A taste of freedom

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Chapter 9 Lila It was amazing getting to talk to someone like me. I hated when Damien came in to talk to me. He was polite as always, knocking and waiting for me to tell him to come in. He looked scary today. His face was contorted in such a way I knew this was probably the angriest I had seen him. "Is everything ok sir? You look upset. " I was hoping against hope that his anger wasn't directed at me. So far he hadn't hurt me and I didn't want that to change. I was scared of him. He sighed and his face relaxed. He sat in the chair across form me and crossed his legs, picking at a thread on his sock as he did so. " I have amassed a lot in my lifetime. I have enemies and I have some working under me who do not wish to be in those positions. A fae escaped last night but he was near death. I don't understand you to get why that bothers me, but it does. I wanted to kill him myself. I had even considered healing him. He was a good worker but of course I can't now." He looked thoughtful for a moment and shook his head. "And how are you progressing? I stood and faced him and rattled off my accomplishments, letting him think I killed. He smiled and stood , walking slowly towards me. He placed his hands on my shoulders. I fought back the urge to shudder.  "This is great. Fantastic work. You deserve a reward. We will go shopping. I will allow you to visit three stores with me. You may get what you want from any of them." I jumped in excitement but waited for the catch. "You will have two hours. " There it is. What torture. Still two hours of semi freedom is two hours. "Thank you so much sir." He nodded in approval. "You have certainly earned it. Meet me downstairs in thirty minutes." With that he turned and left.  I breathed a sigh of relief that it wasn't worse and started prepping to head out with him.  I was downstairs in twenty eight minutes. No need to push my luck. He looked at his watch. "Prompt. I like prompt. Take note. " He says the last bit to a fae standing behind him. I recognized him as one of his personal guards. His last line of defense as he liked to call them. He rarely went out without him. I followed them through a series of doors in a part of the house I had never seen before. I tried to commit it to memory but it was impossible. We ended up in a garage where I was ushered into a black Range Rover. Of course. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. I got in and fastened my seat-belt under Damien's watchful eye. When he was satisfied I was secured he said something to the driver and we were off.  It was extremely frustrating that I was out and couldn't see much. The windows were . I don't know, maybe it's called a double tint. I could barely see out of them. He really thinks of everything. Asshole. It doesn't take long to get to the mall though. Maybe twenty or thirty minutes. Wherever we are isn't that far from people. 'It's ok. I'll try to get the sent.' My wolf. I still wasn't sure about her. 'I'm you. I can hear you. Did no one teach you what you should expect.' I sighed. 'No not really.' She went silent. ' I hear all of your thoughts because they are mine. We are separate but one. I will try to help when I can to get us back with our family.' She went back quiet but she was still there. It was a weird feeling, but I kind of liked it. I shook my head and got back to reality. The car was being parked and Damien turned to me. " I gather I don't need to tell you how to act in here. correct?" I nodded. He gave me a curt nod and the guards let me out. I had the feeling something big would happen here but I just didn't know what but I was scared. 
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