Chapter one

2055 Words
Chapter One Destiney BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! I reach over to hit my alarm to make the annoying sound stop. I really hate mornings, but like every other young adult in this world we need to wake up, get our education and go off into this world to make a living for ourselves. And I get to be one of those lucky people who gets to do just that. My name is Destiney, and I am a senior in high school, and I live with my parents, but they are hardly ever around but when they are they try to be the best parents, they are both workaholics, but they try, and I can’t fault them for that. They give me anything I could ever dream of. They bought me a nice BMW for my sixteenth birthday, and They always make sure I have the nicest clothes and that I never want for anything. My parents are successful lawyers in town, and everyone knows them. They are the two best lawyers in town. I love them dearly but sometimes I just wish they would take time to just live in the moment and not worry about work so much. When I manage to get my alarm shut off, I make my way out of bed and head to my bathroom to start my morning routine, I turn the shower on and let it warm up while I brush my teeth and hair, when I turn to make my way to the shower and I step inside, I feel the tension of previous days fall away and fall down the drain with the warm water as it cascades down my body. I begin by washing my long dark hair, I love my hair, I always do my best to take good care of it, that is one thing I never skimp on is hair care products. I always get the best products to maintain my hair and keep it at it’s healthiest. My hair is a dark chestnut brown and has tight curls that fall down my back and sit just above my butt. Once my hair is washed and conditioned, I move on to my Pineapple hibiscus body wash, I love this stuff. When I’m done with my shower, I turn off the water and reach my arm out for my towel and dry myself off. I wrap my towel around my body and make my way out into the main area of the bathroom so I can lather my lotion all over my body. Once that task is complete, I make my way into my room to get dressed in my favorite flowy sundress, I decide I’m going to wear my favorite one, white background with bright yellow sunflowers all over it, my dress sits just slightly above my knees, once I have my dress on, I grab my light blue denim jacket to go over it and then I throw in my favorite black wedge ankle boots. When I’m dressed properly for school, I make my way downstair for breakfast. My mom and dad are already long gone to work. They are always gone before I even wake up, sometimes I wonder if they are up and out of the house before the sun comes up. Yeah, my parents are those that like to work all the time and try to make it seem like they are always trying to make our life easier and better. They like to seem like those parents that are working hard to give their daughter a life they never had, but what they fail to realize is that I would much rather have them here and not their money. Anyway, I’m getting off track here, I quickly make my breakfast and grab my bookbag and keys by the front door and head out to my car. As I climb in, I start up the engine and pull out of my driveway and make my way to school. When I make it to school, I pull into the parking lot and pull into the first open space I find. I grab my stuff and step out and make my way to the main building. Before I can even make it to the sidewalk, I hear tires screech to a halt, and I hear someone yelling my name. I dread turning around to deal with this nonsense because I already know who it is that is yelling my name. Apparently, I have a death wish because I end up turning around anyway, and when I do the person yelling my name steps out of their car and comes within an inch of my face yelling at me. “What the HELL are you doing freak, your parked in my spot!” I’m trying to stay calm; I don’t like drawing attention to myself, and I certainly don’t like to be pushed around. Especially by this b***h. She thinks she runs the school but one of these days she is going to have a rude awakening and be knocked off her high horse. “I’m sorry Jasmine, but I actually wasn’t aware this was your spot. I didn’t see any sign to indicate that it is yours. So, I just pulled in. I’ll be sure to not park here tomorrow.” I turn to walk away before she even has a chance to respond. I make my way inside and I know she is livid that I didn’t bend to her will and move my car like she wanted me to. She seems to think that I am going to do whatever she says just because her parents are high profile people in town, and she thinks she runs this school. But what she fails to realize is that I am not one to fall in line to her demands. As I’m walking inside, I feel like I have these eyes on me, watching me. When I turn to see if I notice anyone, I don’t see anyone at first but when I continue look around