Not Rescuing a Village

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I was forced to join with the lady killer from last night. That's the context of my next day at the World of... Ugh... I forgot the name of this World, but I still remember it from this time. World of Axuuhh? Where did I hear that name from? “So... Where are we going? ” Sune asked. Oh yeah, her name is Sune, Sune Shade, she doesn't want to talk about her life as a killer because she will kill me if I did. So as a good person, I didn't, I don't wanna waste my precious girly power on some dramatic talk. So, back to her asking me where we'll go. Why is she even trying to know that? I just got in this World, I don't know where, and I'm still not used to her around me, so maybe distance is a good idea. “You should know that I'm foreign in this land, so I don't know myself where to go, is there a fun place to go to? ” I asked her because if I ignore her, she'll be annoying me a lot. I wanted to live normally like I always do back when I'm a toddler in every game I sink myself in, I just go around and do stuff and see if anything that interests me comes up. “Then, do you want to come with me back at my headquarters? ” she asked me, which is a signal to not do. I hope that place isn't like hell. “Sure then, let's go to your Homebase and see if anything catches my interest. ” and I agreed, like a total moron. But, what's worse that could happen, I am not expecting this world to be as peaceful and civilized as my old world, after witnessing that murder last night, and none of the people around give any damn. Anyways, I did follow her instead of her following me, because of how interesting it would be to follow the murderer I attempted to stop last night. By the way, she's a registered adventurer here in the Inkor Kingdom, and also a respected and loved Idol here as the beauty that could take your heart by stabbing you. No seriously, that's exactly what they told me as I was asking around about her. We then ventured off away to the Kingdom, I even barely slept and I'm still okay since I'm Vermilion, Vermilion doesn't rest, and she's still beautiful. I'm not one of those guys that says something like, if I became a woman, I'll touch myself, no, I was just stunned at my looks last night that I have forgotten everything and just looked at her the whole night. But all Vermilion is beautiful aside, I should think about how to spread this available point on my status I've killed a lot of monsters on the way to the Inkor Kingdom and also sold all those monster Crystal things, or whatever it is called. I earned coins far less low than what I have in my inventory. INVENTORY: Coins: 100.000g 283s 11c • Tigress Lance (equipped) • Lioness Magus Bow • Lioness Coat (vanity eq) • Tigress Breastplate (equipped) • Tigress Skirt (vanity eq) • Tigress Magisteel Tights (equipped) • Lioness Boots (equipped) g is Gold, s is Silver, c is copper, like any other RPG money system. I have a lot of golds thanks to The Unknown giving me a chance to choose from 1 to 10, of course, I would pick 10, and I got 100k gold coins. I don't know why this system is favoring me too much, am I just gonna do a conquest to kill all the evil in this world, because I don't want to. I'm just gonna distribute my points equally later when I have enough points. “So you know my job, right? ” she asked. Why did she ask that? Is she finally confronting me now that we're far away from the kingdom? Please no. I was overreacting over here, I'm just gonna be asked some series of questions, and never even do something about it. “After digging a lot about it last night at the Inn, of course I know, Killer of Killers, total kill of 124 in the entire land of Inkor, and no one knew your true identity. ” I answered, honestly, of course. I'm too kind here, and in my life, I probably never lied to anyone except for myself. “Do you despise me? ” she asked. I bet this one is rhetorical and she's asking me to answer No, but I'm not doing that, I'll answer on my terms. “Why would I even bother? I'm just a foreigner of this land, and I don't know a single thing about this place, I can't judge something I only see from my perspective, I at least want to see the perspective of that subject. ” I answered. That subject is her, by the way. “If I said that I wanted to follow you from now on, what would you do? ” she asked. Why does she want to follow me? Is she serious? “I don't even want to follow myself, and you want to? ” I asked. “It's just your personality to not give a crap about this world just astounded me, everytime I see innocents being killed in either at a war or in an assassination, I always want to take revenge for them, and you, after your reaction to me killing a person at your side, at first I thought you'd take revenge, but I guess after listening to my reasons, you just didn't care. ” she's explaining this as she walks and I'm just following her. “My principle in life ever since I was born is to mind my own business, since that sometimes leads to better rather than