Chapter Four

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Chapter Four Keegan When she seems to regain her composure, she then gives her head a slight shake and comes back with something even I wasn’t expecting. I can’t help just stare. I wasn’t expecting her to be so nice, but I am glad to hear her talking to me no matter what she says. “Thank you.” Her voice sounds so heavenly. I can’t wait to hear more. She gives me her sweet smile and I now know I got this, she can feel it too, but I know it’s not going to be easy. By the time we both regain our composure from this expected conversation, the teacher walks in to begin his lesson I just wish he would have stayed out of the classroom a little longer but when she turns to focus on his lesson and pulls out her notebook, I have no other choice but to do as she does as well. When class is over, Destiney and Hannah quickly grab their things and scurry from the classroom quicker than I thought possible for women to go. I didn’t even get a chance to talk to her after she took off. But that okay, because we have more classes together and I will have my chance to impress her. I make my way to my locker to switch out my books and as I’m standing there, I can hear everyone around me whispering and making comments. I can’t hear anything I just get the feeling people are talking about me and I’m not keen on it. When my friend Ben walks up to me, he is quick to get the details about whatever rumors are flying around the school already. “What up man? What’s this I hear about you banging this Destiney chick?” I turn to give him a glare and he throws his hands up in surrender. “Watch it, Ben. Nothing is going on with her, she was in my last class, and I just wanted to be nice and apologize for the way Jasmine was this morning.” “Really?” “Yes, really. What’s the big deal?” “You must not have heard what is going around then.” “Well, you want to fill me in or keep me guessing? If there is something I need to know then you need to tell me.” “Well, people are talking about how you and this Destiney chick are sleeping together behind Jasmine’s back and how she out to ‘steal her man’ and people are talking all kinds of shit.” “Great. Now I get to deal with Jasmine and her stupid bullshit. Even though she knows we aren’t together anymore, but she refuses to set the record straight with everyone else. This b***h is going to be the death of me.” “No kidding man, you better get this s**t handled before something happens to Destiney, she is a sweet girl and doesn’t deserve the wrath of Jasmine.” I turn and give him a glare; l certainly hope he isn’t trying to swoop in and steal my girl. Granted she isn’t exactly my girl yet, but it’s only a matter of time. “Why do you say that? You got a thing for Destiney or something?” “Nah man, I’m just saying she is a sweet girl, she stays out of trouble and keeps to herself. I know your thing with her, and I know I wouldn’t have a chance with her. She may never act on it or say anything, but I know she is into you.” I nod my head and close my locker. I need to get to class before I am late, and I miss the chance to sit next to Destiney. “Alright man, I need to get to class, I’ll see you later.” “Yeah, see you later man. Take it easy.” I turn to walk away and make my way to class, but before I can too far, I see Jasmine coming right towards me, I seriously can’t catch a break. And this girl can’t take a hint, and they say men are hard to catch the hint. Unless this girl just refuses to accept that we aren’t together anymore. “Hey Baby.” She says as she walks right up to me and tries to slide her hand up my chest as she steps up on her toes to kiss me, but I take a step back and grab her hand before she can make it too far. “Jasmine, this needs to stop. We are not dating anymore, and we will not be getting back together. You need to move on and find some other sap that will fall for your tricks.” “Is this about that fat cow that took my parking spot this morning and that is trying to swoop in and get your attention? You never gave her the time of day before, why now?” “No, Jasmine this isn’t about her. This is about the fact that you are telling people we are still together, and we aren’t, and we haven’t been for months, and don’t call her that. She isn’t fat you shouldn’t say that about people, no matter what they look like.” “I can’t believe you Keegan, this IS about her! You are dumping me for some short, fat, piece of ass that can’t do anything but sit around and eat and watch tv. Are you kidding me right now?” Everything she just said about my Destiney has me seeing red. This b***h is going to learn to watch her tone. As I lean in really close to her, I make sure she is the only one that will hear what I am about to say. “I told you to watch what you say. If you can’t listen and if you do ANYTHING to hurt, her or anyone else in this school you will regret the day you ever met me. That is a promise.” I think maybe my words might have gotten through to her now, she looks like she is about to pass out, she slowly backs up and with tears on the edge of her eyes she turns and walks away down the hall and out of the main doors to the parking lot. As I stand here and look around people can’t help but stare at the altercation that just took place. Why do people have to be so nosy, why can’t they just mind their own business. “Don’t you guys have classes to get to?” With my final words everyone quickly scurries around, and it seems in a matter of no time the halls are empty, and I realize I need to get to my class before the late bell rings. So, I make my way to my next class and when I step inside the door, I see her sitting there with her friends and when she meets my eyes, she can’t help but huff and rolls her eyes. She seems to know that I am already going to be sitting next to her. I look over at her once I’m seated and I can’t help but smile and compliment her again. “Damn Des, I can’t get over how good you look in that dress, it really brings out your eyes.” She takes a deep breath and slowly releases it and then turns to me. “Thank you, Keegan. You look nice too.” Dang this girl really knows how to inflate my ego, not that I need it inflated. I know I look good. My eyes can’t help but travel down her body and when I notice how firm and shapely her legs look, I can’t help but wonder what they would feel like wrapped around my waist. I shake my mind of that mental picture I don’t need any distractions right now, that time will come soon enough. But before I can say anything else the teacher walks in to begin her lesson and I am forced to turn to the front and focus on taking notes from the lecture for today. After what happen at lunch and when Destiney left, I had a hard time the rest of the day focusing school, I was so beyond livid with what Jasmine did to her in front of the whole school and even after I warned Jasmine not to do anything, but of course she refuses to listen and for that she will pay, nobody and I mean nobody will hurt my girl. Jasmine is skating on thin ice, what I have planned for is her something simple, nothing drastic but more of a warning to leave my girl alone. As for what happen at lunch to Destiney, I’m going to make it up to tomorrow when she comes back to school, she will have a huge surprise waiting for her.
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