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I did not knock on my door and carefully twisted it open, making sure I wasn't making any noise that might alert the criminals inside, if there were any. I peeked in and carefully moved slowly so as to not ruin the silence. But it was ruined anyway but not by me, when I heard profane sounds coming from inside my bedroom space. "Ah, yes! Alex, you're such a good f*cker!" "We should do this again next time!" "I can do three, you should invite another friend." Alex indulgently laughed while he let the women play with his toy. The room wasn't dark, just dimly lit. My eyes didn't need more light to see clearly. So I stood there frozen in ice cold shock while Alex is having a.. threesome. The two women occupied his attention and did not even notice my figure standing at the end of the hallway. My presence doesn't want to be sensed anyway, I just wanted to disappear. 'Alex.. how could you?' When I felt my my eyes start to water I just ran. I couldn't stand there much longer. I've seen enough and I've heard enough. I just have to get this pain off my chest because it was becoming.. unbearable! I was almost out of my apartment building when I remembered who I was. I'm Mia Malkova! I faced bombs, bullets missiles and terrorists and I'm running away from this? Not me! Not ever! I suddenly found my courage back to face all this without losing myself so I went back to my apartment and took the cold water from my fridge. They noticed my presence now and when Alex saw me.. he didn't have the right words either. Is there a need for words? Nah, it's useless to waste words but I don't feel it's a waste of effort to splash them with freezing water. "I want you out this place, Alex. NOW!" I must've used a softer tone because now Alex didn't move to get his ass out of my apartment. The women rushed to get dressed and leave, but Alex remained and sat on the edge of the bed and just covered his bare waist with a towel. "Did you not hear what I said?" I angrily shot him a glare. "Let's talk this out." Alex calmly said, his tone serious. I could only scoff and chuckle, mocking him with my bitter smile. If that reaction wasn't enough to show him I'm not interested in fixing things with him, then maybe my leave might say that out loud. He was naked so he couldn't really catch up when I got out of the door in a hurry. Now I feel like I need a drink. I'm not used to drinking but at this moment of my life I just need something to feel other than pain. I saw a nice bar while riding a cab. It looks decent and... expensive. I'm a bit richer than I was ten years ago so this shouldn't bother my bank accounts, right? I know I can afford the drinks but I don't really know what to drink so I approached the bar and said, "Just give me your bestseller." "Sure, Miss...? I need your name for the billing." the bartender waited while his pen and paper were ready to write it on. "Mia, just that." I answered, not letting my full name be written and taken into information. The bartender didn't seem to mind and just used my first name to list and charge all my drinks. I don't feel like crying at all, maybe because my whole being is currently drowning in anger, hate and devastation. It was not what I was expecting to come home to! I thought Alex was special and different from all other guys.. but it turns out that he was the worst! Then there's this dreadful feeling of losing all hopes of a happy ending in your life because you were born unlucky! God, I'm such a loser! No matter what I do, I always lose! Am I not allowed to have a great shot at real happiness? "Give me another one!" I yelled, feeling like my voice was sinking and so was my feelings. I feel so down but also I feel so angry, like throwing out some rage would be a very satisfying thing to do. "Please don't shout, Miss Mia. There are other guests here that likes peace and quiet." the bartender leaned on as he refilled my glass. "What? Who?" I inquired out of drunk curiosity. This is a club, this place is normally loud who would want some peace and quiet in this place? "Mr. Logan Pierce just arrived. He's sitting in that corner, Miss Mia." the bartender, who was wearing his name tag, that goes by the name of Pete, secretly pointed out to me. Logan Pierce is very well known in Midwest City, and he was a VIP member of the club who doesn't like to be disturbed when he is in his private corner. But a drunk and angry woman like me doesn't care, I want to tell him what kind of son he has raised! A cheat, lying son of b*tch! "Mr. Pierce, mind if I join you?" I asked, although I already sat next to him before asking that. I'm not in the mood to call him dad, because it might never come to that point anyway. He was quiet but he was not annoyed or something, so I took that as a hint that he was fine with it. "Thanks." I chuckled at his quietness. I poured us both a drink and I drank mine faster like an act of desperation. I was desperate to get even and have my revenge tonight. I'm seducing this beefy, sexy rich daddy of my ex-boyfriend and after I'm done, Alex and I can call it quits! I don't know what I was thinking but I just feel like this was the only way I could get over him and get even at the same time. "Did you know your son was cheating on me?" I asked casually. I know I shouldn't have asked because it might make him uncomfortable but who cares? I'm drunk and hurting here! "Since day one." Logan admitted. I smiled at that, for a little credit to his late honesty. "I don't blame you, Mr. Pierce. I won't! Your son is old enough to know what's right from wrong." I sighed, truthfully saying these words to him. I know he's got no control over his son's life and decisions, Alex has always been a spoiled, thick-headed rebel that doesn't feel the need to listen to anyone except his own opinion. "Did you see everything you needed to see?" I heard Logan asked. I nodded, unhappy with the unpleasant reminder of his son's painful betrayal. "So what now?" he asked. "I wish I could get even but I don't think I can. Honestly, I don't know how." I replied, while the revenge is cooking in my mind.. "Hmm." he huffed, and who the hell knows what that meant? I drank another shot to ease my pain and increase my headache, I winced a little when I felt the hot stingy rub of alcohol in my stomach and that's when I realized I haven't eaten anything yet. "Is there a hotdog stand near here? I'm hungry and I feel like biting something." I asked, my revenge can wait since you have to eat when you got to eat. That's just me, I don't do things with an empty stomach. I just feel that I won't have enough energy to last the night when I'm hungry. I didn't hear him answer so I stood up, but then I felt being pulled back instantly. "I'll have someone to get it for you." Logan said, while he pressed numbers on his phone. I just waited. I mean, what else can I do? Thankfully it arrived in a short time. I ate until I satisfied my hunger and after I was done, I felt better. Drunk but better. "I'll go get a glass of water. I feel thirsty! Geez, that hotdog was so dry!" I don't know what I was saying but every time I said something, Logan just glared at me for an unexplainable phenomenon. Because that's what he is to me.. a mystery. "Sit down and shut up." he ordered, wrapping my waist with his arms to stop me from leaving. "You're drunk and your dress isn't thick enough for this weather." Now that he reminded me that, I started to shiver. I left without a coat and only my rusty red midi winter dress and knee-length, brown leather boots were shielding me from this cold. "Can you let me stay close to you? Your body feels warm." I asked, needing a bit of comfort in this cold weather. "Come sit on my lap." he offered.
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