the halls, I manage to catch the one person I need to avoid watching me. It’s not going to look good for me that I have caught the eye of the one person who can make everything here worse for me. But when I look closer, I can see there is a slight smirk to his expression. Now I know things are going to be worse, that smirk makes me think he saw everything that happened outside with Jasmine. Now I know I’m going to have to deal with the wrath of not only Jasmine but Keegan as well, he has made it known around the school to everyone that we are not to piss off his girl Jasmine. And that is exactly what I did. So, before I can cause any more drama around here, I turn away and make my way to my locker so I can get what I need and make my way to my first class. As I walk these halls everyone is watching me, and I can hear whispers. Great, the gossip has already started. My life is only going to get harder from here on out…perfect. Once I make it to my locker and put in the combination and pull it open, I swap out my books and just before I close my locker, I hear a voice that instantly brings me calm. “Hey b***h!” “Hey slut.” She can tell something is wrong just by the tone of my voice, but I know she already knew everything that went down because…hello news travels fast around here. “What’s wrong babe?” “Where should I begin? I know you have already heard everything that happened this morning.” “Girl, don’t let that s**t get to you, Jasmone is a b***h, and she is going to try and push people around no matter what.” “That’s just it, Hannah, yeah she is a b***h but, because I don’t want to draw attention to myself I kind of have to put up with it.” “Des, you don’t have to put up with anything. Put that b***h in her place and show her and everyone else here how tough you are and how you won’t be pushed around.” “I wish it were that easy Han, I really do. But I know that if I were to push back, I wouldn’t have only Jasmine to deal with, I would have Keegan to deal with too, along with all their followers and I just don’t have the energy for all that shit.” “I know what you mean Des, but you need to be able to stand up for yourself, at least a little bit. But don’t worry, I got your back. Let’s get to class.” I release a heavy sigh and close my locker. Hannah swoops her arm through mine, and we walk off towards our first class of the day arm in arm together. “Let’s get going.” When we make our way inside the classroom, we find a couple seats toward the back corner. We like these seats, so we don’t draw attention, we like to blend in with everyone else. As we sit here quietly chatting with each other, I feel a force of something plop down in the chair on my other side, and when I look up to see Hannah’s face, I already know who this person is. I turn to see if my hunch is correct and when I do, I drop my head in defeat and let a sigh slip from my lips. “What do you want? I know I messed up this morning mouthing off to Jasmine the way I did, but I honestly didn’t think it would be such a big deal to park in that spot. I’ll be sure not to park there tomorrow.” He looks at me with a smirk and I feel his eyes rake down my body and back up to my face and when I look into his eyes, I feel like I see heat in them. There is no way this guy can be looking at me the way that it looks like. I’m not an pretty as Jasmine, I mean I know I don’t like the girl, but I know beauty when I see it, I mean I’m not blind or anything. “Don’t worry about Jasmine, she will get over it.” Did he just really say that? I feel like I am walking into something. I don’t know what to think about what he just said. If it were anyone else who mouthed off to him, he would have put them in their place, but he just tells me ‘She’ll get over it?” what in the hell is going on today? I turn to look at Hannah and she just shrugs her shoulders. “Thanks Han.” “Your welcome Des.” I turn back to his direction and look at him with all the skepticism I can muster. “I’m sorry, What?” “I said, don’t worry about Jasmine, she will get over it. She thinks she runs this school. But we all know who really runs this place.” And he says this all with a smirk and a wink in my directions. Holy crap what the hell is going on here. I feel like I am going to be walking around waiting for the other shoe to drop. “By the way, you look really good today, Destiney. I like the dress, you look beautiful.” My mind and has imploded. I think he is messing with me. He is trying to make me lower my guard so that he and Jasmine can pull something, find some way to humiliate me in front of the whole school. Well, it’s not going to happen. “Thank you.” He thinks he has got this in the bag, not on my watch. But I still have manners. By the time I begin to regain my composure from this unexpected conversation, the teacher walks in to begin his lesson and we all turn to face him, and I begin to take my notes on his lesson.
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