Chapter Two

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Chapter Two Destiney By the time lunch rolls around, there are so many rumors floating around school about how I am sleeping with Keegan behind Jasmines back and how I am out to try and ‘steal her man’ its ridiculous. Really? I mean come on, why would I want him, he is the big shot football star of the school and Jasmine is the cheerleading captain she is tall and skinny with long blonde hair and perfect green eyes and everyone wants to be her and every guys wants to be WITH her and I am…well…I’m short, with curves and long dark chestnut brown curly hair, brown eyes, a lot of people – Mainly Jasmine and her group- say that I am fat but really I just have that perfect hour glass figure, but it’s hard to not think I’m fat when everyone else around here thinks I am too. But thanks to Hannah, I don’t let it get to me too much, if it weren’t for her than I would not feel as confident in myself, but I do still need to work on it more. Jasmine and Keegan, well they have been together since the beginning of last year and they are the ‘IT’ couple of the school. This whole “me sleeping with Keegan s**t is ridiculous. I mean seriously, Yeah Keegan is cute. I guess, with his jet black hair, blue eye, and with being well over six foot makes it nice for someone like me that barely makes the five-foot cut, and with his broad shoulders and from what I hear his washboard abs are a sight to see. But I mean, come on, does his self-absorbed personality make all that worth it? I think not. No thank you. As I sit here with Hannah eating our lunch, minding our own business, and out of nowhere I feel this ice-cold liquid fall all over the top of my head and down my back. When I look up to see what happened I notice Jasmine standing there with an empty soda cup and a huge ass grin on her face. “That will teach you to go near my man, bitch.” I can’t help but just sit here in silence I am completely shocked as to what the hell just happened. Then out of nowhere I hear a loud, booming voice call out to Jasmine. “What the hell did you do Jasmine?” “I’m just trying to prove to this low-life freak, that she can’t take what is mine.” “Really because the last time we had this conversation, I told you we weren’t together anymore, did you not pay attention to anything I said then?” Jasmine looks like she is about to have a meltdown of epic proportions. When she turns to look at me, she leans down and says, “This isn’t over b***h, you better watch your back.” Then she storms off and out of the lunchroom. When Keegan turns to me and looks like he is going to apologize, I hold up my hand before he can even get a word out. I stand up and look to Hannah. “I’ll call you later.” “Are you sure. I can go with you?” “No, it’s okay, I’m going to go and sort out this mess, I’ll talk to you later.” “Okay, love you. Call me later.” I give her a sad smile and, then I turn to make my way out of the lunchroom towards the girls locker room to change into my gym clothes then I’m going to make my way home. I don’t have the energy to deal with this s**t today. Once I am changed and make my way out of the locker room, I end up colliding with what feels like a brick wall. But when I look up, I come to find that it isn’t a brick wall at all, its Keegan. Great. I turn to walk around him so I can make my way out to my car and head home but before I can make it, he grabs hold of my arm in a firm but gentle hold. “Look, I just want to apologize, Jasmine should never have done that, she thinks we are still together when we haven’t been together in months.” “It’s okay, I just need to get home, I knew this is what would happen if you and I started talking to each other even if we are just being civil. It’s the way life goes.” “No, It’s not okay. She needs to learn that I am not with her, and she has no right to treat anyone that way no matter what.” It seems like he truly cares, but I can’t let myself fall for this. This is the first time he has said two words to me in three years. I know he can’t be serious. “I just want to go home. Please…just let me go so I can go home.” He releases me but when I look up into his eyes, I see reluctance in letting go, like he wants me to stay. But I can’t handle the way things went just now, I need to go home and figure out what the hell is going on. After three years of not saying anything to me or to acknowledge me at all, now suddenly Keegan wants to notice me. This is getting to be too much. I feel like this is all just a ploy to get me to let my guard down so that he and Jasmine can pull something to really embarrass me. I make my way out to my beautiful car and climb in, I start the engine and pull out of the spot, I drive to the opening of the parking lot, check my surroundings to make sure no cars are coming and when I look into my rearview mirror, I see Keegan standing there watching me leave. If I didn’t know any better, I would say he looks like a sad puppy that just lost his favorite toy. Yeah, that’s exactly what I am, a toy he and Jasmine can mess with and pull pranks on to humiliate me in front of the whole school. Not going to happen. They may think I am dumb, but I am far from it. I make it home in a matter of no time and I thank my lucky stars that my parents aren’t home. I don’t feel like dealing with all their questions on top of everything I went through today. I change out of my gym clothes and put on a pair of dark grey leggings and a bright pink crop top over my sports bra and then I climb into bed and lay there thinking about everything that happened today, Then I remember I need to text Hannah to let her know that I made it home and I am just going to rest and that I will text her later. After I do that, I put my phone back on my end table and roll over to try and get some rest and before I know it my eyes are closing, and I see images of what my life could be like if Keegan was a nice guy and if he and I could be together.
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