Shadow Realm

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"Welcome to the Shadow Realm, Vermilion. " Sune said after arriving at her hometown. "I told you before, just call me Ver, my name is quite long anyway. " I said, telling her to call my nick because I don't want the others to suffer from my name alone. My real name is Beru, and that's the shortest name in our family. So let's call me a generous person for giving mercy to others. This is a very dark place, can they see in the dark, I mean, they are the embodiment of shadow, so I'm guessing they are. The people of the Shadow realm have a black mist as a body, and despite that, Sune stayed as a normal human. Racist. Cut me some slack VA, only you could insult me mentally, so you should be at least be bias here. I am. She is a handful, if only someone could hear these insults. Anyway, I've seen her Shadow form, so it's not like I don't need any more confirmation, but I haven't seen her interact with the other Shadow. "I thought you're famous here. " I told her. "Doofus, I'm not known here, I'm mostly known by the higher-ups at the middle since I'm an official here as well. " she specified. That's understandable, I'm guessing she is like the enforcer or the recon, something like that. We then arrived in the middle of the realm, I'm able to see the things around me because of something... I don't know how I could, but maybe I have a passive skill that allowed me to. I am Vermilion so I could always get my hopes up for her. "Sune, You're back! " "How's the outside world, Sune? " "How many have you killed this time? " "Is she your friend, Sune? " She was greeted warmly, not what you would expect from the Shadow race, but I guess looks can be deceiving. Even I was greeted by them as well. "I'm fine, I'm with a guest, I saw her at Inkor and she has nowhere to go to since she's foreign in this land, is the Chief at the hall? " Sune asked the elders. They are the elders, they look old, right? "He is, and after a lot of crimes lately, he has been strict, so check out on him to make sure his sanity is still intact. " the elder said. "Thank you, come on Ver, I'll introduce you to the Chief, " she said. "After you. " I said. So far, I haven't heard any backstabbing, I'm guessing they treat humans equally. We then entered the Hall, which is obvious due to its structure and it's bigger than any of the buildings around. We then saw the Chief inside, killing the other Shadows, I don't know why he's doing that. But it was not a good time to visit with a stranger. *Aarggkk* What the hell?! "Chief, I see there are more traitors, how many are there today? " Sune asked him. Is this often? I thought he's a maniac! You're so judgemental, every race has its difference and culture, when a Shadow race dies, they turn into souls, unable to do anything other than watch, and once they are forgotten, they will vanish. That's why Sune is killing bad people, so the Shadow realm will remember her always. "Sune! you're back, thank goodness, I was losing my mind against these people, they haven't learned from the previous ones. " the Chief said, his aura changed when he saw Sune. Sune has taken the hearts of the Shadow race, they are quite fond of her. The Chief then hugged Sune, it is pretty wholesome a Shadow race and another Shadow who is masked in human from hugging each other. Just from the perspective, you're seeing a Shadow race and humans hugging each other, but of course, I know that Sune is a Shadow race since she showed me her true form. The two of them then sat down at the bench, while I am waiting outside, and watching from the door, since the door is open I figure I should for unknown reasons. This is pretty Wholesome. Indeed. "How's you're adventure outside? How many have people had you stabbed again? " the Chief asked. "This time, I killed about 23 of them, and one is a close call, but since they are fighting against a Shadow race, not a human, I got them in the end, and also, In the way back to Inkor kingdom to gather info, I met this lady, and she's is pretty strong, she's a human, but she doesn't wanna admit she's a demon since she convinced me that she's a World traveler. " Sune explained. I HEARD THAT, YOU RAT! "A Demon race that is a World traveler? That's not rare, some of them are even Demigods, remember the Heroes of the Past that I read for you about back then? and what else have you done outside, kid? " the Chief asked her. "I will never forget your teachings, Chief, and after that, I get the lady to follow me here, since she said she has nowhere to go, so I figure that I take her here, she's outside by the way. " Sune said, and she pointed at me. I'm guessing this is my time to enter? "Come here, child, don't be shy, I don't bite, " he said allowing me to enter the hall. His way of talking doesn't invite people. "He's just an old dude, so you don't need to be weirded out by his terms, hurry it up! " If Sune says so then. "What do you mean old!? You little ruckus! " he then drilled his fist at her head. This two are the closest person I've seen, well, both of them has the same kill death ratio and all. Hey VA, what's my full name? Vermilion Sarion. "I'm Vermilion Sarion, as Sune said, I'm a World traveler, and I just followed her because I have nowhere else to go and, why not? " I introduced myself. "Good afternoon, I'm Sunroe Shade, I'm the Chief of the Shadow Realm, I heard you're a Demon race, Sarion, care to tell me about it? " Sune you rat! She didn't even tell him that we were attacked by Demons and thought I was their goddess, but that may be too long to say and wasted a lot of time. I then explained to him about it and told him everything that happened. Without the awkwardness of course, since I'm a pro at talking to higher-ups. "Ao Kijin, I've heard of it before, and after remembering the image of her in the book, you do look like her, blue hair, different colored eyes, I don't know the exact color, but the contrast is different to one another so I assume they are different. " the Chief commented after hearing my story. "But I don't even remember this body of mine is a goddess of demons, all I know of this body is that it's the manifestation of the Blue Tigress of the East, and that's a myth back in my world, so it's totally a different thing, " I explained. Sune is making Shad Tea, a special tea that is from this realm. I don't even know what I'm saying. I don't even know what they can eat here, do they even need food? "It's understandable that they thought you are the great Ao Kijin since they have been falling to power ever since the death of the previous Demon King, they are desperate for leaders and they even assumed Sune as one! " the Chief said. Really? They thought of Sune as one of their leaders as well. "Which one is this? " I asked, as I smirk since I want to use it as a nickname for her. "Don't bully her too much, she's kind of an Ogre Demon. " the Chief whispered at me. Ogre Demon!!? Ha ha ha ha!! This kid, you should be as respectable as Vermilion. VA is losing faith in my self-control at this point. Do I even have faith in myself? me neither.
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