Damien's Past

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Chapter 12 Corina     I'm stressed but hopeful. Watching James talk to Alpha Jose gives me a lot of hope but I have a nagging feeling about this upcoming fight with Damien. I also want to know why he took Lila. Out of all of us he took a child and I am not certain he knew her attachment to me or her new found relation. it just doesn't make sense. I went back to the moment I realized she was missing and went over it again. I just don't know what it is I am missing. 'Mom can he be killed? Can I really do it?' For a moment I thought she had fully retreated until I heard her sigh. 'It's doable but you will need to get more in touch with your fae roots. Being the wisp isn't enough. H e has all kinds of energy and magick . most of it dark that gives him an advantage. He hasn't lived this long on accident. I too have been thinking on why he could have taken Lila. She's unusually strong for such a young witch. He could have sensed that or he could have just grabbed whoever he could have. I have no idea but now that he has her and knows what she can do , he won't want to give her up. He will want to train her and win her over to his side. Do not underestimate him. He wasn't always like this . He used to be caring and kind.' This information hit me kind of hard. The being I saw was cold, callous and pure evil. James was still engaged in making a strong treaty with Alpha Jose so I had some time. 'What happened to him?' I asked, 'The same that happens to many people. He suffered a lot of loses in a small time. His father. His sister, his good friend. All over a war he didn't start nor wanted any part in. You could say he was born into the wrong forest. He was a gentle soul in a forest of the worst of fae kind. His mother knew he wouldn't make it as did his father. His sister was hopeful but also knew the dangers of him being so soft. They realized when he was young that he was an exceptionally gifted fae. There wasn't much he couldn't do. He could teleport, he could read the minds of other fae, he could bend nature to his will. His father saw him as a weapon. Damien killed his first human when he was nine and his dad didn't let up on him from there. He hated it but darkness crept in. '  How horrible for him but we all make choices. He didn't have to become the monster that he is. He didn't have not do any of this. 'How did his family die?' Mom sighed. 'His sister was first. Damien refused to kill another fae and his father became furious. He went to do a vine attack on Damien and his sister pushed him out of the way and she was the one the vines took . She was suffocated before anyone even realized what had happened. They say Damien spent a while day trying to bring her back to life as he had previously had success with small wildlife and plants and such. They had to physically restrain him to remove her and begin the burial procedures. That was the last day of a fully sweet Damien. Losing Relia killed a part of him and he just went downhill from there. Pretty sad really but as you said, not an excuse, He is still mortal. He can die but he has magick, witches with powerful spells, access to lycan blood and modern technology. You have your work cut out for you but you can do this. Dob't rush into it. Lila is safe for now.' With that she retreated leaving me to consider her words. In a way this out our mission at jeopardy. Should we take more time? Is Lila really safe? I sighed. this was definitely something I needed to get everyone together to discuss because knowing why Damien was like he was still didn't give me the key to killing him and I desperately needed that for future peace. 
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