A little liar

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Chapter 14 Damien I waited as I heard Lila running towards the medical building. I knew my yell for her was loud but I was flabbergasted at her results. She had been keeping a rather large secret from me and I was livid. I thought we were learning to trust each other but I guess not. Although she is a teenager and if I recall they do strange things anyway so maybe I am overthinking this a lot. I calmed myself a little as I didn't want to frighten the girl. Soon after i heard her approach."Yes Damien." I turned to her. "Lila. I thought we were working on building a partnership and in partnerships there is a line of trust. It would seem you, perhaps unintentionally broke this line. How long have you known?" She sighed and I watched her face for signs of lying.  "She looked me in the eye. "I wasn't sure. I didn't know what was happening to me and I know its rare for a witch to have.." I cut her off. "While rare for a witch to be able to control multiple elements it does happen. And you control or will control two of the most powerful elements. I wish you had said something sooner but it is not too late. We can begin proper training right away. We will start today." I watched her reaction. There was something else she was hiding but she also seemed eager. "So you're not upset?" I shrugged. "This isn't optimal but now that it is out in the open I see no reason to make a big deal over it as long as in the future you remain honest and forthcoming." She nodded. "Do you know how to call forth flames at all? I know your brother was a master of fire which makes me thing someone else in your line was a master of both. you should have some innate ability to control them without too much assistance from outside forces." She looked down when I mentioned the last part. Peculiar. "Meet me out back in 20 minutes. We will see what you can naturally do." She nodded and turned to leave. I waited until she was totals out of ear shot before speaking. "That child is hiding something else. Something big. Did you see the surprise when I mentioned her ability to control flame?" That is not what she was hiding. I want you to run another test for me." I turned to face the good doctor. "Check her for any trace of a wolf. They are in her blood line so her having one isn't out of the question, nor is her developing one in the future." I paused giving the doctor time to correct me if I was wrong as I knew he would. When he didn't I continued. "Can you see the possibilities if she has a wolf? This is..wow. Let me know as soon as you have the results." I turned and headed back to my quarters. I needed a moment before I met with Lila. I was going to push her to the brink today. It's about time to see exactly what she can do and I have just the idea to get us there. 
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