Chapter 6

1656 Words
AILA POV I try to decipher rational thoughts, but it’s impossible. All I can think about is kissing him more and more. Mylo scoops me into his arms and carries me to bed. He gently places me down onto the soft mattress and hovers over me. His golden eyes are full of desire as he breathes me in and kisses me with intense passion. His hand finding its way up my shirt, cupping my breast. Without thinking, I let out a soft moan at the feel of his hands on my body. It’s like an electrical current flowing through us, spurring us on. I had never felt out of control but in control at the same time before. Never had anyone touched me in the way Mylo was. Is it supposed to feel this magnetic? He begins to use his thumb to rub my erect n****e, causing my body to push up against his, begging for more. “I want you so badly Aila.” He whispers in my ear, his voice breathy and full of desire. It was the most sexy thing I had ever heard. “I want you, Mylo.” I responded with just as much desire. He kisses me again. His tongue, now familiar with mine, massages its way around my mouth. His long passionate kisses leave me breathless. I could feel him lower his body on top of mine, his bulge now between my legs. The only thing between us is material. I could hear Ember yipping with joy inside my head. Eager for us to seal the mate bond. I wanted to do it so badly, more than I had ever wanted anything else in my entire life. But I know nothing about him. What if he is a horrible, pompous ass? He is royalty after all, so is he a gentleman or is he a spoilt mama’s boy? My wolf shook her head and giggled at me before she reassured me. None of that matters Aila, he is our destined mate, your one true love. It’s not up to you to question the choices of the Moon Goddess herself. I knew she was right. I closed my eyes and breathed in Mylo’s scent to distract myself from my current thoughts. After a few moments of touching and kissing, Mylo pulls away and sits next to me on the bed. Feeling confused, I sat up also, waiting for him to say something. “We need to take a breather!” Mylo said, his voice thick with lust. “Ok, I agree.” I responded in a whisper. “You don’t know me and I get the feeling that’s played on your mind at some point in the last few minutes. Which is fine, it’s natural to question getting hot and heavy with a stranger.” Mylo says, with a smile as I blush in embarrassment. “You need to know that, as a Lycan we will not stop until the mate bond is sealed. But I know you already know that. We will discuss that scent mask later, by the way. I can promise you that I will never hurt you, betray you, or try to control you. I have been controlled most of my life. I will not do the same to you.” Mylo’s voice is firm and kind. My head is down as I listen to his words, trying not to let the tingling in my belly consume me. He reaches his hand out to lift my chin, Sparks fly between us as our eyes meet, neither of us able to look away. Mylo speaks, his voice is soft and sultry, igniting the sparks in my belly, turning them to fire. “Do you trust me?” He asks and without hesitation I respond. “Completely!” Mylo smashes his lips into mine, our tongues caressing one another. We tear off each other’s clothes, starting with our shirts. We stand up to remove our pants and underwear. Seeing him naked was overwhelming. I couldn’t take my eyes off him. He had muscles in places I didn’t know someone could have muscles. Every inch of his body was ripped and muscular. I stare at his p***s wide-eyed. Suddenly, I was feeling shy and unsure of myself. Ember was salivating and eager for me to devour this beast of a man in front of us. I couldn’t believe this prince was our mate. It felt like a dream rather than a reality. I notice that Mylo is mesmerized by me as much as I am by him. He drinks in the sight of my body from head to toe and now his eyes are golden again. He steps forward and we are close enough to touch one another. He leans down and starts to kiss my breast, nibbling and sucking at my n*****s on each side. The fire in my belly starts to grow and I know that my eyes are golden now too, as I feel Ember on the verge of breaking through. As Mylo passionately caresses my breast, I take his shaft in my hand and begin to move up and down, massaging his p***s. A low growl escapes his lips as he gives in to the feelings I’m evoking in him. He lifts his head from my supple breasts and begins to lick and nibble at my neck in the spot where my mark would go. This sets me off and I buckle in his arms. He then lays me back onto the bed and positions himself between my legs. His face in my p***y, he breathes in my arousal and growls softly in response. I wrap my legs around him, keeping him there as he begins to lick my pink, wet folds. He sucks and licks my c******s and my entrance, teasing me. I lay back as the pleasure in my core slowly starts to build. His tongue begins to pump in and out of my entrance as he uses his thumb to massage my c******s. I beg him not to stop as my orgasm almost reaches breaking point. He then plunges two fingers inside of me to find my G spot. With his tongue flicking and sucking on my engorged clit and his fingers pumping and massaging my sweet spot, I become undone. I scream his name in ecstasy as my orgasm erupts inside of me. My juices well and truly flowing out of my well-serviced p***y. Without taking a breath, I grab Mylo’s face and start to kiss him, tasting myself on his tongue and lips. He moans into our kiss, which drives me forward. Now he is sitting on the bed with me in his lap, my legs wrapped around his waist. I had never been with anyone before, but I felt completely in control of what I was doing. I position his p***s at my entrance and begin to lower myself down onto him, slowly. Bracing myself for the temporary pain I know is about to come. I gasp at the pain as his shaft enters me, slowly lowering myself to what I can handle. I lower myself more and more each time until I am filled to the brim. Mylo lets me take control to get through the pain on my own terms. Soon the pain becomes pleasure and I begin to grind myself up and down on his giant, fat c**k. Mylo’s eyes roll as he moans in ecstasy at the way I am f*****g him. What started off slow and steady soon becomes hard and fast. I pump his d**k with my tight p***y filling him to my core. He suddenly bares his fangs and sinks them right into my neck, marking me. The feeling of his bulging head hitting my cervix and his teeth sink into my sweet spot on my neck is enough to send me over the edge again. Soon my moans turn into screams as I begin to c*m all over his thick, hard c**k. Waves of pleasure consume me as I lose control of my twitching body. Mylo takes over and grabs onto my hips. He thrusts his c**k into me over and over as my p***y tightens around his shaft in orgasm. Once I am on the other side of it, Mylo takes my face in his hand and looks deep into my eyes. No words were spoken between us, but I could hear everything he was trying to say. He kisses me soft and slow, bringing me back from the brink of ecstasy. My core starts to tingle again as he continues to reignite my arousal. He moves out from underneath me and bends me over, holding my hips in place as his beautiful thick c**k slowly enters me. My p***y starts to relax around him. I begin to push back on his c**k, and he stops thrusting, allowing me to f**k him in the position we are in. He's holding onto my hips as I thrust myself back and forth, feeling his c**k hit my G spot over and over. Low growls of pleasure start to erupt in my throat and then suddenly he’s ploughing into me, over and over as another orgasm threatens to explode at my core. His juicy c**k, fills me again and again, hitting the wall of my cervix. His own growls of pleasure can be heard as I feel his c**k hardens and tightens more from his own orgasm racing mine to the surface. We scream in unison as he fills my p***y with his c*m. My own juices covered his c**k in return. He slowly pulls out of me, and we lay side by side trying to catch our breath. He lifts me a little and pulls me into his chest so that I am snuggled into him. Slowly our eyes begin to droop as we drift off to sleep, exhausted from our love-making.
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