Ao Kijin

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—DEMON RACE— AFTER OUR REVIVAL FROM OUR DEATHS AGAINST THE LADY WE SUSPECTED AS THE AO KIJIN, WE QUICKLY REPORTED IT TO THE DEMON COMMANDER —Demon Race: - the third strongest and most powerful race in the World of Axuuhh, they have a common ability to be able to be revived so long as they still have their soul. "IS WHAT YOU ARE SAYING TRUE, GENERAL? " HE ASKED. "WE COULD NOT BELIEVE IT EITHER, BUT ONCE WE STARTED FIGHTING, NOT ONLY HER APPEARANCE PROVED IT, BUT HER SKILLS AND ABILITIES AS WELL, SHE IS SKILLFUL AT BOTH SPEAR AND BOW, JUST AS THE KING TOLD. " I EXPLAINED. I SHOULD NOT BE HALLUCINATING AS OUR CLAN IS IMMUNE TO MIND MAGIC, SO IT MUST BE HER, THE ONE THE DEMON KING PREDICTED. A LADY, WITH BLUE HAIR, SAME AS THE AFTERNOON SKY, AND EYES REPRESENTING THE COLOR OF HER GREATEST ENEMY, WHICH HAS A COLOR OF GREEN. "I WILL SEND THIS INFORMATION TO THE KING, TAKE SOME REST SINCE YOU JUST GOT REVIVED. " THE COMMANDER ORDERED. "THANK YOU, COMMANDER. " I THANKED AND LEFT HIS WORKPLACE. IF THIS LADY IS TO JOIN US ON OUR CONQUEST AGAINST HUMANS, THEN WE WOULD NOT BE SUFFERING BECAUSE OF THEM ANYMORE, AND PEACE TO THE DEMON RACE WILL BE ACHIEVED. —DEMIGOD RACE— THE MEETING OF THE LEADERS OF DEMIGOD RACE HAS COME. —Demigod Race - The second most powerful being of the World of Axuuhh, one of them is next in line for the throne of GOD, all of them are immortal, and the only way to kill one of them is by using a God-level damaging skill or spell. EVERY WEEK, ALL THE LEADER OF THE FAMILY WILL HOLD A MEETING, EITHER FOR BATTLE, LIFE DECISIONS OR ABOUT THE WORLD OF AXUUHH IN GENERAL. "ANOTHER HUMAN FROM THE SCIENCE WORLD JUST TRANSPORTED HERE, BY HIM AGAIN OF ALL PEOPLE. " "THE GOD LOVES PLAYING WITH HIS ABILITIES, AND HE IS SENDING A LOT OF POWERFUL BEING FROM THAT WORLD. " "WE SHOULD NOT BE FALTERED BY HIS ACTIONS, WE ARE THE DEMIGOD RACE, WE COULD WIPE THE ENTIRE HUMAN RACE IF WE WISH IT, BUT DUE TO THE HEROES OF THE PAST, WE CANNOT EVEN TOUCH THE GOD'S SACRED GROUND! " "THE CONTINENT OF AXUUHH? WE DO NOT HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT THE LAND OF PEACE, BUT THOSE WHO OPPOSE US FROM THE OUTSIDE SHOULD BE DESTROYED. " "WHAT KIND OF HUMAN DID HE BROUGHT FROM THAT LAND AGAIN, IF HE BROUGHT ANOTHER RIDICULOUSLY STRONG ONE, WE WILL HAVE ISSUES! " "THIS TIME, HE BROUGHT A LADY, BUT SHE IS OF THE DEMON RACE, NOT HUMAN. " "DEMON RACE? DO YOU KNOW ITS BACKGROUND? " "ITS TRUE NAME IS AO KIJIN. " "WHAT!? " "WHY HER?! " "IT IS PRACTICALLY THE SAME AS A*EED! " "DO NOT EVEN SPEAK OF HIS NAME HERE IN THE SACRED GROUNDS OF THE DEMIGODS! " "THAT RECKLESS GOD, HE IS JUST TRYING TO KILL US ALL! " —Returning to Vermilion as they walk around the land of Inkor— Sune said something. "Ao Kijin, I heard them before, I think gramps told me about it before," she said. I do remember the demons saying that, but all I know of Vermilion's race is that she is a Demon Tigress, she was once a Tigress but, when she got to level 90, she turned into that. We are pretty close to where Sune's Hometown, where all the Shadow being like herself lived. Basically like a shadow, they hide to survive, not like shadows need to survive, the only thing that makes them all exist is because of light anyway. "I already told you, I'm not a demon race, please don't bring this up anymore, I'm kind of scared of those demons, with their horns and dark figure. " I whined. Scaredy cat. Shaddup!! I don't wanna talk about it! I did sh*t myself when they told me I'm their demon goddess, I mean Vermilion is pretty and deserves the praise she got, even from me. But to the extent of becoming a goddess is so over the top, I mean come on! this is a fantasy world, gods could kill you here! unlike back in the science world where gods don't care much despite the billions of prayers of all the Christian. "I'm just messing with your mojo, don't worry about it, not as they will care about you not being with the demon race, they're not a deity lover or anything, anyway, we are close to my hometown, wanna camp the night or keep going? " she asked me, as we are in the middle of the plains. If you ask me about that, I'd rather go on rather than camp here in the open, the night sky is beautiful AF. And also, VA told me. This is not a safe place to camp. So, I don't wanna risk it. "Let's keep going, I'd rather get tired of walking the night than die here. " I said sarcastically. "Don't exaggerate much, those demons need time to recover after their revival anyways. " did I just hear that correctly? "They can revive!? " I asked in shock. "Oh right, you don't know, yes they can, so long as their soul still remains, but in order to kill their soul, you need to use Soul type skills or spells and kill them along with their body, " she explains as we climb this steep hill. Inkor Continent is big, so there's a lot of places you can go to, I will eventually build a home here over this steep hill because I love the view from up here. But that's a later story. For now, let's look at another day of me traveling with Sune to her Race's Land. "The greenery here is so different from my world, that's kind of a bliss to see. " I said. The shape, the pattern, and the texture is so different. This is me admiring the leaf as we are resting to eat lunch. "That's because of the soil of this land, it's not just a normal soil, but it's called Inkan Soil, a soil that is more fertilized than a fertilized soil. " Sune explained as she is cooking food. We take turns cooking because I don't wanna be a slob, and since I've watched survival TV shows, I know how to cook in the wildlife. This soil could have been useful in the Science world because lands have always been built over with buildings, factories, and houses, that all humanity has neglected nature. I bet it has the same aspects of reason as to why humanity here is being pinned down by God, no matter what universe or world, humanity will be abusive. "Why are farmers not farming here? " I asked. But I already know the answer to it. "Well, Duh, this place is full to the brim with monsters, they'd be killed instantly if they tried to even live here, also, they use the same land to their farm anyway, " she answered. Some farmers even use soil that is more fertilized than this. VA explained. After we ate our lunch we kept going, since Sune doesn't need sleep, she just thought I need one that's why she does. I also don't need one due to my stats, so we kept going. My levels have risen after killing some monsters on the way, I've been using the Lioness Bow more often since I can aim better thanks to Vermilion's past experience in Bows. And finally arrived at the Shadow Race's Land. Of course, it's so fricking dark!
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