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TARA'S POV: "The cake will go at the end of the table for when they cut it open, the dishes will go on the rectangle table on the other end of the tent." I started to help set up this last party before I would be able to take off and go see my sister. She had made all the food last night until about 1 am for the late minute order. Thankfully she was ok with it and we got to overcharge because of the rush of supplies and things we needed. I made sure things were set up, set up a time with the couple of when we would come back, gave them my number in case anything went wrong, and wished them a good time. I got in my car and headed over to Bellamy's house. He wasn't home but I made sure to knock and wait until my sister appeared looking almost hung over but she was more like over tired. "What?" "Got a birthday to plan at the club." She looked kind of confused before she sat down and I moved to sit on the other end of the couch. "Marcus finally told me his birthday, it's in a couple weeks, but he doesn't seem to want a big party. What do you think we should do?" "Give him a day off?" She laughed and rubbed her eyes. "Besides that. I can probably talk Lucien or someone into taking over if not we can close the strip club for a night." I told her and she shrugged like it didn't mean that much. "Come on you used to love planning the guys parties." I urged and she smiled. "I did. And then I worked until almost day break this morning. I haven't had coffee, and you're way too active right now. Didn't you work last night at the strip club?" She asked and I nodded. She got this look on her face as she looked at me, and then she smirked, then started laughing. "What are you laughing at?" "Nothing. I am probably just a little too tired." She waved me off and covered her mouth. "So what do you want to do for him besides get him off... of work." She added like that really needed to be said. "A cake, maybe a nice dinner at the house." I told her and she nodded. "What would he want?" She asked as she started to think about what we could do for everyone. "I can ask. He isn't really forthcoming of all his likes and dislikes." I shrugged and she nodded and got a smile on her face. At least now she was starting to get into the planning part. We talked about what we should and shouldn't do, like usually there would be a banner and we would try and make sure that the name or the nick name of the brother was under it, but he didn't want people to know, so maybe we wouldn't do that, and we wouldn't invite people he didn't know to the clubhouse. "Stripper?" She asked me and I shook my head right away. "But that is what we usually get for their first birthdays here." "He's an almost 35 year old man who works at a strip club, I don't think he wants one of them to do anything." "So what? We load him up with a biker bunny?" She asked and I glared. "If he wanted one he would get one. We don't have to ply him with women. "But that's what we do usually. We get one of the girls to give the guy a good time, and-" "You haven't seen him. Not really. He doesn't do that even when all the girls are looking to get laid at the club." I told her and she smiled and nodded and I knew that look. That was what she gave Cami when Cami was saying something she didn't understand, or when she was listening to her complain. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked her and she let her face go blank. "Like what?" She asked and batted her eyes to look innocent. "Like you are listening to Cami talk and not me." I told her and crossed my arms. "Well I am tired, maybe that is just my face." She lied and I just rolled my eyes and sighed. "So, cake, dinner, and a day off." I didn't like the sound of that, I felt like there should be more. I mean he came into our chapter, helped turn around a strip club and has made a s**t ton of money from it with some of his connections. "I like that." She told me and for some reason I didn't like how she was looking at me when I didn't like it. She laughed lightly before she stood up and went to get some paper to write it all down. "Maybe a chocolate cake with vanilla frosting. A black lettering." I offered out and she nodded and started to write it all down. "Tara... you had that thing with Avery right?" I stopped thinking about Marcus' party and took a minute to look at her and waited to see where this was going. "Yeah and?" "Does Gemma know about it?" She asked and I shook my head before wondering who else knew about it. She knew how to keep a secret. "No. She doesn't need to know. We were casual." I told her and she nodded back at me before playing with the little towel on the counter near her. "And you don't want anything else casual with anyone else?" She asked me and I just blinked at her like I didn't know what she was talking about. "I mean... Marcus... wow." "You are someone's old lady now Si. You're not supposed to see other men." "I might belong to my man but that doesn't mean I am blind. And he got here before Bell got back so I was allowed to look." She told me and gave me a pointed finger. "If you say so." I didn't do relationships so I didn't know those kinds of rules. If Bell was ok with her looking at Marcus like that when he wasn't around, then it was fine with me. Kind of. I wouldn't look at another man if I had been in love with someone. "You should do something with him." "Who Bell?" I asked knowing for a while that she wanted him more put in on our family time and not that he didn't have plenty, I was just worried he didn't want to. "No! Marcus." She shouted and I wondered why she was so upset before I got it. When she said do something she meant s*x. "Marcus doesn't look at me like that." I told her and waved it off and she laughed again and nodded like I was a kid. "Don't." "He looks at you. Especially when he first got here. Watched your ass behind the bar. Looked down your shirt when you bent over. I bet he still does it." She winked and I rolled my eyes. "Whatever you say Sienna." "I'm sure Ry would be okay with it. At least he would