Yandere of Inkor

2015 Words
This is a great start in a new world, I firstly have my consciousness and the memories of my past life, which is pretty sweet, secondly, I have the same Main Equipment as my old gaming character. INVENTORY: • Tigress Lance (equipped) • Lioness Magus Bow • Lioness Coat (vanity eq) • Tigress Breastplate (equipped) • Tigress Skirt (vanity eq) • Tigress Magisteel Tights (equipped) • Lioness Boots (equipped) And lastly, I am the most beautiful lady to ever walk the face of the Earth, but I'm not on Earth anymore. This face is pro'lly the fiercest appearance I've ever seen, this is the very opposite of my old look, except it's my body now. In-game, the 3D isn't really well made, but the gameplay is good. Just like Min*cr*ft, but it's a fantasy RPG, and have a lot of magic. What's worse now that I'm here is that, I CAN'T HAVE S*X WITH A WOMAN EVER AGAIN!!! I mean this is a magical world, so who knows? Maybe there's a way to change genders, or at least grow one. The items that this floating window gave me are already equipped to me except the bow since I rather use a melee weapon since my aim sucks a*s. I also may have equipped it like an anime magical girl, but who cares? This floating window is the handiest thing to have in a magical world, it's not really like in line with this magical world I'm in since the design of it is technological. It also appears if you thought of opening it, and the same thing for closing, it's thought activation, and I guess my old world won't be able to top this, as this window could be used as a status check, skill display, and storage in one. I would like to see those modernist invent the same one. I also looked around the plains, and it's filled with monsters. That one is a werewolf, a slime, and also a bearbeast or something. I forgot most of the mobs in the World of Dura since it's been hundreds of years ever since I've played that damn game. “How do I even escape this plains I'm in? ” I asked myself, with the thought of wishing for those monsters to not go near me. Wait... I know these set items have bonuses for skills and status. I then checked my Status window, and I was right! STATUS 532 STR 917 SPE 215 STA 359 VIT 998 MAG These set items have a set effect when they are equipped together, they'll give bonus status, and since these items are endgame items, they give out a lot, if I remember correctly. The Vermilion character base stats is over 20k, and I'm not even the strongest in our team, it's Azeed, and he's a Paladin Swordsman, and Forcivan, a Dragon Blademaster, is second to him, which makes us one of the OGs and veteran of the game, despite Azeed had only played like half a year before they sold the game to another company. Which is nuts, since you need to be dedicated to the game in order for you to achieve that high of a level in just half a year. I then found out online that he made a video of him speedrunning the game to level 50, in just 1 day! I had to bust my nuts over that game for about my entire life of grade 8 years just to achieve level 50. Forcivan, or Ivan, is also addicted to that game, and after talking to him back then through Voice chat, he said he chose to take a part-time job instead of a full-time job just to be able to play the game a lot. He is a hardcore gamer, but he is an adult as well, so he had to work for himself. But enough of my past friends and my past story which is lame and boring. I then looked at my Skill window and saw. SKILLS • Tiger Spin (Lance) - swings the Lance around the user, either killing the enemy or destroy their armor. • Lion Kick (boots) - a jump kick, uses both feet to push the enemy by 5 blocks forward. • Tiger Roar (Lance) - throws the spear at the enemy with a speed of sound, can return e user's hand. MAGIC • Lion Arrow Blast (Bow) - Magically cast an arrow that when it hit the target, it explodes. • Lion's Fur (Coat) - It blocks level 1 to level 7 magic attacks. • Lioness Blooming Hurricane (Bow) - It summons the arrow of the Blooming Lioness, and when it hit the target, it creates a blooming Hurricane. I already maxed their levels in the game, what a nostalgia trip. My status and skills are on full set. If I start a new game of RPGs in the present Era back then, this may be one of those things called, Starter Pack. My hesitation earlier was vanished and now, I attempted PvE. I left my hiding spot and moved towards the werewolf. It's been a long time since I did PvE, but in this world, I will have to do it myself, I barely even passed my physical exams in my school, and I have never played VR games before, I'm an Energy Conservative human being. I then just braced myself and readied my Tiger Spin and aimed it at the Werewolf. *Rargk* It roars and rushes at me after sensing my presence getting near it. I then used my Tiger Spin and cut the werewolf in half. To be honest, I never gagged or puked from the blood and raw flesh I saw, like I was in the old world, but it made me relieved since back then, a mere sight of red liquid makes me nauseous. “There are no drops, that's just proof that I'm in a realistic magical world. ” I said to myself. There is a crystal underneath its corpse, it's corpse was disgusting, don't ask. I just kept them on my inventory, just in case, I am expecting