct and wolf both said she was honest and good. I guess another hybrid with/wolf is just a bit of a shock. I sighed. My Lila, We would get her back but Damien was going to be a problem. A fae that old and string wouldn't go down easily and I had used so much last time I went against him.  That day was so painful, much more painful than my first shift. I don't know if I can take it. 'We will train and get stronger. Of course we can take him.' Kadence sounded irritated and offended. 'Sorry K girl. You're right. We got this. We will train hard. ' I looked up and Alora was done . She looked tired but happy and was very excitedly telling my brother something. I waited until they were done and moved closer.  "Everything ok you two?" They both looked up. Alora was the first to speak. "Your niece is well. She is a brave young girl. " I smiled at her. She continued filling me in on what was said. When she was done she looked bath and forth between my brother and I. "Luna Corina I was hoping to come along to rescue her and maybe settle in your pack for a while." I raised  my eyebrows. This wasn't what I expected. "Why would you want to leave her?" she launched into her story . She was alone. I knew something about this.  "We can give it a try. It makes sense for you to come when we get Lila. After we can give you living on pack lands a trial run. We do have an unconventional pack." I giggled. "You will fit right in, and yeah maybe find a mate." I smiled at her thinking she would smile back but she looked a little sad. "You will, of course, have to discuss this with your alpha first, but I am sure there won't be any issues." She nodded in agreement. "It won't be an issue at all. We all knew that I would move on eventually. I really want to find my mate. " I rubbed her back. "Completely understandable. It's something we all wait for and dream of. I truly hope we find them for you on the way or at our pack. Alora smiled back at me finally. "I am getting a little excited. I'm going to go talk to Aloha. I will let you both know if I hear anything from Lila." She turned and left.  "Are you ok?" I asked him. His face clearly showed he was emotionally drained. I waited for his answer as he ran his hand through his hair. "I'm worried but hopeful if that makes sense." He continued without waiting for me to answer. " I always loved her but it feels like more now if that makes sense. Like she was my true child from day one." I nodded. "the family bond setting in." He smiled quickly. "Yes. I had heard about it growing up, even wondered if it would happen to me one day after mom and dad.." He trailed off. "I didn't think it would be like this. It hurts. And Javen.." He trailed off again. I went to him and hugged him. "Go talk to him. " He hugged me tightly then nodded and walked off.  I felt a sadness. I wasn't sure why. I have my brother. My mate. The moon goddess watches over me. I know we will get Lila back but I still have an emptiness inside of me and I am unsure of what it is. I sat on one of the sofas facing the training grounds. Gorgeous view. I smiled at the pack members going about their activities. Not a care in the world, just living in the moment. I can't wait to get back to that. 'I can't wait for pups.' I snorted laughing. 'Not so soon Kadence.' 'Sooner than you think she retorted then retreated to her private space.' I want pups but not for at least another two years. I know James needs an heir but we have time. I also need to know the implications. With my bloodline being that of the moon goddess, will it be a girl or could we have a boy? What is the possibility it will be a wisp. So much to consider before we even head down that road, but I couldn't help but smile at the mental image of a mini James or a mini me running around. 'We can always practice' James interrupted my day dream. I forgot to close the link. 'That is true. Is two years too long?' He didn't answer right away and I started to get nervous. 'That's two years of practice right? Sounds good to me. Then four kids should make it right.' FOUR! I blocked him and his laughter out. That was ridiculous. Four. I shook my head and went back to thinking of the problem at hand. Just how can I end Damien's never ending life?
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