
My Ex-Daddy Turns Hubby

dare to love and hate
office/work place

After being cheated on by her boyfriend, Mia Malkova went to a bar to get wasted and to get over her now ex-boyfriend. She was too drunk to think right and when she saw her ex-boyfriend's father drinking in the dark corner of the bar, all she could ever think about is... revenge!

She seduced the beefy, sexy rich CEO—Mr. Logan Pierce, that same night she caught her boyfriend sleeping with two women in her bed! With her burning hate and poisoned mind, she threw herself to Mr. Logan Pierce's bed and while she was all screaming in ecstasy, he picked up her phone to call her ex-boyfriend!

Mia's mind was blown to pieces when he placed the phone on next to her mouth while he continued to drive her crazy. She couldn't believe that her ex-boyfriend's father helped her with her revenge!

The awful night turned into the wildest night of her life after Logan Pierce asked for her hand in marriage!

Ten years of relationship with her boyfriend and she ends up marrying his dad?

As awkward as that sounds, her imagination had gone haywire.

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Mia's POV In the humid subtropical Midwest City, the air was moderately cool during wet winters. The sky looks gloomy in the dark blue sky while the white fine snow showered the place and the magical scenes of people holding hands while crossing the crowded and busy streets made me excited to come home to my cozy apartment, where I can rest in the arms of the man I was longing to see for years.His name was Alexander Johansson Pierce. Handsome name right? So was his face! Didn't mean to brag but he's got the most beautiful hunter green eyes, high cheekbones and chiseled jawline. He was well made in heaven, or by his parents. "I bet Alex would be thrilled to see me!" I giggled, trying to imagine my boyfriend's shocked and happy face. He texted me every night how much he missed me, while I was away for ten years. We promised to get married when I get back and this is my very special surprise for him. Alex Pierce is the only son of Mr. Logan Pierce, my boyfriend's father owns many billion dollar companies all over the globe and is currently one of the richest man in the world. Me? I'm not even an inch closer to any of that so I think I would categorize myself as Miss. Nobody. I didn't have rich parents, or even if I did, they must've not want me because I grew up in an orphanage. I was left there by someone when I was a baby and the only thing I have gotten from my parents is the white blanket that I was wrapped in, with red initials 'MIA' in the bottom corner of the blanket so I was given the name Mia and got adopted by a childless couple when I was five but that didn't last long in my life. They died in a car accident. I know it's pretty sad to think about but mostly I just feel unlucky after that tragic disappointment and painful event in my life. I felt like I was abandoned for the second time. It was devastating for me to go through it again so it really affected me while growing up because I refused to be adopted again and when I turned eighteen, I decided to travel the world and become a freelance journalist. It went well for me, I mean, look at me now! I'm living a good life and I'm in a happy relationship, plus he's freaking rich! I guess my unlucky days are over now. "Hey, Mia! Welcome back!" my apartment neighbor greeted me while I brushed off the snow off my head and shoulders while I walked towards the entrance of the apartment building. "Yeah, thanks!" I happily waved without pausing my steps. I got into the elevator with overflowing joy in my heart, I was excited to share my amazing stories with my boyfriend and the awards that I received abroad. I was given a lot more opportunities and I decided to stay and work in the headquarters of Midwest News Center. So Alex and I will no longer have to live far from each other. I wanted to settle down and get married, have kids... plenty of kids! I dreamed of having a big family! I have been a freelance journalist, writer and photographer since I was eighteen and I just turned twenty eight yesterday, I think it's time I wear the white dress and make my way to the altar before my age move past the calendar. I was given the Hero&Voice Award as war correspondent of the decade. Not to be over praising myself, but I wholeheartedly feel that I deserved that award. That it was meant for me! I spent ten years risking my life, documenting and reporting the deep seeds of war in some foreign country, to open up a window to the world and now that the war has finally ended, I was so happy and excited to come home with that pride and joy in my sleeves. I was carrying a magazine that has my face on it and it won't stop thrilling me to be honest. I used to write articles and news about other people but now it my turn to shine, people wrote stories and letters to me and published different articles about my bravery and dedication. Is it okay to say that I felt really proud of myself? Because I really am and I hope I don't get judged for this. Anyway, let's open the damn door and surprise my boyfriend! "You sure about that?" I was startled by someone and the keys jumped out of my hand before I could insert it in the keyhole. "What?" I looked to my side, there was a man standing in the door next to my room. I never saw him before so I immediately thought he was a new neighbor. "Is that your door?" he asked. "Oh, yes! It's mine. My boyfriend stays here while I'm gone." I explained, even though I didn't have to but I just feel like I always need to, you know? I didn't want to be mistaken as a robber. "How long have you been gone?" he asked, while crossing his arms in his chest. He sounded very curious to me. It was the kind that almost bothered me because it sounded like he was testing me in some way. Is he trying to fact-check me? I hope I'm just overthinking it. "Like ten years. I'm a journalist, have you not seen me on TV?" I replied, with a little bit of worry. He looks a bit upset , and it worries me what might be the reason. "Is there something you want to tell me?" I asked, probably too fast and too straightforward. The man looked hesitant all of the sudden, then he scratched behind his ear while saying, "I think you look familiar that's why I stole your attention, that's all." "I'm Mia Malkova," I said, showing him the magazine cover I was holding. "It's nice to meet you." "I'm your boyfriend's father." he replied. I gasped aloud in surprise, the magazine fell from my hands and I didn't bother picking it up. I went straight to him and handed my hand for a shake. "I'm sorry, Mr. Pierce. I didn't recognize you. I should have! I'm really sorry!" I nervously shook his hand. His grip was tight and his hand was warm, I wish my hands could stay in there for a while but I still have a little shame left in me so I withdrew from the shake immediately. 'Oh my God! He's a freak! A freaking gorgeous beast! He's huge and gosh, his muscles.. STOP! Wait a minute..Am I crushing on this guy? Stop! delete that! I'm not crushing on my boyfriend's father, that's absurd!' "Call me Dad, Mia. You're my son's future wife." he ordered. Although he doesn't sound so convinced in some way, I wonder why his words doesn't match his emotions. "D-dad." I practiced to get used to it but then it only sounded weirder in my mouth... "Are you okay? Your hands are cold." Logan touched my face with both his warm hands like he wanted to share his body heat then his hands held my neck, like he was checking body temperature. 'My neck feels so small with both his hands holding me like this.' I anxiously thought while his hands were still holding me. This is making me so nervous! "Is Alex inside my room?" I asked, shaking my cold hands to keep my blood from freezing. Logan withdrew his hands, his face became more serious and his eyes sharply glanced at my apartment door. "I don't know, Mia. I just got here. Just go check for yourself." he replied with a flat tone, he turned around to not delay my me anymore. "Thanks, Mr. Pierce." I cheerfully waved goodbye. "I m-mean, Dad!" I corrected myself immediately. He nodded then closed his door, making me sense the hint of sadness in him. From my insight as a poor, middle class, hardworking person, I think there was no reason for him to be sad. What could he be sad about? He could buy anything.. right? 'He seems nice.' I couldn't hold my thoughts, I just have to say that those negative news and article about Logan Pierce are all fake! Biased-written, trashy and unprofessional journalism. He wasn't rude, cold and arrogant. At least not to me. My thoughts paused for a while and paid attention to my unlocked door. It shouldn't be open this time of night, right? Did some robbers enter my apartment? 'Why is this open?' My inquisitive nature as a journalist instinctively formed overly suspicious ideas. Should I call the police? Or ask Dad for help?

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