Chapter 7

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MYLO POV I lay in Aila’s bed as she cuddles with me asleep. I had just woken up from a nap and couldn’t believe the events that had taken place earlier that morning. I had found my mate and already marked her. This trip was getting stranger by the day and yet I felt happier than I had in years. I had so many questions for Aila, the main ones being why couldn’t I smell her when we first met, how did she know how to kill the Seraphim hunters and why did her eyes flash gold? I had a feeling that the eyes were a simple answer but what followed was going to be more confusing. How was it possible my brother and I both found our mates on the same night from the same werewolf pack? Our parents were going to be pissed, to say the least. That fact alone gave me some happiness. I sighed and the sound of Aila stirring brought my thoughts back to the present. She looked so beautiful even while she slept. I had no idea who she was and yet I felt I knew exactly who she was. She reminded me of someone from years ago, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. I desperately wanted a shower and something to eat but I couldn’t leave her side. The clock on her bedside table showed that it was now 11:00am. I contemplated going back to sleep as I knew that I would feel it later today. Just as I was about to drift off, there was a knock at the door. “Aila, are you awake yet? It’s me, Brenna. I sent you a text but haven’t heard from you yet, so I thought I would come and get you.” Knock, knock, knock again. Aila began to stir and slowly opened her eyes. It was amusing watching her awaken and catch her bearings. “OMG!” She said as she sat up and looked at me. I began to chuckle at her little outburst with her sleepy eyes and messy hair. “I’m coming Brenna, just a minute.” She shouted at the door. “I am so sorry Mylo, I forgot that Brenna and I had organised to do brunch this morning. I hate to kick you out after everything that’s happened last night. Can we reconvene tonight? I think there’s plenty for us to discuss.” She said as she scurried around to find some clothes for herself. I watch her in awe and smile. I get up to get dressed as I respond to her frantic words. “Absolutely my Queen. I have left my number in your phone. Text me the details for later and I will be there.” I had finished dressing myself and stepped towards Aila right in front of her bedroom door. Her eyes were wide at the name I had just given her. This made me smile and before I left, I leaned in and gave her a soft yet passionate goodbye kiss. The kind that leaves you wanting more, which is exactly what I wanted her to feel for the remainder of her day until I saw her again. “Goodbye Aila.” I said with a thick sultry voice. She mutters goodbye back to me, and I open the door to leave. Brenna’s mouth drops at the sight of me leaving her best friend’s room. She stares as I walk down the hallway to my own room. I chuckle as I feel her eyes on me and I imagine the kind of conversation Aila is about to have with her friend considering the state of her and her room. The room that had been assigned to me was elegant and classy. My luggage had already been brought up to the room and had been put away accordingly. I wasn’t sure how long we would be staying, and that was before I had found my mate. I was grateful my things had been put away and I didn’t have to worry about it myself. I picked out my clothes for the day and headed to the bathroom, making sure I didn’t forget to put my phone on charge. I was desperate for a shower and couldn’t wait to get it over with so I could eat something. Twenty minutes later, I was freshly showered and dressed. I was ready to now start my day, even if it was already midday. I grabbed my phone and noticed a message from my brother. He tried to call when my phone was flat. I listened to the voice mail he left, and I couldn’t help but laugh to myself. “Hey brother, I came by your room but noticed you haven’t been here yet. I’ll go out on a limb here and say you’re with Aila. You’ve got some explaining to do. Call me when you get this!” Dorian may have been a pain in the ass, but he knew me well and I was always grateful for that. I dialled his number and let it ring, hoping he was up for some food as well. It didn’t take long for him to pick up the phone. We organised to head into town to an Italian restaurant so we could eat and catch up on the last 24 hours. An hour later, I was sitting in Alcapone's restaurant with Dorian, finishing up the food I had so desperately needed. “So, once we got back to the pack house did you go and see Aila?” Dorian asked with a slight grin. “Yes, I did.” I replied nonchalantly. “And?” Dorian said. Hoping I would give him some details. Given the fact I was about to interrogate him the same way regarding his newfound mate, I figured I would be honest. “Our original plan was to go and see the sunrise, but it was late, and she was sad about the events that had occurred. Her parents died in the bombing so I thought it would be better to watch it from her balcony. We eventually fell asleep together and when we woke up, we discovered we were mates.” I finished off my last bite as Dorian sat in front of me dumbfounded by what I had said. “Wait a minute, you’re mates? How? Why didn’t this happen when you met like it’s supposed to?” Dorian was full of questions just as much as I was. “I am going to assume she had her scent masked for some reason, her eyes also flashed gold which makes me believe she is a Lycan. She looks like a Lycan, so I’d say that’s the likely reason. She may not have wanted us to know that she is one of us.” Dorian nodded his head in agreement with my theory. “So, what else happened? You discovered you were mates and then what? Did she make you wait?” Dorian was being nosy now and I got the sense he didn’t spend the night with his mate. “No, she did not make me wait. In fact, I have already marked her. Half of the mate bond is complete now.” I answered him with a slight grin on my face as his mouth dropped open at my answer. “Wow Mylo, I was not expecting that.” He said whilst shaking his head in surprise. “Neither was I.” I said as we both started to chuckle. “Now it’s your turn. What happened between you and Brenna once you got back to the packhouse?” I asked him. I was no longer smiling or laughing. Dorian took a deep breath and sighed before he answered me. “Nothing. I was shown to my room and decided we should talk, so I knocked on her door. She opened it and as soon as she saw it was me, she slammed it in my face.” Dorian seemed disappointed by the rejection, but I couldn’t help laughing. “Your reputation precedes you brother. She very likely knows exactly what you are like with the other she-wolves and isn’t interested. Don’t be shocked if she rejects you, which, if we’re honest, would make things easier with mum and dad.” Dorian had a far away look on his face as I spoke. It was clear he was deep in thought. “I’ve never been rejected before.” he said softly. I thought about what he said and understood where this was going. “If a rejection isn’t what you want, then I suggest being on your best behaviour in order to be worthy of her. She won’t accept you otherwise.” I told him. He gave me a nod and that was it. “Try talking to her again tonight. Either way, be consistent and don’t give up. Good luck Brother.” I said with sympathy in my voice. We tipped the staff on the way out of the restaurant. I decided to head back to the packhouse to update the Kingdom on what had happened and reschedule the last of our tour. I wasn’t looking forward to speaking with my parents nor was I happy about the tour being near its end. As always though, I would suck it up and do my duty before heading back to the palace, hopefully with my mate in toe. I contemplated whether I should tell them about her now or just bring her with me. If she was already there, then they would have no choice but to accept her. Everyone was going to have to accept my future Queen, whether they liked it or not.
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