
908 Words
Chapter 11 Lila I gasped as my surroundings became clear again. I looked at the guy in front of me and frown. I tried to hit him and prepared to use a spell but he blocked it. "Don't. I'm not here to hurt you. In fact I will figure out how to save you." He smiled looking sure of himself. "Where is your family? What coven or pack? " I can get word to them." I was overwhelmed and confused. "Who are you?" He gave me a huge smile. "That won't matter for another three years to you but hurry I can't hold this spell much longer. we have few minutes."' Hes our mate. Tell him everything quickly. He's like us .' So i did. I told him everything as fast as I could. " I know the pack and I know Alora. She owes me a favor. Keep yourself safe. They shouldn't have any knowledge of this. " He smelled my hair, then my neck. Then placed a small kiss on my forehead. "Please stay safe."  Just as quick as he appeared he was gone and everything went back to normal. I quickly dressed and took the clothes out that I wanted and tried to calm my nerves. I went back and as he said the guards had no idea of what had transpired but they weren't Damien. Speak of the devil he came over and looked the clothes. he only spared me one look and then took the clothes to the register and paid for the clothes."Are you ok Lila?" Damien looked at me as though he were concerned. I shook my head." I have a feeling something is going to happen. We should go. I don't know this feeling. " He nodded. " I sensed this coming from you. I just wanted to see if you would be honest. We can come back on a different day." He turned and the guards took my bags. I had lied. Since the boy talked to me I felt nothing but calm. We all go tin the car and Damien turned to me. "Have you ever had this feeling before?" "No sir." I replied quickly. "Were there any seers in your family line?"  I shrugged my shoulders. "I'm not really sure. I don't know my whole line. I didn't see my grandparents much." He looked thoughtful. "Would you be willing to do a test?" I guess I looked scared because he softened his tone. " I told you as long as you followed the rules no harm would come to you Lila. This is a simple blood test. It can give me insight as to if you are a seer or have the gift in your lineage." I thought about it. I wonder if he can see if I have a wolf that way too. 'He can't. You're too young for it to fully show. It's safe to do this.' 'Thank you wolfie.' 'Lauren. Not wolfie.' She huffed. "Ok. how long does it take?" I was genuinely interested now that I knew he wouldn't find out about my wolf. "Around a day." He turned back around, signifying the conversation was over. That was just fine as we were almost home.  Once we were in the garage Damien gently grabbed my arm. "This way. They will put your items in your room. We will discuss proper usage later. Follow me to the lab." He led me into a dark hallway and through a labyrinth of hallways until we reached an almost hospital like lab. He pointed at a seat. "Have you ever given blood?" I shook my head no. Not that I knew of anyway.  A man entered and he had an intense conversation with Damien that ended with 'right away sir.' Like most things around here. He came over to me and tied a thing on my arm and poked around a bit. Then he pulled out a needle and got some blood which he promptly squeezed a few drops onto a leaf. He carried the silver tray the leaf rested on to Damien. "You remember the colors, yes?" He asked Damien who nodded. "Come." Damien said to me whole carrying the tray as if it were a prized possession. We walked in silence until he spoke. "They have set up your phone and computer. Everything you send as in texts, emails, messages and the like are copied to me. The minute I see you trying to summon help, everything ends. Is that clear?" He turned to look at me. "Very. Thank you." He nodded and we kept walking. We finally reached the living room and I watched as he set the tray down. "I'll call you down when the results are ready. " With that he walked out and I headed to my room. When I reached my room Ma'lynn was there. She watched as I closed and locked the door. "Is everything ok?" I inquired. She nodded. "Just checking in on you. I heard he took you shopping." I sat next to her. "He did. He was very nice which means he wants something." She nodded in agreement.  " He does. Be on your guard." She stood up. "I will. " She nodded and left. I laid back on my bed thinking of the day and the boy from the dressing room. He seemed so caring. I hope I see him again sometime. 'He's our mate i***t. You really don't know?'
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