Sune, The Killer of Killers

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I am about to go fight this psychopath, but I don't know if she's stronger than me or she's weaker than me. I don't know why she's killing murderers and criminals, if you do that, you'd just continue the killing in this world. I may sound so condescending here but I was pointing out that if you kill another, there'd be bound to have people chase you. This is the kingdom era or something, so others won't hesitate to kill evildoers to gain money like what she's doing, but this will be official since she'll be posted as wanted, those people are as psychopathic as her. But enough of that, I have to focus on this battle. I'll wait for her attack and see for myself how strong her strength is, if I'm fighting her, I at least should strategize a battle tactic first, and attempt to make one in between the battle, assuming I can do that. I have my skills to back me up, and Vermilion's combat prowess to help me, I accidentally learned all Vermilion's fighting style by memory and I'll be using it against someone, either to protect myself or just run away in general. I'd prefer to run away Scot free. She then rushed at me with full speed, she is quite fast on her feet since she is an assassin and all. She charged forward! Ready to block it! She aimed the s***h of her right dagger at my neck, and I managed to block it with the spear I have, I have to use both of the strength of my arms to block her s***h since she is quite powerful for an assassin. She then used her left dagger to stab me on my head, that point I don't know how to block or dodge that because I was being pushed by her right dagger. But luckily for me, Ver can dance this out, I then blocked that stab with the end of my spear by spinning it to the attack. I just did that! All I can do now is lose her ground, her daggers are at each side of my spear if I can just... I then spin my spear clockwise and spun her around horizontally. I guess my strength was that big for me to lift her and spin her mid-air. Should I s***h her from the side? She's spinning so she won't be able to block this! I then grabbed my spear on both of my hands and slashed her from my right. And I thought she wouldn't see that, but mid freaking air, she blocked it with her right dagger. Just how strong is that dagger?! And how did she even managed to see that!? She must've been fighting for a long time to gain so much experience to clutch against me while spinning mid-air no less, that's crazy lucky! I then pushed her to the side and she was thrown far out. Since she's at that distance, I should distract her and get to rest from that shock of seeing her skills first hand. that's ridiculously amazing! I also wanted to ask as to what got her to where she is now since you rarely get to see someone go downhill from their life choices. “Why are you killing bad people? You're just making the killing even worse.” I said, with a Just voice put in there, because why not? I'm trying to find out what lead her to this path? “YOU WOULDN'T POSSIBLY KNOW!! I WAS ALONE LIVING IN THIS WORLD!! ” she shouted at me with a sad voice. Is she serious? “You know I'm trying to avoid fighting here! And if you're not gonna tell me how you got to this situation, then I don't wanna fight over it.” I countered because she's being utterly pathetic and cringey. From someone who came from the modern world, what she's saying makes me embarrassed for her, or to put it in my terms, cringed, that I'd rather not work up about something she did, and I'd better be left alone. I then returned my spear to my inventory, since this fight will only end in nonsense, she won't tell me why I should stop fighting her, then I'll gladly end this battle for the both of us and pretend this never happened. “Don't worry, I won't tell everyone about what you did, just stay away from me. ” I said, trying to cut ties with her as quickly as possible. “Wait... Wha? ” she stuttered as I walk away from her. She must've been surprised at how I reacted, and never expected as to how she will act upon it. Let's see if she will attack me or ignore me, I'd rather she would just ignore me since I'd prefer to not associate myself with someone like her. I mean come on, I just spent my energy fighting her, thinking she'd be a threat to this kingdom, what the hell am I even assuming for myself? A Hero?! “Don't walk away from me! ” she shouted at me. I then, unknowingly, sensed that she threw her dagger at me. I then quickly took out my Spear from the inventory and parried her dagger. I may or may not have sensing skills. Alright, I have enough of this, I'll use my bow. And for the first time I used my bow, I was seeing something, some sort of angles and some sort of direction prediction and aiming lines the moment I touched the Lioness Magus Bow. I know that my bow uses magic arrows, that's why I tried threatening her by aiming it at her and tell her to leave me alone, although this might not be as effective as my spear since she is an assassin, I'll at least try it. “Alrighty, lady! At first, I was paranoid against you, but now you're just being unreasonable, I said I won't tell a thing of what you did, and you didn't listen to me! ” I rant over her and aimed my bow at her, with a magic arrow ready. “Wait you're serious? You won't!? I just killed someone and it's next to you. ” she asked, still persistent. She also tried to prolong the fight, she is a fight hungry woman, indeed. I really should work on my judging skill, because that put me in the sticky situation most of the time. “Okay, I've said enough, leave me alone or this arrow will be shot at your face, I'm not even gonna hesitate, it's night time and I wanna sleep! ” I shouted, threatening her. She's not responding? Does she have a way to counter rangers? If she does, then in really doomed. “That is if you can aim it at me, go on, lady! Let's see your skills at archery! ” she shouted, challenging my archery skills. Oh, it will, probably because Vermilion is mainly an Archer, these lines in my vision pop up when I held a bow, and they can help me aim at her. I then shot her with my bow, but I didn't aim it at her, I aimed it to the side of her face because I know how these magic arrows that I use works. They explode when it hit something. *fwoom* *boom* The arrow hit the kingdom wall, since we're close to the guild building, we are also close to the walls of the Inkor Kingdom. She was shocked, judging it now from the look on her face. “Now, leave me alone and this arrow won't be shot at you, I only give second chances. ” I said, ordering her to back off. She may have stronger strength and skill, but I have what you would call, big brain. “I will ignore all that happened! But I won't stop following you, I'll have my time on you, just you wait! ” she said and left the premises. I hope to god I won't see her face ever and ever again! Next Day. I finished registering at the guild and find another place to stay rather than the Inn. Don't get me wrong, I am proven guilty since they know that that freaking lady is going at it every night at the Inkor province lately. I then learned from the Inn lady that she was known as Killer of Killers, she may not be one of the enforcers of this kingdom but she was praised for having the most contributed service more than the Chief Hero himself. That's freaking hilarious if you ask me. But of course, I jinxed that so hard. And the time of which I don't want something like her to appear, I met the psychopathic lady again, in the bright morning, and disguised as a lady adventurer, which makes me pretty terrified. “Oh come on, why can't I join your travels? ” she asked me, with a cute voice. “IT'S BECAUSE YOU ARE TARGETING ME LAST NIGHT!! LEAVE ME ALONE! ” I shouted at her. At this time, I was so afraid of her multiple personalities. Note, At this time.
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