Chapter 8

1115 Words
AILA POV I couldn’t hide the look of embarrassment on my face as Mylo left my room. Brenna was standing there with her eyebrows raised and an amused grin. “Well, well, well, Aila. Looks like you actually beat me to it. Tell me everything!” She said with excitement as she went to sit on the balcony. I made some coffee and proceeded to join her. The weather was calm and slightly walm, the kind that made me want to run through the forest and feel the cool breeze in my hair or fur. “Ok, so Mylo is my fated mate and he marked me last night. Oh, and I lost my virginity…. Obviously.” I spoke quickly and waited with bated breath for Brenna to react to my news. “I guess that’s the short version?” She said as more of a statement than a question. I gave her a nod and sipped my coffee, enjoying the warmth of it going down my throat. “What was it like?” Brenna asked innocently. I looked at her as I was halfway through another sip of my coffee. “Magical! He was so sweet and didn’t pressure me at all. It does hurt a little at first, but then the pain turns into pleasure and it’s like nothing else in this world. I imagine that being with your mate helps. I never thought I would do it so soon after finding my mate, but every fibre of my being was telling me this was the right time. I think that because we are Lycans, it’s also a little more intense.” I paused and sat silently with Brenna, waiting to see if she had any more questions for me. “Wow, that does sound magical. Did the bite hurt when he marked you?” I smiled at her question as I thought about the moment when it happened. A blush began to cross my face as the memory aroused me. Brenna giggled at me as she waited for my reply. “No pain at all. Just pure intense pleasure, like out of this world pleasure.” Brenna smiled at me as I explained what it felt like. “Your face is telling me everything.” She teased. “Shut up! Let’s finish our coffees and get some food because I am starving. If your done with the interrogation, that is?” I say teasingly. “Sounds like a plan sis, although you might want to shower first. The prince’s scent is all over you. That and you wreak of s*x!” Brenna says as she starts laughing at me. I shake my head and down my coffee before heading to my bathroom for a quick hot shower. It wasn’t long before we were in the pack house kitchen cooking some brunch. We made bacon, eggs, French toast, pancakes with avocado, ricotta cheese and maple syrup. It was a concoction, but I was starving and honestly could have eaten it all to myself. Brenna and I were silent while we ate. Once we were done, we cleaned up and went out to the back garden area to relax on the sun beds by the water fountain. “How are you feeling about Dorian being your mate?” I ask, my voice a little husky from all the food I had just eaten. “Confused. As an Alpha’s daughter, I grew up believing that I would one day be Luna of another pack. Instead, my mate is the second born son of the Lycan King. A playboy who likely doesn’t know what loyalty is. What makes it even harder is that my dad is no longer here. He would have been the first person I would go to for advice other than you. But he’s gone and I know I have my mum, but her and I aren’t exactly besties. Not like my dad and I were.” Brenna’s voice breaks as she speaks. Tears rolling down her face. I get up from my chair and join her on hers. We cuddled together as I wipe her tears. We sit in silence for a while. Just listening to nature around us. “I think you should give him a chance. Dorian might surprise you. Maybe a werewolf mate who challenges him is exactly what he needs to straighten him out and get his s**t together. It probably won’t be easy but very likely worth it. The Moon Goddess put you together for a reason.” I continued to hug Brenna as I gave her my advice. “You’re probably right, I know you’re right. I will give him a chance, just not today. Today is about us and the loved ones we’ve lost. How are you doing? I’m really sorry about your parents, Aila. Do you need me to go with you to the house?” Brenna wasn’t facing me, but I could feel how sincere she felt. Tears had started to fall down my cheeks, so I stayed silent for a moment before I answered. “I miss them like crazy. I know they weren’t my birth parents, but they were all I knew. The only family I had. Second to you, of course. I plan on going over to the house tomorrow morning and I would appreciate you joining me.” We lay cuddled together in silence for a few moments. “They loved you Aila, never forget that.” Brenna said softly. “Thank you, Brenna.” I whisper to her as we drift off to sleep for an afternoon nap. ~ A couple of hours pass by as we nap together on the sun bed. The afternoon was warm when we woke up so we decided to go for a swim. We strip off our clothes down to our underwear and hop in. It was quiet around the packhouse today as it was custom for us to have a day of mourning the day after a death occurs. Tomorrow would be when Luna Amara would make an announcement. I was enjoying my time alone with my best friend, knowing that both of our lives were about to change more than we ever could have imagined. It was nice to make mundane chit-chat together and feel a little normal, even if it was only temporary. Pretending that this was just another day was exactly what we both needed. After we finished our swim, we both said our goodbyes and headed to our rooms with the promise to meet up in the morning. I wasn’t looking forward to tomorrow at all and was looking forward to seeing Mylo as a nice distraction.
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