Second Base

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"Anywho, will you be staying in the Shadow realm, Ver?" the Chief asked me. We became closer than the last hour, I bought I'll be exorcised because Sune told them I am this Ao Kijin. I'm not! Okay? Even VA confirmed. Negative, Ao Kijin is a Pure Demoness, and you are a Human Tigress, a Unique race given to you by GA. I don't even know who this GA is, I'm just glad he gave that to me. I don't think I'll be welcomed here as a citizen, maybe if I stayed just for 3 days or more, that will be nice. "I mean I'm different from you guys, am I even allowed here? " I asked. "To be honest, other race visitors are more polite than the other Shadow race, they are quite a handful. " Sune pointed out. That's reassuring. "You will be welcomed here, Ver, and under my protection, no one shall harm you, or they'll be punished since you're a friend of my dear girl here Sune, I will do my best to not let you be discriminated here. " the Chief said. That was nice. "Thank you, Chief, by the way, is Sune your daughter or something? " I asked the Chief. "Actually if she is, then I'd be glad, but her father is my sworn friend, and he died at the battle against the Golem race, and since then, I've been taking care of Sune whenever she returns here from her excursion," he answered, explaining her backstory. That's pretty devastating, VA, Do you know what happened to the battle? How and Why did it start? I'll gather data, I'll report them later. Thanks. I just want to know what happened to the battle, and see if there's anything useful, maybe some dirt to use against them or use for them when the Golem race attacked again or attacked back again. "Well, if that's the case, I have an idea, let me work here, I want to at least contribute if I want to stay, right? " I asked. After Sune heard that, she planned something devious. "That's a mature way of living, what skin should I give you then? " the Chief said, agreeing to my idea. Then the one thing I hated the most now, will be brought upon myself because I suggested that idea, till this day, I hated it, and I'm still stuck with it. That's also the reason why I'm still with Sune even though I don't like her company. I hate it, every time I'm with her, all the pressure in the is fallen upon me, I don't know if it's just me overreacting, or that's just how the world hates me. Well, even if I complain now, I know to myself that if she's not there, I'd feel alone and lonely, because she's one of the people I am comfortable now, and knows how to deal with easily. She just likes me. "I know! Partner her with me on the Second Base. " Sune suggested. Second Base? "What's that? " I asked. Right now, I don't mind this work, I can easily finish it now, but at the start, it was hard! "It's Sune's Base, where she conducts all her work, experiment, and her duties as the Realm Prosecutor. " the Chief answered. Prosecutor? What?! The one who decides the fate of the Prosecuted, either t*****e, jailed, or death. I know that! I don't care anymore, I asked for this! "That's cool, when do I start? " I asked. At this point, I just accepted my fate, I will be with Sune forever, why not? The first sweet but psycho person will be my friend in this new world, so let's just see the outcome of it. Is it interesting to see an antagonist route? Perhaps, I've watched Revengers Endgame, so I'm pretty confident since Sune herself is strong and skillful. "Not now, I want you to rest for today, and your quarters will be on Second Base, take a rest as long as you need, and if you got your energy to work again, then find Sune, since Sune today is on break on Prosecutor duty and she just returned from her excursion, I'm on duty, I can do both Chief duties and Prosecutor duties at the same time, so both of you get rested. " the Chief said. Is that's what he was doing when I first saw him here, he's punishing the evildoers. We then left the Hall and headed to where the Second base is, and it was far off west, above the mountains close to the main realm. So this is where the bad people were taken when Sune is on Prosecutor Duty? The realm is darker and the buildings are black because where the Shadow races are, the darker the color of the elements around them become. That's why they have no choice but to build their homes with black materials because every time they collect some, their surroundings transform. I asked why Sune is an exception, and what she answered... "That's because I'm a Darkened Shadow, I'm a higher level Shadow race, and now I could manipulate that skill, and for a Shadow to become Darkened Shadow, they have to master 100 skills like what I, the elders, and the Chief have done," she explained. That impressed me, for me to know someone who has mastered a hundred skills, that's hard! Look at me I only have fewer numbers, lesser than I can count my fingers. I at least have higher stats that could rival Sune's. We then arrived at her base. It was Black, obviously. It had the same design as factories, if you imagine a black colored factory, then you get the image of it. Sune showed me to my room, and I was surprised at what she just did. "This is your room, Ver, now get some rest for your work whenever you got your energy to do so," she said. "Thank you, I'm so tired. " I then jumped at the bed. This is a normal bed than I expected, black colored, but it was enough for me to rest. Sune then jumped at the bed too, I was surprised at that! My heart is pounding as she lied close to me, we are in bed! this isn't the same as when we are sleeping in tents! Why did she just hop in here? I thought this is my room?! "Why are you sleeping with me on the same bed!? don't you have your own room!? " I asked anxiously. "What are you talking about? This is my room as well, and also, we slept together before, why are you making this a big deal? " she said as she slowly hugs me. "Because this is a bed, and that's a tent, I'm uncomfortable sleeping with someone in bed, especially with a girl!! " I shouted, trying to push her away. "Come on! I'm tired too, let's just sleep, don't be a puss! I can vouch for you sleeping with me, it's fine, not like the Chief will be against it if I say so. " she said as she slowly falls asleep. Oh well, she looks more tired than me, she might've been doing a lot of work for the realm than I know, perhaps this isn't a bad idea, I mean, I haven't even gotten myself a girlfriend, and Sune trying to act like one is kind of helpful for me to know this sort of things. It was embarrassing to remember that day, not in a bad way, it was a sweet memory, but who am I kidding, let's not be cheesy here. I like Sune now because she's there for me all the time, so I don't mind reciprocating her when she needs it. I then slept hugging her back, at first I had a hard time sleeping, but since girls don't get hard, I don't have to worry about myself getting attacked in my sleep. But that was a lie. When I woke up the next day, Sune is on top of me, and I'm n***d! What the hell?!! I've been trying to wake you up, but you're having a good time sleep. "Good morning, you seem to enjoy sleeping, so don't mind me, I'm just eating my breakfast! " she said as she does me the whole morning. "No!! Ahh!! "
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