Chapter 5

1406 Words
AILA POV We arrived back at the packhouse safely. I was desperate to get into some proper clothes. Luna Amara showed the royal brothers to their rooms. Both located on the same floor as the rest of the Alpha bloods and myself. Brenna and I shared a room right next door to each other with the Alpha and Luna suite down the end of the hall and Kendricks across from theirs. That left two empty rooms across from myself and Brenna. This was going to be interesting, especially with what was happening between Brenna and Dorian. As soon as I got to my room I hopped in the shower, grateful to be washing this horrible night away. Flashes of Alpha Casper in the explosion kept popping into my head. I pushed the images back, trying my best not to think about it. I quickly got dressed and found myself just sitting on the end of my bed. I knew that I had told the Prince we would meet for sunrise, but now that I was finally alone, I couldn’t help but feel guilty, that all of this happened because of me and who I really was. I hadn’t had the chance to properly talk to Brenna to see if she was ok or ask her how she felt. I picked up my phone and sent her a text. Asking her if she was ok and if she wanted some company. I didn’t want her to be alone after everything that had happened. It didn’t take long for her to text me back a response. “I’m ok Aila, I am going to stay with mum tonight. I’ll come by your room in the morning. Are you OK?” I quickly responded letting her know I was also ok and that we should have brunch the following day. A moment later as I sat buried in my thoughts and my guilt, I hear a soft knock on the door. A faint smell drifted that made me feel a little happy inside. My scent mask must be wearing off, I thought. I open the door to Prince Mylo. In my self-wallowing I had forgotten about our plan. “Hi Prince Mylo, please come in. I apologise for keeping you waiting.” I say in the hopes he won’t recognise the sadness in my eyes. “Thank you Aila, I am sorry to disturb you. Is this a good time?” he asks sincerely. “Yes of course, my plan was to take you to see the sunrise.” I smile at him hoping I have successfully hidden what I was really feeling. “That’s not necessary Aila. Maybe we could just sit out on your balcony for a little bit, enjoy each other’s company?” Mylo suggested as he hand gestured towards the balcony entrance. “That’s a great idea your majesty.” I respond earnestly. “Please call me Mylo.” He smiled that heavenly smile once again and it made me blush. Mylo headed out to my balcony while I made us something to drink. The sun was set to rise soon so it was still a little dark. He thanked me for the drink and then we sat in silence for a little while. “I felt sadness as I knocked on your door. I’m sorry for your loss Aila.” Mylo spoke softly, with so much care in his words. It took me completely by surprise, my breath caught, and I didn’t know what to say. “Thank you Mylo, your words mean more than I can say right now. I am still coming to terms with all that has happened tonight. I am grateful for you and your brother.” I spoke with a soft voice. “You saved his life; I don’t know how I will ever repay you.” Mylo said as he looked right into my eyes. I was mesmerised and couldn’t look away, his eyes as blue as the sky. “You don’t owe me anything, I was just doing what anyone else would have done. I did whatever I could to help him, I don’t how I did it but I’m glad it made a difference.” I say as I get lost in his eyes. Mylo doesn’t say anything, we continue staring at one another. After a little while he speaks, his voice low and sultry. “There is something different about you I can’t quite figure out yet. I don’t know about you but I am having the strangest feeling, like I already know you somehow. Do you feel that?” his words were affecting me in a way I wished they weren’t. I nodded slowly in return without saying anything. We stared into each other’s eyes a little more before I gently shook my head to snap myself out of it. “I’m sorry.” I said, with my head down feeling awkward that I was so mesmerised by him. He lifted his hand to my chin and gently lifted my face. “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen; I cannot take my eyes off you. I’d say the feeling is mutual, don’t be sorry.” His words were like honey and my heart was racing a million miles an hour. I knew that with his Lycan hearing he would know it also. I didn’t understand why he was having such an effect on me in every way. Maybe it’s just the fact he is a lycan prince? Slowly the sun began to rise, we cuddled together on the outdoor sofa in silence. Both enjoying the marvellous scene before us. It wasn’t long before we both fell asleep in each other’s arms. Being with Mylo made me feel calm and safe. I knew I was capable of taking care of myself easily but this was different, I felt safe in others ways, not just physically. Was this normal? I drifted off to sleep listening to the sound of his heartbeat. Four hours later I woke up to the most intoxicating smell I had ever experienced. At first I thought it was a dream but as I wake up fully I realise it’s Mylo. My wolf, Ember is going nuts, fighting for me to let her out. Then she starts screaming the last thing I ever expected to hear. “MATE!” she says, over and over in my head. I notice he is looking at me wide eyed and hungry, his nostrils flaring as my scent overwhelms his senses. It’s as if any self-control he may have is about to be pushed to it’s limits. He says one word with a deep growl in his throat. “MATE!” I can feel his skin touching mine from our previous sleep position on the couch. The heat of his skin, of his touch is like gravity, feeling impossible to deny, it’s pulling me closer. His hands are on me, and I can barely take it. The smooth honey of his touch turns electric, my skin hums with a charged power. It feels like our bodies are on fire, and I feel it burning hot and bright in my veins, pulsing with every beat of our hearts. I could hear Mylo’s heartbeat so clearly, as if it was my own, beating inside my own heart. His eyes turn bright gold and I recognised his wolf was fighting to come out just as bad as mine was. Before I could stop myself, a low growl comes from my mouth, the word mate can be heard clear as day. I quickly get up from the couch, trying to get away from the heated position we were currently in. He moves as swiftly as I do and before I can stop him, he pushes me up against the wall in a burst of passion. We are barely an inch from each other’s face, his breath hot on my skin, his scent is pure ecstasy. I can feel my body reacting in a way I can’t control. Moisture building between my legs, my breathing hot and heavy. Then he kisses me and it’s like the world stopped. His tongue wrapped itself around mine like they were made for each other, his lips passionately tasting my own. Never had I ever been kissed like this, like our lives depended on it. I couldn’t breath and I didn’t care.
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