Chapter Three

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Chapter Three Keegan When I was standing by the main doors to school, and I saw what Destiney said to Jasmine, I was damn shocked, I never thought anyone would have the balls to stand up to her. It was hot and I wanted to make a move towards Destiney, but I knew it would have been too much right then, so I hung back and just watched. She stopped just inside the doors to the school like she felt me watching her, she would stop and turn, she didn’t notice me watching her at first but when she did finally notice, I couldn’t help but smirk at her and give a wink. I could see the blush form on her cheeks, and I knew there was something there. I just need to figure out how to make this girl mine. I can tell she is something different. She thinks I have never noticed her before today, but she is so wrong, I have had my eye on her for some time now, and I have always wanted to make her mine, but with the way high school is, there is always a way things need to be. With me being the captain of the football team and Jasmine being the cheerleading captain. But I am tired the stigma of how things need to be. I am going shake it up this year. I can’t wait to see what happens. I make my way inside shortly after Destiney and I walk down the hall and see her switching out her books from her locker and just when I am about to walk up to her, someone else walks up and starts talking to her. So, I wait. I hear everything and I am not liking what I hear. This girl needs to have more confidence in herself. Which gives me an idea. I’m digging this girl, and it’s in this moment that I become more determined than I ever have been to make her mine. As I make my way to our first class for the day, I follow behind Destiney and her friend Hannah at a distance, I don’t want them to notice that I am close by. After I heard the rumors about what happened in the parking lot, I felt like I needed to keep my distance, but I also need to make sure nothing happens to Destiney. If I know Jasmine like I think I do, it won’t be good. She is a jealous, conniving, manipulative, b***h and I don’t want anything to happen to Destiney. I can’t let anything happen to my girl. I have this gut feeling that Jasmine is already making plans to mess with Destiney and I can’t let anything happen. When I make it into the classroom, I notice the girls sitting in the back corner of the room. Instantly I can already tell she doesn’t like to be the center of attention. That is going to be something she will need to get used to if she is going to be with me, but that’s okay, we will work up to it. I make my way to where they are and I plop myself down just on the other side of Destiney and I feel like I just won the lottery, I can’t seem to take my eyes off her. She is beautiful with her long, curly hair, I love how the length reaches down to the bottom of her back, and when she turns to look at me, I see the hesitancy in her beautiful brown eyes, I need to fix this and fast. I know she is trying to figure out why I am sitting here. She doesn’t trust me yet and I don’t blame her, she thinks I haven’t noticed her until today. But after today I plan to change all that. This girl is going to be my queen. When she looks in my direction, she lowers her head and releases sigh like I am burdening her or something. I’ll change that too. She will come to love me when she realizes how good I can be to her. Then she looks up at me and when her eyes meet mine, I forget to breather for a minute, her eyes are the most beautiful shade of brown I have ever seen. “What do you want Keegan?” Wow, my name coming off those luscious lips does things to me, and I can’t wait to hear it again. It makes me want to do things to her that will make her say my name over and over. The things I want to do to her are not something I should be thinking about right now. “Look, I know I messed up this morning telling Jasmine what I did, but I honestly didn’t think it would be such a big deal to park in that spot. I’ll be sure not to park there tomorrow.” She is so cute; she thinks I am going to give her a hard time for what she said to Jasmine this morning. I could care less, I thought it was such a turn on that she stood up for herself. That is the first time I have seen her do that. I really hope I get to witness it more often. I can’t help but give her my smirk and I can’t help but move my eyes up and down her gorgeous body and back up to her face and when I look into her eyes, I think I see something there that looks like it could mean something more. I lean down a bit so that we are eye level and I look into her eyes, and I tell her not to worry about Jasmine and that she will get over it. She looks a bit shocked by what I just said. She must think I am messing with her or something. I am really starting to regret not saying anything to her sooner right now. But before I was too nervous, she was always the most beautiful girl in my eyes, and I was always worried about making a fool of myself in front of her. I plan to prove to her that I am totally serious and that I don’t give a s**t what Jasmine thinks. I am all about this girl and I will do whatever it takes to prove it to her. She looks at me for another few seconds then turns to her friend who just shrugs her shoulders. Destiney then mumbles something I can’t quite catch but then turns back to me and gives me more skepticism. “I’m sorry, what did you say?” I lean a little closer to her and when I do I have to use all my will power not to close my eye and take a deep breath because the moment I lean towards her I smell pineapple and hibiscus and it feels like I am in heaven, I think I just found my new favorite scent and I can’t get enough of it. I mentally shake my head and try to focus on what I need to tell her. So, I lean a little closer. “I said, don’t worry about Jasmine, she will get over it. She thinks she runs this school. But we all know who really runs this place.” I can’t help but give her a smile and a wink after I repeat myself. But when I do, she leans back a little and just stairs at me. I need to find a way to prove to her that I am serious, I don’t know anything yet, but I need to figure out something and fast. She seems skeptical of me right now. I turn to look her over again and I notice the pretty sundress she has on, it has bright yellow sunflowers all over it and it makes me wonder if sunflowers are her favorite. I will have to bring one for her tomorrow. But for now, I look into her eyes. “You look good today, Destiney. I like the dress, you look beautiful.” There she goes again with that look on her face. She really doesn’t believe me when I giver these compliments. I can’t believe I waited this long to say something to her. I first noticed her back in our sophomore year and I never did anything to grab her attention, I am such a dumbass. I have always thought she was beautiful. I need to rectify this and soon. I’m going to head home after school and try to figure stuff out. I got to have this girl.
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