worse, although your principle isn't as bad either, fighting for the killed innocent is really admirable, but also foolish since you alone can't defeat the evil of this world. ” I said defending my case. “Where do you even came from? I want to learn those principles of yours. ” she asked. As much as I want to return back, even I don't know where to look for in order to confirm its existence in this world, Does this world know that there's another world that has no power and magic? Many magicians and skilled warriors are mostly living in this world, so is there still people dedicating their life for science? That answer is No. “No matter how magical and full of techniques this world is, my world, no longer exists, where I learned all my knowledge. ” I said dramatically as I stare at the mountains that are mimicking the Far Lands, a place in my old world where I want to retire to one day. “I could just teach those to you, but you may not want that. ” I suggested. But I didn't expect her answer. “I want that, although I may be a bad student. ” she said, as she grins at me. I hate that smile. But little did I know, I'm about to start loving that smile each time I see it. “Just don't pressure me, I'm not a teacher but I'll do my best to teach you all I know on how to not give a damn about the world, that's all I'm teaching you!! ” I said specifying those terms at her. “Alrighty, please treat me well, teacher. ” she said. Oh, whatever is this witchcraft that is casted on me? I don't regret having it, as I was beginning to love psychopaths that want to change from interfering with a lot of things to not giving any damn. I would love to see that happening. Anyways, enough with the pep talk, drama, and all that bull crap, since I just saw smoke and fire at the horizon. “Hey, Sune, do you see that smoke? ” I asked. “Ever since we left the kingdom, why? Are we gonna help them? ” she answered. Why is she not paying attention to it? She's more expert to not giving a damn than me. “How about we begin our first lesson? When seeing something like that, so long as it's not a quest or something like that, let's go around it and ignore it. ” I suggested. “I was about to run at it and save some people and kill the evildoers, but if you told me not to, then maybe I will, let's go teacher. ” she answered, agreeing to my suggestions. That's the spirit. “But it looked like it was being attacked by the Demon Army. ” she said. And after she said that. “Alright, I don't wanna deal with demons, Sune, Run! ” I shouted, and run in the opposite direction of it. Sune then followed me, she's pretty loyal, but of course, I didn't a***e that, as I tried relying on myself to do all the tedious work myself, since I'm a nerd, and almost becoming a doctor back then. I tried doing some hard work myself, and since I didn't get that chance and got here before I even got my Ph.D., I might as well do it here, instead. I'd rather not involve myself in demons if possible, since I just got in this world yesterday, no, no, no. And then, of course, jinxing is my biggest flaw, and our presence called some of the flying demons to our location. They spotted us! Damn it! “What do we do!? ” Sune asked me. “I don't know! I don't wanna fight them, I'm mentally scared!! ” I shouted with despair. At this point, as they landed in front of us, I was losing all hope to ever get out of this situation and just accepted our fate to be imprisoned by the demons, or worse, t*****e us. “STOP AT ONCE! ” a big voice, probably a demon general ordered us. Of course, I was sh*tting myself, when they followed us, and now this?!! Oh no. “Get behind me! ” Sune said and protected me as she steps in front of me. Yes! Please be my meat shield. I was being ridiculous here, ignore my thoughts, as they sometimes are more devilish than any demons. “YOU, BLUE LADY, YOUR APPEARANCE! YOU'RE DEMONESS AO KIJIN? ” the general said, asking me if I'm... Ugh, A Gijin?? Anywho, I was mistaken for their demoness or something along those lines. I was skeptical, I don't remember being a demon in the first place, Vermilion in the World of Dura is... Oh... I had a realization at this moment that I remembered specifically that, Vermilion's race is a Demon Tigress. “I don't remember being a demoness, I mean I just arrived here in this land. ” I explained trying to correct their accusations as I hide behind Sune. “THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE. ” I heard from the back. And it's a Strong demon, of course, what could go wrong, EVERYTHING IS GOING INCREDIBLY WRONG TODAY!! I had the worse Two days of my life, both in this world and in the science world as well. God must hate me. “YOUR EYES, YOUR HAIR COLOR, IS EXACTLY THE SAME. ” the strong demon behind me said. Now, quick question, HOW THE HELL CAN I GET OUT OF THIS STICKY SITUATION, also with Sune. I want to escape with her, of course, I don't leave my student behind on the first time I became a teacher, I can't be a bad teacher at the very least.
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