
542 Words
Chapter 15 Lila  I took a deep breath as I hurried back to my room. I don't know how or if it was even possible that he didn't learn of my wolf. It briefly crossed my mind that the doctor guy knew but didn't tell him, but that thought scared me. That would mean he wanted something and I don't have anything so the few things he could want disgusted and terrorized me. I walked slowly and quietly because I was afraid of Damien sneaking up on me. 'He knows about us.' My wolf said quietly. 'Who does?' 'The doctor. He wants to protect us.' I sighed and wished that it were true. 'How do you know?' I trusted my wolf but this seemed a huge risk. 'He has a wolf. He's old and not much energy left. He can't shift  but he can reach out to other wolves. He said he will try to reach out to Aunt Corina for us.' 'Impossible.' I replied. NO wolf could do that. She's a luna. You can't just contact a luna wolf. 'She's also a fae. He's a fae. Maybe there is something for just fae. ' I shrugged. Maybe there was.  I reached my room and took a moment to prepare. I knew Damien would work me overtime since he found out about my other ability.  Sure enough, no sooner than I had changed into my training gear , a heavy knock came on my door. I knew it was him and opened it immediately. He nodded. "You're ready. That's good. You must be just as anxious to see what you can do. Follow." He started towards the staircase and I chased behind in order to keep up. We eventually ended up in the back yard. there were two clear plastic buckets on the ground. One was filled with water and the other sticks. He turned to me. "We will start simple. Just light the sticks on fire. Once its started , control it to put it out. If you can't use the water."  He stepped back and left me to try this . I could feel his eyes on me and it felt really creepy. He wanted me to be able to do this way more than I wanted to. I concentrated and let the thought of fire consume me. Nothing happened. At all. It was rather embarrassing actually. "Relax." I heard Damien say . I tried again . This time I Focused my thought on what I wanted to burn instead of trying to outright control the fire and it worked! A small flame ignited on the twigs. "I did it!" I turned to Damien with a huge smile on m y face. he returned the smile then went right back to business. "Now try to make it a little bigger. "  I focused and felt a surge of pride as the flame grew. <i was doing a pretty good job of controlling the steady groeth until a simple mindlink broke my concentration. 'We have an idea where you are. We're coming for you.' That small interruption was enough to break mu concentration and control. All I could do was scream as the heat from the flames threatened to engulf me
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