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Chapter 13 Damien I watched as Lila went through her daily routine. She was increasing in both speed and strength. normally this wouldn't surprise me but she was really fast. Almost too fast for a witch.. I had started looking into her background a little bit. There was a werewolf line some centuries back, but no one recent had seemed to have it so it is possible it died out. I wonder if there were trace amounts that gave her these gifts. Either way they would benefit me greatly. It would be excellent if she had a wolf but unfortunately she shows no sign of having on nor starting to get one . It is entirely possible that she could be a late developer. I turned from her training and headed to the lab.  Once I reached the lab, I went straight for the doctor who could probably best answer my questions, Seiwa. " Seiwa, I have a few questions about the girl." He looked up from his desk. Looking at it, he was still studying threads of magick in fae blood. The fae had mad his life work into understanding how magick works and the amount a fae has throughout their life.  "Hello Damien. What can I do for you?" I smiled at his gentle reminder to use my manners. He has been with me most of my life and is much older. "Ah. Yes. Good day Seiwa. I had a few Questions if you have the time." The older fae gave me his full attention as I sat in the chair opposite his desk. "Of course." He smiled warmly at me. "The girl, Lila. You've seen her and you tested her blood but I may need you to do more test. She's a witch but she has the speed and strength of a wolf. I have traced her line and while there was something, there aren't any recent wolves so is there a logical reason why she would have those particular traits?" Seiwa sat quietly for a moment. "The girl is young and may be channeling her magick in ways she does not understand yet, just as you did as a child. It is unlikely she would have a wolf since it's been so long although I guess the possibility is always there. Would you like her tested for it?" My ears perked up at this. "You can test her for the gene?" He nodded. "Of course. It's not a guarantee that she will have a wolf but it will let you know if she at least carries the gene to do so." I nodded at him. "Do the test. Tell no one. Could she one day possibly have a witch/wolf hybrid child with some medical intervention?" If she could the possibilities were endless. "That would depend on the dominance of the gene. It's always a possibility and what you are suggesting would be more magick than medicine but can it be done, the short answer is yes, of course. Will it be easy, no. You'll need to wait till she is of age and then we can proceed as I know the way this is to be done. It will be painful so spend this this time to build her strength and tolerance. It's a hard and long process." He stood to go get started on the testing. "How long will this take?"  "Give me an hour and I shall have the answers you seek. With that, he headed off into his testing area. I left his office and headed to my quarters to pass the time. The things I could do with just a couple of hybrids. I would be practically invincible. I  could get m,y revenge and build a safe space for those who needed it the most. I got so lost in making my plans that the hour passed quickly and I found myself heading back to talk to Seiwa. He looked troubled. "What's wrong Seiwa?" He turned to me, looking a little pale. " Well. I did the testing as you asked and I think there is something you should know, well that the young lady didn't tell you." "Oh?" I said. He went a shade paler if possible which angered me for some reason. He motioned to the chair. "Have a seat and let me show you." I sat down and looked at the papers he gave me and felt a surge of anger over take me. "Lila!" I screamed.
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