a monster IRL to drop loot, what am I thinking? That means this is just a cruise of walk in the park for me if I can just one-shot monsters of this level. I then started moving to a random route, I wasn't sure where I should walk to, but since I'm left-handed, I should walk to the left of my spawn. Assuming I could respawn when I die again, I hope to whatever god they're worshipping here, I don't encounter any being as powerful as the dragon race. That sh*t packs a punch, like a very very large punch, and fire. I encounter some monsters like 3 or 4 more and learned that my fighting style is the same as Vermilion in-game. It's like her techniques are imprinted in my head every time I battle some monsters. And before the sunsets, I arrived at a kingdom. The Inkor Kingdom, that is their naming here, wait, how can I read otherworlder's terminologies? I then found out that I have a passive skill to not give a damn about those kinds of stuff since I left that the moment I found out I transfused here. I entered the kingdom, and it's a pretty normal kingdom, the same ones I read and watch back then. I guess movies and films are on point. I then found the Inn, since I've walked about 2 hours in a plateau and killing about several monsters. Of course, I'm tired, you think I'm fine despite gaining a lot of stamina? I entered the Inn, and there's a lot of customers, I hope they have a room available, cause I'm beat. “Hello, adventurer, looking for a room? ” the counter lady asked. She's pretty big and bulky for a woman, is she really one? “Yes, but I don't know how to pay, I have this. ” I said and gave the crystals I got from the monsters. “You'll have to sell those to a merchant or send it to the Guild in order to be paid for your services, Hey, Kevin! Could you lead this lady to the Guild!? ” she said and asked a guy. He seems to be her husband, but he is an adventurer as well with those types of equipment. I hope I don't get fvcked by this guy, since it's already night, I'm a woman now, I rather die again than getting done as a woman with the thoughts of a man. But it turns out... “Sure, come one, lad. ” he said, politely. That's a relief to hear, to be honest, his personality is so far off on his build. He then led me to the Guild. “So you new here, lad? ” he asked. “More or less. ” I answered. My voice's sound is combined Taylor Swift and Kate Higgins, but with less pitch. “Here at the Inkor Kingdom, the main target of the King at warriors, are bravery, and you working as an adventurer, is pretty brave if you ask me. ” he complimented me. Looks can be deceiving after all, and this old guy can be my grandfather if they adopted me. I didn't know that, my first hour in this world, is only a taste of dessert, because the real deal of this world, I will experience first hand. The old guy then got slashed from his nape by a woman, an assassin. I couldn't process what the fvck just happened? But all I know, this night is a memorable one for me. A woman with medium size chest, that's the very first thing I saw on her, don't judge me, she's strangely thin and short hair. With a mask, bandage around her chest, then shorts and boots. Equipped with a dagger. All I thought afterward is that, someone died because of me, I made them lead me to the Guild since I didn't even initiate to find it myself. I wasn't scared, or sad for the old guy, I feel pity for him and his wife being left alone. And also boiling with anger towards the lady assassin. “Why, hello there! ” she said, greeting me with her smile after removing her mask, and spill of blood on her forehead. I was on edge at this time, she even stood up over the old guy's corpse, this chick is pretty savage! “You just killed him! Why would you do such thing? ” I asked, with a trembling voice that could alert passive mobs. I know I sound like a Normie asking that, but that's the only words to come out of my mouth that time. “Oh, this one, he has been slaughtering teens in this kingdom, you couldn't possibly imagine how many women he did? He even has a whole squad doing it for him, you think I wouldn't act on that? ” she said, started from a happy time to a darker one. That's a familiar trope, I wanna see if she is one. “Killing only leads to more killing, you should know that first hand! ” I shouted at her. Back in the World, murderers and police aren't that different, the murderers kill of course, and the officers have the rights to kill murderers and criminals, what's the same? They kill to do their duties and tasks. So even in this World, that concept never left, what a messed up worlds we are in. “What'cha gonna do about it!! Report it!? What's your evidence? YOUR LIFE?!! ” she shouted with a twisted grin face. There it is, a genuine Yandere, I hope she's not that strong, I may be slower than her since I'm rusty, both skill-wise and combat wise. Vermilion may be strong, fierce, and skilled, but me operating her, is not really a good combo if I'm being honest. She then readied her stance, with both daggers at hand, I was like... I'm just gonna copy that spearman in the cartoon I recently just watched. And this is the very first encounter of my Right hand Lady. —Vermilion —Sorcerer Archer/Tigre Lancer —level 1
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