know that Marcus would take care of you. And he is moving into Gemma's old house. He said he was getting new things for it." She told me and I had to wonder how she knew that. "Chill, he asked Bell where to get new things. I'm not cheating and I don't really see Marcus." "I don't care who he sees. I care about you. You're happy?" I asked and she smirked and nodded. "I get orgasms every day. Of course I am happy. You could try it you know." She winked and I rolled my eyes. I didn't need to hear about their s*x life. "How about I get all done up and we can go shopping." "Sounds fun." I told her and she nodded slowly before getting up and she took off. Maybe I would be able to get more dresses and dress up stuff for the parties where we would be serving things to the customers. Maybe something for Marcus' party. MARCUS' POV: I was working the last of the books, putting in the last amount of booze we used and ordered and then I headed out for the hour. I got to the club house, knowing it was late afternoon and before I could even head out I heard Avery shout my name. "Yeah?" I turned and saw him on the phone. "Ryan and Lucien are busy at their shop and said that they needed someone to go and help Sienna start her car. She's with Tara at the mall, her piece of s**t won't start. I can't get Bell on the phone." "And you know s**t about cars." I laughed lightly and nodded. "Tell Razor I will head their way. Which part of the mall are they in?" I asked knowing that the closest one was a big f*****g place. "Somewhere near the Macy's store." He told me after he asked Ryan on the other end. "I'll be there in 20 minutes. Check to see what's wrong. If it's anything too big like a battery I'll wait for Bell." I told him and he nodded. On the way back I made a call to the guy I left in charge at the club. "Haus, I need to go check out Tara and Sienna's car, no one else can get to them right now and see what's wrong. I will be back in two hours max." I told him and he grunted and said something about how they hadn't even had a customer yet. "We're all good here brother, do what you can for the sisters." He told me and I reminded him to call if anything happened and I threw my leg over my bike and revved the engine as I took off out of the driveway. I headed to the mall, looking around for five minutes before seeing them standing together near the trunk. I made them both jump when I revved the engine and I smirked at Tara as she turned to glare at me. "Ok girls, what's wrong with the car?" I asked as I put my kickstand down. "s**t won't start." Tara told me and I heard Sienna saying that she thinks she might just be out of antifreeze or coolant or 'something like that' and she popped the hood for me. "Doesn't seem like it. Levels look good." I told her as I looked at them. "Start it up, or try." I told her and Sienna uncrossed her arms and pulled out her keys before getting into her drivers seat. She tried but there wasn't even a sound so I closed the hood and smiled. She tried again but nothing happened. "Why did you close it if you didn't fix anything?" "Because I can't fix it without a new part. It's your starter. This isn't going to go anywhere without it." I told them and Sienna hit her head on the steering wheel and I saw Tara covering her laugh as she turned away. "Don't laugh at me." I heard Sienna spit out at Tara. "This is the worst piece of s**t ever and I have been telling you to get your car fixed, to trade it in, to do something with it. Did you listen?" Tara asked her and I kind of sat back and sent my own messages out as they kind of bitched each other out. I looked up when there was a honk and I just looked up and saw Bellamy swing his truck into an open parking spot behind them. "He is taking me home. Good luck ruffing it." I rubbed the back of my neck as I saw her grab the bag she had in the back seat out and shove it at her sister before Sienna grabbed her purse and another bag and jogged her way to her mans truck and he was stepping out. "You're a child Sienna." Tara shouted at her sister and I kind of looked at Bell and then at Tara as she turned to me with her hands on her hips. "Wanna give me a ride to their place so I can get my own car?" She asked me and I just looked up and then at her before nodding. "Good, let me get my bag." She grabbed her purse from on top of the trunk and I made sure that everything was secure and she slipped on the helmet before flipping off Bell's truck and I shook my head but took off before Bell was even back in the car. I was at their house and she was pissed and I knew she shouldn't drive back alone. So while she drove, I tailed her. When she got the club house I made sure to call Razor and tell him about Sienna's car, about their fight. "Yeah when they fight you back off, put your hands up, and usually make sure you don't get hit with flying objects." He told me seriously and I looked around the parking lot. "Well Sienna left Tara in the parking long, telling her to get home by herself, so I made sure she got to her car and got back to the club house safe. She's there now." I told him and he made a noise saying he wasn't that happy but he understood. "I left the books on your desk, they're ready for you when you want it." "I will probably get to it tomorrow. See you tomorrow night." I told him knowing he liked to drop it off, it gave him more time out of his house on certain nights. And he probably would be listening to one of his sisters going on about the fight. I remember my sister at 14 had a big fight with her best friend and that's all she talked about for a week until they made up. That s**t was more annoying than knowing that same girl left her when she found out that Hope was doing drugs. Dropped her like a hot plate. Thinking about Hope made me moody for the rest of the night and well into the next day. Sienna and Tara shouldn't be so ungrateful when they still had each other. I'd rather listen to my sister nag me for years than knowing I would never hear her say my name or laugh, or even hug me again.
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